Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 180-199 of 1661
Der bZIP-Transkriptionsfaktor BZI-1 aus Nicotiana tabacum: Analyse der in vivo Funktion durch Modulation der BZI-1- Aktivierungseigenschaften in transgenen Pflanzen
(2002-06-12)The tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) bZIP protein BZI-1 exhibits all typical characteristics of a transcription factor. BZI-1 binds to G-box and C-box cis-elements in vivo, and the N-terminus ... -
C-terminal tyrosine residue modifications modulate α-synuclein toxicity in yeast as unicellular model for Parkinson´s disease
(2016-12-07)The presence of protein inclusions called Lewy bodies (LBs) that are mainly composed of misfolded and accumulated α-synuclein (αSyn) represents a hallmark of Parkinson´s disease (PD). Oligomeric αSyn species are thought ... -
Calcium and cAMP homeostasis determine network organisation of respiratory pre-Bötzinger neurons in Mecp2 null mice in vitro.
(2013-07-03)Rett Syndrome (RS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused primarily by mutations in a Mecp2 gene on the X chromosome that encodes methyl-cytosine binding protein (MeCP2). MeCP2 acts as a transcriptional repressor and an ... -
Calreticulin in kidney function and disease: chronic low level of calreticulin impairs Ca2+ homeostasis leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and chronic renal injury
(2012-11-28)Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is becoming a major public health problem worldwide. The persistent progression of CKD is postulated to result from a self-perpetuating vicious cycle of events activated after initial injury. ... -
CaMKII-dependent regulation of ion channels and its role in cardiac arrhythmias
(2008-07-24)Intracellular calcium (Ca2+) is a central second messenger, which translates the electrical signal into cardiac contraction. This process is termed excitation-contraction coupling (E-C ... -
Candidate mechanosensitive transduction channels in Drosophila melanogaster
(2011-06-15)Gravity sensing and hearing in Drosophila melanogaster rely on Johnston's Organ (JO), a chordotonal stretch-receptor organ consisting of ca. 500 mechanosensory neurons residing in the 2nd ... -
Carbon Catabolism in <i>Bacillus subtilis</i>: Global and Molecular Views on the Control of Gene Expression
(2007-11-12)The soil bacterium B. subtilis is exposed to frequently changing environmental conditions. Moreover, in its natural habitat, B. subtilis is surrounded by numerous microorganisms ... -
Carbon partitioning in nitrogen-fixing root nodules
(2003-02-28)Nitrogen-fixing root nodules represent strong carbon sinks. Sugar partitioning was studied in three different symbiotic systems, namely a legume, Medicago truncatula, and two actinorhizal ... -
Carbon pools and sequestration in vegetation, litter dynamics and hydraulic anatomic properties in rainforest transformation systems in Indonesia
(2015-11-23)Globally rising demand for cash crops such as oil palm, rubber, and cacao is driving the extensive conversion of natural rainforests in Southeast Asia with increasing speed. The consequences for humans and nature are immense ... -
Carbon release from woody parts of trees along an elevation gradient in a tropical montane moist forest of Southern Ecuador
(2008-08-11)Tropical montane forests (TMF), which account for 21.2% of tropical forests worldwide, are among the least studied ecosystems with respect to their C balance. The present study aimed to ... -
Cardiac functions of the cellular oxygen sensors prolyl-4-hydroxylase domain enzymes 2 and 3
(2012-07-24)Cardiovascular diseases are the major cause of death in the western world and produce furthermore the highest medical costs among all diseases. About 41% of all deaths in Germany in the year 2010 can be attributed to ... -
Cardiac T-Tubule Membranes - Nanostructure and Remodeling Mechanisms in Disease
(2013-09-03)Transverse tubules (T-tubules, TTs) are continuous invaginations of the plasma membrane which form a complex network of excitable membranes inside mammalian ventricular cardiomyocytes. The TT network couples electrical ... -
Caregiver-child dynamics in early language development: The influence of children’s interests and parental input on children’s word learning
(2024-10-30)Active child views of children’s development postulate that children are active participants in their own learning and development, choosing what information and from whom to learn. More recently, research has demonstrated ... -
Causes and consequences of female competition in redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons)
(2024-04-19)Competition among female mammals appears to be much more widespread than previously thought, and it can take on extreme forms, including eviction and even death. Nevertheless, female competition has only recently been ... -
Cell type specific transcriptomic characterization of myelin abnormalities
(2022-08-22)Myelin is indispensable for the fast and efficient transmission of electric signals along axons. The formation of myelin by oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS) is tightly regulated at the transcriptional ... -
Cell-penetrating peptide-enhanced delivery of heat shock proteins in models of neurodegeneration
(2008-04-30)The hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD) is the loss of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra (SN), the depletion of striatal dopamine levels, and the presence of intraneuronal proteinaceous cytoplasmatic ... -
Cell-specific phytohormone responses mapped by the COLORFUL-biosensors during plant-microbe interactions
(2020-08-11)Plants are concurrently challenged by various invaders that can severely affect their development and productivity. Salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (ET)-dependent defense pathways are generally regarded ... -
Cellular and Biochemical Analysis of an Outer Dense Fiber Protein 2 (Odf2) Variant and the Endogenous Odf2 / Cenexin in Functional Approaches
(2009-02-11)The genome of a somatic cell is duplicated once every cell - cycle. The centrosome as well as the cytoskeleton plays central roles in orchestrating cell cycle progression and its proper ... -
Cellular Prion Protein (PrPC): Identification and Characterization of Novel Interacting Partners
(2011-12-07)The cellular prion protein (PrPC) is highly conserved throughout the evolution of mammals. (What does this sentence mean? What do you mean by ``conserved´´? This protein was higly conserved ... -
CEP72 represents a putative Oncogene that negatively regulates the mitotic Function of Brca1 and induces Chromosomal Instability
(2015-10-26)Proper progression through mitosis ensures the maintenance of whole chromosomal stability in a eukaryotic cell. Hence, failures during this tightly regulated process can lead to the perpetual mis-segregation of whole ...