Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1587-1606 of 1661
Übertragung von BSE auf nicht humane Primaten als Modell für die variante Creutzfeldt-Jakob Erkrankung (vCJD) im Menschen
(2007-06-05)The EU-study QLK1-CT-2002-01096 was designed to assess the risk of vCJD (variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) infection in humans via BSE-contaminated food in an animal model. Groups of six ... -
Überzeugungen und Einstellungen zu Rückenschmerzen bei Deutschen und Taiwanern
(2009-07-01)Summary The psychosocial factors are important predictors for the chronification of a pain. Compared to the objective physical factors, chronic pains correlate stronger with disability, ... -
Variabilität molekularer axialer Differenzierung am Beginn der Gastrulation beim Kaninchen
(2008-12-10)The development of the body plan within the mammalian embryo is principally affected by the formation of the main body axes; which are anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral and left-right axes. ... -
Variability of biofilm formation in Candida glabrata and Candida parapsilosis and its consequences on the infection process
(2019-08-30)The prevalence of Candida species has increased in the last two decades, becoming the third to fourth most common cause of infections in hospitals. In general, Candida spp. are opportunistic pathogens found as commensals ... -
Variability of physiological traits and growth performance in aspen assemblages differing in genetic relatedness
(2011-03-25)Due to the increasing demand for wood and renewable energy sources, short-rotation forestry with its reliance on highly productive Populus species is in the focus of current ecological ... -
Variability of wood and leaf functional traits in response to structural and environmental changes in natural and transformed systems in Indonesia
(2020-11-20)Warming climate associated with increasing drought spells are threatening plants from both natural and transformed systems of Indonesia. On one side, Indonesian natural forests are home of an incredible plant diversity but ... -
Variation in susceptibility to parasite infection: patterns, determinants and consequences in red-fronted lemurs
(2009-10-05)Parasites and infectious diseases represent an ecological force shaping animal social evolution. Particular attention has been paid to parasite infection as a driver of mate choice in models ... -
Vascular plant and cryptogam diversity in Fagus sylvatica primeval forests and comparison to production stands in the western Carpathian Mountains, Slovakia
(2019-06-07)Summary Conflicting evidence exists with respect to the putative effect of forest management on plant species diversity. Various published studies have concluded that primeval forests are not that species-rich and that ... -
Vascular plant species richness at the landscape scale: Patterns and processes
(2015-02-27)The heterogeneous geographic distribution of species richness has fascinated and challenged biologists over centuries. As a result, a large number of possible hypotheses that aim at explaining these patterns have been ... -
Vegetation and fire history in Araucaria forest and Grasslands, Southern Brazil
(2021-06-18)Southern Brazil offers a great opportunity to analyse woodland and grassland mosaics, their pollen-vegetation relationships and its long-term vegetation and fire history. This research was carried out in two stages; first ... -
Vegetation and functional diversity of sand dune habitats between and within different bioclimatic regions
(2017-08-08)Use of plant functional types has a long tradition in ecology from the time that von Humboldt offered the first physiognomic classification of plants based on growth form. In recent years, the application of functional ... -
Vegetation, climate and environmental dynamics of the Black Sea/Northern Anatolian region during the last 134 ka obtained from palynological analysis
(2013-08-08)As a part of the multidisciplinary project “Dynamics of Mid-latitude/Mediterranean climate in Northern Anatolia/Black Sea region during the last 150 kyr”, this research presents new pollen and organic-walled dinoflagellate ... -
Vegetationsgeschichtliche und archäobotanische Untersuchungen zur Landwirtschaft und Umwelt im Bereich der prähistorischen Siedlungen bei Rullstorf, Ldkr. Lüneburg
(2004-03-03)Pollen analytical and archaeobotanical investigations towards the reconstruction of landscape development and settlement history in Northeast Lower Saxony were combined and complete ... -
Vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen in der westlichen Prignitz, dem östlichen Hannoverschen Wendland und der nördlichen Altmark
(2008-10-21)Cores from the Arendsee, the Rambower Moor and a small bog at the Laascher Heuweg have been palynologically investigated. This enabled the reconstruction of vegetation history and ... -
Ventilatorische Rhythmogenese im isolierten Insektennervensystem
(2001-06-20)Ventilation and underlying neural rhythmogenesis were investigated on the behavioural, neuroanatomical and neurophysiological level in different locust species (Locusta migratoria, Schistocerca ... -
Veranschaulichung subzellulärer physikalischer Kräfte biochemischen und mechanischen Ursprungs mittels FRET
(2005-12-09)The cellular cytoskeleton is composed of microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules and a host of accessory proteins that control its dynamics during different, cell-type and ... -
Verbesserung kognitiver Leistungen bei chronischer Schizophrenie durch rekombinantes humanes Erythropoietin (rhEPO)
(2008-07-15)Schizophrenia is increasingly recognized as a neurodevelopmental disease with an additional degenerative component, comprising cognitive decline and loss of cortical gray matter. ... -
Vergleich der Genexpression im entzündlichen Kolonepithel und im kolorektalen Karzinom im Hinblick auf das erhöhte Tumorrisiko bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen
(2008-02-04)In this thesis, the alterations are investigated that are responsible for an increased tumour risk in colonic epithelium of humans with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). To detect early ... -
Vergleich der Radikalreaktionen von Melatonin und strukturverwandten Indolaminen in unterschiedlichen Oxidationssystemen.
(2007-01-29)A comparison analysis in structure related Indolamine of Melatonin showed that small changes of Substituenten already draw considerable losses after themselves in oxidation chemistry. ... -
Vergleichende biochemische und strukturelle Untersuchung thermophiler α-Amylasen
(2006-02-14)A number of microorganisms exist in extreme environments. For example hot habitats are colonized by thermophilic archea and bacteria. Due to their physicochemical characteristics enzymes ...