Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 143-162 of 1658
Bilateral processing of thermoreception in the olfactory system of larval Xenopus laevis
(2011-01-12)This study of the ventral olfactory bulb of larval Xenopus laevis shows for the first time the existence of a thermosensitive olfactory glomerulus. This thermosensitive olfactory glomerulus ... -
Bilaterale Koordination kommissuraler Interneurone im Mesothorakalganglion von Locusta migratoria migratorioides
(2009-03-26)Bilateral left-right-coordination of insect pairs of legs must involve commissural interneurons (CINs) which cross the midline of the segmental ganglion. This study describes two types ... -
Binding von Objekt- und Lokalisationsinformationen im Arbeitsgedächtnis
(2006-12-13)Simultaneous memorizing of objects and their locations requires both correct storing of these two single dimensions of information and their associations. Thus, this specific memory performance ... -
Biochemical Analysis of Slam – a polarity protein during early Drosophila embryogenesis
(2021-09-23)Slow as molasses (slam) is a gene essential for embryonic development of Drosophila. Slam is necessary for the formation and ingression of the plasma membrane and its polarisation, i.e. the formation of the basal cortical ... -
Biochemical and cell biological analysis of the mechanism of RNA interference in human cells
(2006-04-10)RNA interference (RNAi) in human cells is efficiently triggered by short interfering RNA (siRNA) duplexes of 19-24 base-pairs (bp), which mimic the double-stranded processing intermediates ... -
Biochemical and structural characterization of spliceosomes purified at defined stages of assembly from the yeast S. cerevisiae
(2013-09-06)Splicing of pre messenger RNA (pre mRNA) is catalyzed by the spliceosome, a multimegadalton ribonucleoprotein (RNP) comprising several small nuclear (sn) RNPs and numerous proteins. The spliceosome assembles on its pre ... -
Biochemical Characterization of <i>Toxoplasma gondii</i> Type II NADH Dehydrogenases - Physiological Impact on Mitochondrial Functions and Energy Metabolism
(2010-03-09)The single subunit mitochondrial type II NADH dehydrogenases (NDH2s) in apicomplexan parasites have been considered as potential drug targets due to the absence in mammalian cells. Toxoplasma ... -
Biochemical characterization of human shieldin complex
(2022-08-01)Shieldin is a newly identified DNA repair effector involved in repair of double strand breaks (DSBs) in G1 phase of cell cycle. Shieldin is a four-component complex consisting of proteins SHLD1, SHLD2, SHLD3 and HORMA REV7. ... -
Biochemical studies of the synaptic protein otoferlin
(2015-08-27)The C2 domain containing protein otoferlin is required for a late step in exocytosis from auditory inner hair cells and was hypothesized to act as a synaptic Ca2+ sensor. More roles for otoferlin in hair cell synaptic ... -
Biochemische Charakterisierung von PpoA aus Aspergillus nidulans
(2010-02-17)In the present work Psi-factor- producing oxygenases from Aspergillus nidulans, so called Ppo-enzymes have been studied and characterized. These enzymes are known to possess regulatory ... -
Biochemische und zellbiologische Untersuchungen zur Rolle der Cajal Bodies bei der Zusammenlagerung spleißosomaler UsnRNP Partikel
(2005-06-27)Eukaryotic pre-mRNA splicing is catalysed by a large macromolecular complex called the spliceosome. One central unit of the spliceosome is the [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNP particle that consists ... -
Biochemische, molekularbiologische und genetische Untersuchungen über strukturelle Voraussetzungen für DNA U-Endonukleaseaktivität in der ExoIII-Familie von DNA Reparaturenzymen
(2010-03-05)One of the most serious problems in any organism is the spontaneous hydrolytic DNA damage. The problem of U-DNA repair is being intensively studied in thermophilic and hyperthermophilic ... -
Biochemistry and physiological role of otoferlin
(2011-11-24)In humans deafness is caused by environmental but also by genetic factors. Mutations in the gene encoding otoferlin are one genetic cause of deafness, leading to DFNB9 an autosomal recessive ... -
Biodiversitätsbildung im Kindergarten
(2009-12-10)The threat of biodiversity loss has gained more and more attention in public. In order to face this global problem, it is important to know how individuals can be sensitized to protect ... -
Biodiversity Governance: Non-State and Sub-National Initiatives in Latin America
(2022-06-21)Non-state and sub-national actors have been increasingly taking action to address biodiversity loss, however, only relatively recently their initiatives started being integrated into international biodiversity governance. ... -
Biodiversity of terrestrial algal communities from soil and air-exposed substrates using a molecular approach
(2016-03-08)Terrestrial green microalgae are important primary producers in various habitats like soils, stone (epilithic and endolithic), tree bark and artificial hard substrates. In this thesis, the molecular diversity of green algae ... -
Biodiversity of true lemurs (Eulemur spp.): - Species delimitation and phylogeography in the brown lemur complex
(2013-09-26)Species are the fundamental units of comparison in all subfields of biology. Moreover, species are the currency of biological classification and used to define areas of conservation priority. Hence, central questions of ... -
Biogenesis of respiratory chain: Rcf1 and Rcf2 as a novel assembly factors
(2012-07-04)The mitochondrial respiratory chain consists of four membrane-embedded electron transport complexes (complexes I – IV) and the ATP synthesizing F1F0ATPase. Within the inner mitochondrial membrane these complexes assemble ...