Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 1652
Acyl-acyl carrier protein synthetases from bluegreen algae and plants
(2008-12-02)All metabolic processes involving fatty acids are preceded by the activation of the fatty acid to form a thioester derivative. Activation by acyl-CoA synthetase is well established whereas ... -
Adaption an Nestprädation bei der Mönchsgrasmücke
(2002-07-02)Nest predation is one of the main selective forces in life history evolution of songbirds. On the one hand natural selection can favour traits which lower predation, e.g. by cryptic behaviour ... -
Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of FK506-binding proteins FKBP12.6 and FKBP12 in failing and non-failing rabbit ventricular myocytes
(2004-09-27)The FK506-binding proteins (FKBPs) FKBP12 and FKBP12.6 influence the Ca2+-release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in skeletal and heart muscle, respectively, via regulation of the SR ... -
Adhesion of the rapeseed pathogen Verticillium longisporum to its host Brassica napus: Uncovering adhesion genes and the evolutionary origin of the fungus
(2011-05-06)Verticillium longisporum, a soil-borne plant pathogen, is an emerging problem for oilseed rape and other crucifers. The mechanism of infection through plant roots and the evolutionary origin of this fungus are still not ... -
Adiponectin mediates metabolic feedback to the mediobasal hypothalamic circadian clocks
(2016-02-22)The rotation of the Earth around its axis results in a repetitive succession of day and night. The profound environmental changes associated with the day-night cycle drove most organisms to evolve endogenous timekeepers ... -
Adipositas: <i>In vivo</i> Expressionsstudien über den Adipositas Faktor <i>DOR</i> und Studien zur Translationskontrolle in der frühen Adipogenese
(2012-05-22)In this thesis, mechanisms for the onset of obesity were investigated. Expression studies were performed to analyse the obesity related factor DORin an animal model and a possible effect of translational control in early ... -
Aging and its impact on sociality in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)
(2018-04-13)With the aging of the human population, studies on the causes and consequences and, particularly, age-associated diseases, are attracting substantial attention. But how does aging affect peoples’ motivation to engage with ... -
Agricultural intensification, biological pest control and spatio-temporal changes in food web structure
(2011-11-22)Agricultural intensification (AI) is a major driver of losses in agrobiodiversity and associated ecosystem functions such as biological control, thereby indirectly affecting agricultural ... -
Aktivität endogener Retroviren in Tumorgeweben von Primaten
(2009-09-14)The human endogenous retroviruses of the family K (HERV-K) is an evolutionary young group of retroviral sequences. In comparison with other endogenous retroviruses, some HERV-K proviruses ... -
Alignment-free Phylogenetic Placement and its Applications
(2023-03-03)The study of the evolutionary interrelations of living organisms has been at the heart of biological sciences all along. A revolution in sequencing techniques in the past decades has caused a massive increase in molecular ... -
Allometric structure and topology of food webs: Energetic constraints conserve food-web structure across ecosystems and space
(2014-07-23)Natural ecosystems comprise an innumerable amount of different organisms. These organisms are not separated, they interact and depend on each other. Today’s ecosystems are facing an enormous decline in biodiversity due to ... -
Alpha-2 Adrenoceptors in the Paraventricular Thalamic Nucleus: Effects of Agonist Stimulation and Chronic Psychosocial Stress
(2005-11-04)The catecholamines are important modulators of nerve cell activity. They exert their actions via G-protein coupled receptors among which are the alpha-2 adrenoceptors. The alpha-2 ... -
Alterations in gene expression and secondary metabolite production during development of Aspergillus nidulans
(2014-02-10)Many studies describing development and secondary metabolism of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans contributed to a better understanding of fungal secondary metabolism regulation at the molecular level. However, ... -
Altercentric Bias: A Potential New Window into Implicit Theory of Mind
(2023-07-24)It has been traditionally assumed that theory of mind (ToM) -our ability to ascribe mental states to others and ourselves- emerges around age four, as indicated in performance on standard explicit false belief (FB) tasks ... -
Altitude, litter quality and availability of root derived resources as determinants of decomposition processes and soil microarthropod community composition in tropical montane rainforests in Southern Ecuador
(2016-11-03)Decomposition processes in the high tropical Andes are complex and influenced by a variety of biotic and abiotic factors. Tropical montane rainforests of the high Andes harbour large stocks of dead organic material and ... -
Alzheimer-like pathology in murine transgenic models: disease modification by environmental and genetic interventions
(2016-06-01)As no successful therapeutic approach to treat Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has been developed to date, preventative strategies and non-pharmacological interventions increasingly become a major research focus. In recent years, ... -
Ameisen als Schlüsseltiergruppe in einem Grasland
(2004-10-28)Ants as eusocial predators living in the soil and ground litter are able to directly or indirectly affect soil organisms, herbivores and plants via trophic interactions ("top-down") and ... -
Amino Acid Biosynthesis and the COP9 Signalosome in Aspergillus nidulans
(2003-01-30)The filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans represents an eukaryotic model system versatile in metabolism and developmental properties. This work focuses on the impact of modified enzyme ... -
Aminosäuretransport in Raps unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Entwicklungsstadiums der Pflanze und der Stickstoffdüngung
(2003-11-18)Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is the most important oil crop plant in Europe. Despite a very efficient uptake of nitrogen (N) from the soil, oilseed rape has a low nitrogen use ... -
Amyloid-beta driven changes in transcriptome plasticity: From OMICS to Therapy
(2016-04-06)Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by a progressive cognitive decline coinciding with the formation of amyloid plaques and tau fibrils in the human brain. It is the most common form of dementia and the number of people ...