Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 220-239 of 1661
Characterization of neuronal SNAREs and interacting proteins
(2006-03-20)This work centered on the SNARE proteins syntaxin 1, SNAP-25, and synaptobrevin 2, which drive the discharge of neurotransmitters from synaptic vesicles. A relatively simple scenario for ... -
Characterization of novel protein players in pain
(2023-08-16)Despite its high prevalence in the human society, the mechanisms underlying chronic pain and pain chronification are still poorly understood. The shortage of potential targets that are specific to pathological chronic pain, ... -
Characterization of Npl3 as a 5'- and 3'- quality control factor
(2023-09-11)Maturation of RNA polymerase II transcripts consists of 5’-capping, splicing, cleavage and 3’-polyadenylation. These processes can generate faulty transcripts that have to be retained in the nucleus to be degraded. An mRNA ... -
Characterization of Populus x canescens LysM Receptor-Like Kinases CERK1-1 and CERK1-2 and their Role in Chitin Signaling
(2022-03-22)Poplar trees have been established as a model organism to study woody perennial plants. The first fully sequenced tree species was Populus trichocarpa. Nevertheless, for experiments in the laboratory often other Populus ... -
Characterization of Populus x canescens LysM-Receptor Like Kinases LYK4/LYK5 and LysM-Receptor Like Protein LYM2 and their Roles in Chitin Signaling
(2020-03-10)Poplar is a model tree to study the molecular biology of woody plant species. It also has commercial benefits as it is used as a renewable energy resource. Poplar plantations suffer from poplar rusts caused by Melampsora ... -
Characterization of proneural bHLH transcription factor target genes in X. laevis
(2022-09-23)Zc3h12c is a member of the Zc3h12 endoribonuclease family (also known as MCPIP/Regnase), which contains four members (Zc3h12a-c). This family of proteins is characterized by the presence of a single centrally located ... -
Characterization of protein complexes associated with TRP channels in the context of nociception
(2017-12-05)The transient receptor potential A1 (TRPA1) channel is essential for vertebrate pain. TRPA1 plays a fundamental role as a primary detector of noxious stimuli of physical and chemical nature, and is critically involved in ... -
Characterization of proteins of the Asp23 protein family in Bacillus subtilis
(2017-02-07)The acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) catalyzes the production of malonyl-CoA, the precursor in fatty acid biosynthesis. In almost all organisms, this is a fundamental process since fatty acids are the main components of ... -
Characterization of synaptic protein complexes in Drosophila melanogaster
(2006-08-25)Synaptic transmission at chemical synapses is directional: the presynapse is defined as the compartment from which neurotransmitter is released. The postsynaptic site harbors the machinery for neurotransmitter reception ... -
Characterization of Synaptic Transmission Abnormalities in Neurological Disorders of the Presynaptic Terminal
(2022-03-04)Seminal methodological advancements in the field of human genetics now allow for low-cost sequencing of complete coding genomes, and rich sources of corresponding data now exist for healthy and patient cohorts, allowing ... -
Characterization of Synaptotagmin Function In Calcium Dependent Neuronal Exocytosis
(2007-08-17)Synaptotagmin 1 is a synaptic vesicle protein believed to be the calcium sensor at the neuronal synapse. The protein consists of two calcium dependent membrane binding domains known as the ... -
Characterization of the 5-HT7(a) receptor: Specific receptor - G- protein interactions
(2004-08-31)Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT) is very important neurotransmitter which regulates a variety of different physiological processes within the central Nervous System and at the ... -
Characterization of the 95 kDa sperm adhesion protein
(2004-03-04)During the early stages of fertilisation, the interaction between the spermatozoa and the oocyte involves complex mechanism. The events of gamete recognition and binding triggers signal ... -
Characterization of the cell wall protein Ecm33 family in Candida glabrata
(2013-09-05)Candida glabrata is the second most frequent cause of local and systemic human candidiasis and infections with this species are difficult to treat because of frequent azole resistance. C. glabrata infections have high ... -
Characterization of the invasion of hematopoietic myeloid cells into the CNS during EAE
(2022-12-01)Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the classical animal model of multiple sclerosis, is caused by T cells directed against myelin antigens. Upon intravenous transfer, these cells appear in the vessels of the ... -
Characterization of the molecular interaction between α-synuclein and prion protein
(2024-03-21)The interaction between α-synuclein (aSyn) and prion protein (PrP) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of synucleinopathies. However, the nature of this interaction remains poorly understood. Here, we employed a ... -
Characterization of the neuronal proteolipids M6A and M6B and the oligodendroglial tetraspans PLP and TSPAN2 in neural cell process formation
(2012-07-12)The tetraspan-transmembrane proteins of the M6-proteolipid proteolipid protein family are among the most abundant cell surface proteins in neurons. Their cellular function has remained largely speculative, also because ... -
Characterization of the Oncogenic Role of BCL9-2 in Breast Tumorigenesis
(2012-05-16)One of a few highly conserved signaling pathways, which regulate cell proliferation and tissue organization during embryogenesis and in the adult organism, is the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling cascade. The mutations of ... -
Characterization of the pathogenicity relevant genes THI4 and PA14_2 in Verticillium dahliae
(2014-02-17)Verticillium is a soil-borne plant pathogen including species that are distributed all over the word. Up to now no fungicides could avoid an infection on host plants. In resting structures, (microscrlerotia, melanized ... -
Characterization of the Phosphomimetic Mutant Y39E of a-Synuclein
(2024-08-06)α-Synuclein (aSyn) has long been identified as a key factor in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease (PD), with familial mutations in the SNCA gene contributing to the aberrant aggregation of aSyn. Its aggregation results ...