Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1627-1646 of 1663
Die vollständige Entschlüsselung der Genomsequenz des Tetanus-Erregers <i>Clostridium tetani</i> und die Analyse seines genetischen Potentials
(2003-08-22)The Gram-positive bacterium Clostridium tetani is an endospore-forming organism predominantly found in anaerobic zones of soil. In deep wound infections C. tetani can produce a potent ... -
Vom Aussterben bedroht oder anpassungsfähig? - Der Koboldmaki <i>Tarsius dianae</i> in den Regenwäldern Sulawesis
(2003-05-22)The major goal of this study was to evaluate the adaptability of Sulawesi tarsiers Tarsius dianae to anthropogenic disturbance of their habitat and to assess future prospects of the species. ... -
Vorläuferzellen des lymphatischen Endothels
(2008-12-05)The origin of the lymphatic vascular system has remained a controversial subject for more than a hundred years. The first visible anlagen of the lymphatic vessels of birds, mammals, and ... -
Wasseraufnahme und artspezifische hydraulische Eigenschaften der Feinwurzeln von Buche, Eiche und Fichte: In situ-Messungen an Altbäumen
(2002-09-17)1. In this study, the application of miniature sap flow gauges to 3-4 mm roots and subsequent determination of absorbing root area allowed measurement of surface-specific water uptake rates ... -
Wasserhaushalt und Wassernutzungseffizienz von vier perennierenden Pflanzenarten im Vorland einer zentralasiatischen Flussoase
(2003-11-18)At the southern fringe of the Taklamakan desert, the annual precipitation is only 33 mm, and the potential evaporation 2600 mm. The oases are supplied with water through rivers, which run from the Kunlun Mountains and carry ... -
Water turnover in species-rich and species-poor deciduous forests: xylem sap flow and canopy transpiration
(2010-01-05)The importance of plant diversity for ecosystem functioning has been one of the central research topics in ecology during the past 15 years. While much research has focused on the role of ... -
Wechselwirkung zwischen Schwarzerlen und Erlenblattkäfer: Signaltransfer zwischen Bäumen und induzierte Resistenz
(2002-01-23)The presented work investigates the hypothesis of interplant communication between trees. According to this hypothesis, damaged plants release airborne chemical signals which can induce ... -
Weekly headache in children and adolescents: Biopsychosocial correlates and their specificity
(2007-04-27)Pediatric weekly headache is an impairing chronic illness that is increasing in prevalence. Knowledge of associated biopsychosocial variables and their specificity is necessary for the ... -
When Students Fail: Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying Test Anxiety
(2018-05-28)Test anxiety can hinder students from achieving their full potential in evaluative situations, such as tests or examinations. Converging evidence suggests that performance-related worries impair the working memory of these ... -
Wirkung schwerer Ionen auf strahlenresistente und strahlensensitive Tumorzellen
(2003-03-12)The reasons for the highly variable sensitivity of different cell types and tissues against ionising radiation are still unknown. The increased radiosensitivity was observed at the level ... -
Wissen von Lehramtsstudierenden für die Gestaltung nachhaltiger Landnutzung – Fokus: Biodiversität und Klimawandel
(2021-06-11)For sustainable development education plays a crucial role. To promote deeper integration of education for sustainable development (ESD) in school education, teacher training is of central relevance. For restructuring ... -
Within- and between-group feeding competition in Siberut macaques (Macaca siberu) and Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis)
(2014-02-26)Feeding competition remains of research interest as it affects growth, survival and reproductive success of individuals. It also limits group size and shapes the social structure of animal groups. Feeding competition is ... -
Yeast Chorismate Mutase: Molecular Evolution of an Allosteric Enzyme
(2003-01-30)Chorismate mutase (CM, EC, encoded by ARO7, catalyzes the Claisen rearrangement of chorismate to prephenate in the biosynthesis of the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine. The ... -
Yeast cleavage factor Hrp1 is a novel guard protein that surveils pre-mRNA 3’ processing
(2022-05-10)Hrp1 is a component of the cleavage and polyadenylation complex (CPF-CF) for pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation in S. cerevisiae. It specifically binds to a relatively conserved UA-rich domain called the efficiency-element ... -
Zeitwahrnehmung in isochronen Sequenzen
(2009-09-03)The predictions of three different psychological models for time perception were compared with the results of seven experiments. In each experiment the participants listened to a sequence ... -
Zellbiologie der Knochenresorption
(2002-12-04)Recently, several lines of evidence suggested that activated fibroblasts might contribute to bone resorption in rheumatoid arthritis and also in aseptic prosthesis loosing. Till now, only ... -
Zellbiologische Untersuchung α-Mannosidase-defizienter und Enzym-behandelter Mäuse
(2009-11-04)The deficiency of the lysosomal α-mannosidase leads to the lysosomal storage disease α-mannosidosis. A feasible option for the treatment of this disease is the substitution of the missing ... -
Zellspezifische Funktionen des Typ 1 Interferonrezeptors bei der experimentellen autoimmunen Enzephalomyelitis
(2007-11-22)Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered to be an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), the etiology of which remains unclear. It is generally held that ... -
Zelltyp-spezifische Interaktionen von Toxoplasma gondii und murinen Skelettmuskelzellen in vitro
(2014-06-26)Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most common intracellular protozoan parasites worldwide and an important human pathogen. Its life cycle includes three stages: sporozoites, tachyzoites and bradyzoites. While sporozoites are ...