Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1597-1616 of 1658
Vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen in der westlichen Prignitz, dem östlichen Hannoverschen Wendland und der nördlichen Altmark
(2008-10-21)Cores from the Arendsee, the Rambower Moor and a small bog at the Laascher Heuweg have been palynologically investigated. This enabled the reconstruction of vegetation history and ... -
Ventilatorische Rhythmogenese im isolierten Insektennervensystem
(2001-06-20)Ventilation and underlying neural rhythmogenesis were investigated on the behavioural, neuroanatomical and neurophysiological level in different locust species (Locusta migratoria, Schistocerca ... -
Veranschaulichung subzellulärer physikalischer Kräfte biochemischen und mechanischen Ursprungs mittels FRET
(2005-12-09)The cellular cytoskeleton is composed of microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules and a host of accessory proteins that control its dynamics during different, cell-type and ... -
Verbesserung kognitiver Leistungen bei chronischer Schizophrenie durch rekombinantes humanes Erythropoietin (rhEPO)
(2008-07-15)Schizophrenia is increasingly recognized as a neurodevelopmental disease with an additional degenerative component, comprising cognitive decline and loss of cortical gray matter. ... -
Vergleich der Genexpression im entzündlichen Kolonepithel und im kolorektalen Karzinom im Hinblick auf das erhöhte Tumorrisiko bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen
(2008-02-04)In this thesis, the alterations are investigated that are responsible for an increased tumour risk in colonic epithelium of humans with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). To detect early ... -
Vergleich der Radikalreaktionen von Melatonin und strukturverwandten Indolaminen in unterschiedlichen Oxidationssystemen.
(2007-01-29)A comparison analysis in structure related Indolamine of Melatonin showed that small changes of Substituenten already draw considerable losses after themselves in oxidation chemistry. ... -
Vergleichende biochemische und strukturelle Untersuchung thermophiler α-Amylasen
(2006-02-14)A number of microorganisms exist in extreme environments. For example hot habitats are colonized by thermophilic archea and bacteria. Due to their physicochemical characteristics enzymes ... -
Vergleichende Evaluationsstudie zur Wirksamkeit des Tinnitus-Bewältigungs-Trainings und der Tinnitus-Retraining-Therapie
(2003-07-25)Using a randomized control group design the long term efficacy of Tinnitus-Retraining-Therapy (TRT) as conceived by Jastreboff (1996a) was compared to the Tinnitus-Coping-Training (TCT, ... -
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zum teratogenen Potential von Detergentien und Retinol für die Entstehung von Wirbelsäulendefekten während der Embryogenese und Larvalentwicklung von Brachydanio rerio (Ham.Buch.) und Xenopus laevis (Daudin)
(2007-03-12)Valuation of the toxicity of detergents and other substances on aquatic systems requires a set of tests on differen aquatic organisms. Because of their lower sensitivity, tests on adult fish have gradually been ... -
Verhalten und Raumnutzung von Exmoorponys im Reiherbachtal (Solling)
(2015-07-16)From autumn 2011 to autumn 2013 the behaviour and the habitat use of Exmoor ponies under semi-natural conditions were studied in the area of Solling-Vogler. Ten focus animals lived in a 140 ha wide area and were observed ... -
Versuche zur Strukturaufklärung bakterieller Thiouridin Synthetasen
(2006-06-02)The tRNA of most organisms is postranscriptionally modified. The sulfurtransferases ThiI and MnmA modify tRNAs by the incorporation of sulfur. In archaea and bacteria two different roles ... -
Verticillium dahliae transcription factors Som1 and Vta3 control microsclerotia formation and sequential steps of plant root penetration and colonisation to induce disease
(2018-10-12)Verticillium dahliae belongs to the soil-borne ascomycete fungi. It causes wilt diseases and early senescence in more than 200 plant species including economically important crops. It can exist in the soil without a host ... -
Verticillium longisporum induced gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana
(2008-09-05)Verticillium longisporum is a soil-borne fungal pathogen causing vascular disease predominantly in oilseed rape. The pathogen enters its host through the roots and maintains a parasitic ... -
Verzerrter Recall als potentielles Hindernis für Synergie bei Gruppenentscheidungen
(2017-02-15)In hidden profile decision-making tasks, groups often fall short of their potential to make a better decision than each individual group member. Several reasons for this phenomenon have already been established, such as ... -
Vimentin protects differentiating stem cells from stress
(2020-12-10)Vimentin is the first cytoplasmic intermediate filament to be expressed in mammalian cells during early differentiation, but its role in cellular fitness has long been a mystery. Vimentin is acknowledged to play a role in ... -
Visual Misperceptions and Behavioral Variability in Parkinson’s Disease
(2020-01-31)The objective of this thesis are visual misperceptions and behavioral variability, their neural correlates and their potential for differential diagnosis of non-motor symptoms profiles in Parkinson’s disease (PD). This ... -
Visual, Olfactory, and Vocal Cues to Fecundity in Human Females
(2013-12-13)Evolutionary psychologists argue that human males have evolved preferences for certain female characteristics that signal youth and health and consider them attractive. While menstrual cycle studies demonstrated changes ... -
Visualization of the Ca2+-dependent regulation of voltage-gated Ether-à-go-go channels by FRET microscopy
(2006-08-22)Several studies have suggested a role for EAG channels in the regulation of neuronal excitability, possibly by contributing to the maintenance of the resting membrane potential. EAG channels ... -
Visuell-räumliche Navigationsleistungen und parietales Cortexvolumen bei schizophrenen Patienten im Paradigma der "Virtuellen Realität"
(2007-02-19)Hitherto only few studies focused on parietal dysfunctions in schizophrenia. Therefore the current study aimed to investigate deficits in classica "parietal n functions b using a virtual navigation ... -
Vitality of heather (Calluna vulgaris) along gradients of climate, structure and diversity in dry lowland heathland habitats of Northern Germany
(2022-06-29)This thesis provides a fundamental overview to North German Dry lowland heathland vegetation composition, vegetation structures and the determinants for the vitality of the key species, Calluna vulgaris. It offers new ...