Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1577-1596 of 1661
Untersuchungen zur Rolle von Mph1 aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae und seines menschlichen Orthologen FANCM bei der Erhaltung der genomischen Integrität
(2022-07-22)Living is life-threatening. Cells can only endure the diverse exogenous and endogenous attacks on their genome because they are equipped with a network of coordinated security measures: the DNA damage response. Repair ... -
Untying Gordian knots: The evolution and biogeography of the large European apomictic polyploid Ranunculus auricomus plant complex
(2021-10-19)Polyploidy, the presence of two or more full genomic complements, repeatedly occurs across the tree of life. In plants, not only the economic but particularly the evolutionary importance is overwhelming. Polyploidization ... -
(2010-08-18)The acute phase response is the systemic reaction of an organism to insults like infection, trauma, or burning and it represents the first line of defense of the body to tissue-damaging ... -
Ursachen des Invasionserfolges von Rhododendron ponticum L. auf den Britischen Inseln: Einfluss von Habitat und Genotyp
(2004-12-27)In recent years, biological invasions have become a focus of ecological research. The success of invading plant species can be driven, both, by specific traits of the invader (invasiveness) ... -
Use of peptide microarrays for mapping viral b cell epitopes
(2011-03-17)Mapping targets of antibodies - in particular neutralizing ones - is of great value for monitoring vaccination efficacy as well as for development of novel vaccines and reagents for ... -
Using body mass, metabolism and stoichiometry to assess ecological impacts in a changing environment
(2016-03-01)Earth’s ecosystems are composed of living organisms and their biotic and abiotic environment. In order to understand the structure and functioning of these ecosystems, ecologists study the interactions of organisms with ... -
Über die funktionelle Analyse des murinen peroxisomalen Testis-spezifischen Gen 1 (Pxt1)
(2010-11-26)Mammalian spermatogenesis is a complex biological process by which diploid spermatogonia differentiate into specialized haploid spermatozoa. Regulation of male gametogenesis involves a ... -
Über die Wirkung modalitätsspezifischer Hinweisreize im ikonischen Gedächtnis
(2002-01-30)This study demonstrates a modality effect in relation to a cue used in experiments on iconic memory (visual sensory memory). Using a "partial report" paradigm, poorer reproduction was found ... -
Überleben und Differenzierung TAT-Bcl-xL-transduzierter transplantierter neuraler Vorläuferzellen nach zerebraler Ischämie der Maus
(2010-01-06)Increased endogenous neurogenesis can be observed after cerebral ischemia in mice, but fails to significantly contribute to neural regeneration or integration. Therefore, the local application ... -
Die Übernutzung nicht valider Ratschläge: Warum schlechte Ratschläge über Gebühr berücksichtigt werden
(2011-01-06)Advice utilization during judgment and decision-making is an integral part of everyday life. The most stable finding in the literature on advice taking is that judges tend to place too much ... -
Übertragung von BSE auf nicht humane Primaten als Modell für die variante Creutzfeldt-Jakob Erkrankung (vCJD) im Menschen
(2007-06-05)The EU-study QLK1-CT-2002-01096 was designed to assess the risk of vCJD (variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) infection in humans via BSE-contaminated food in an animal model. Groups of six ... -
Überzeugungen und Einstellungen zu Rückenschmerzen bei Deutschen und Taiwanern
(2009-07-01)Summary The psychosocial factors are important predictors for the chronification of a pain. Compared to the objective physical factors, chronic pains correlate stronger with disability, ... -
Variabilität molekularer axialer Differenzierung am Beginn der Gastrulation beim Kaninchen
(2008-12-10)The development of the body plan within the mammalian embryo is principally affected by the formation of the main body axes; which are anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral and left-right axes. ... -
Variability of biofilm formation in Candida glabrata and Candida parapsilosis and its consequences on the infection process
(2019-08-30)The prevalence of Candida species has increased in the last two decades, becoming the third to fourth most common cause of infections in hospitals. In general, Candida spp. are opportunistic pathogens found as commensals ... -
Variability of physiological traits and growth performance in aspen assemblages differing in genetic relatedness
(2011-03-25)Due to the increasing demand for wood and renewable energy sources, short-rotation forestry with its reliance on highly productive Populus species is in the focus of current ecological ... -
Variability of wood and leaf functional traits in response to structural and environmental changes in natural and transformed systems in Indonesia
(2020-11-20)Warming climate associated with increasing drought spells are threatening plants from both natural and transformed systems of Indonesia. On one side, Indonesian natural forests are home of an incredible plant diversity but ... -
Variation in susceptibility to parasite infection: patterns, determinants and consequences in red-fronted lemurs
(2009-10-05)Parasites and infectious diseases represent an ecological force shaping animal social evolution. Particular attention has been paid to parasite infection as a driver of mate choice in models ... -
Vascular plant and cryptogam diversity in Fagus sylvatica primeval forests and comparison to production stands in the western Carpathian Mountains, Slovakia
(2019-06-07)Summary Conflicting evidence exists with respect to the putative effect of forest management on plant species diversity. Various published studies have concluded that primeval forests are not that species-rich and that ... -
Vascular plant species richness at the landscape scale: Patterns and processes
(2015-02-27)The heterogeneous geographic distribution of species richness has fascinated and challenged biologists over centuries. As a result, a large number of possible hypotheses that aim at explaining these patterns have been ... -
Vegetation and fire history in Araucaria forest and Grasslands, Southern Brazil
(2021-06-18)Southern Brazil offers a great opportunity to analyse woodland and grassland mosaics, their pollen-vegetation relationships and its long-term vegetation and fire history. This research was carried out in two stages; first ...