Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 610-629 of 1658
Funktionelle Analyse des Transkriptionsfaktors TGA2.1 aus Nicotiana tabacum: Identifikation von Interaktionspartnern und Charakterisierung transgener Pflanzen mit reduzierter TGA2.1-Menge
(2004-01-26)In higher plants as-1 like cis elements mediate auxin- and salicylic acid-inducible transcription of defence related genes. Originally found in viral and T-DNA promoters, they are also ... -
Funktionelle Analyse des Transkriptionsfaktors Uncx4.1 im murinen Mittelhirn
(2012-05-18)The development of the brain is a complex process, which involves a lot of finely regulated processes. The best known disease which is associated with the midbrain is morbus parkinson. In the last years a lot of effort was ... -
Funktionelle Analyse RNA-basierter Regulation des zentralen Energiestoffwechsels in Bacillus licheniformis
(2015-12-17)This present dissertation focused on the identification, analysis and genetic manipulation of RNA-based regulators for strain optimization purposes. The source material of this work was transcriptome data from industrial ... -
Funktionelle Analyse von ERF-Transkriptionsfaktoren aus N.tabacum und A.thaliana im Rahmen der Pathogenresistenz
(2003-12-02)Using a Yeast-one-hybrid approach we isolated from a tobacco cDNA library two so far unknown transcription factors. Based on their DNA-binding AP2-domain we grouped them into the family of ERF-proteins and named them NtERF5 ... -
Funktionelle Analyse von Isoformen der CAPS-Proteinfamilie
(2001-06-13)Endocrine, neural and exocrine cells posses a regulatory secretion pathway by which hormones, neurotranmittes and enzymes are released. This exocytosis process requires calcium, ATP and ... -
Funktionelle Analyse von MHC-Klasse-I-Genen der Rhesusaffen (<i>Macaca mulatta</i>)
(2008-09-01)This thesis focuses on the structure and function of rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta, Mamu) major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes. As the cellular immune response is at least ... -
Funktionelle Analysen deregulierter Signalwege transformierter B-Lymphozyten - Das Epstein-Barr-Virus-Onkogen LMP1
(2007-06-20)The development of different tumor entities can often be correlated with a viral infection. One of this tumor associated viruses is the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). More than 90% of the human ... -
Funktionelle Charakterisierung bakterieller Histondeacetylase-ähnlicher Amidohydrolasen (HDAH)
(2005-12-05)Until today, there is only little information about posttranslational modifications, especially acetylation of polypeptides in procaryotes to find in the literature. This thesis tries to ... -
Eine funktionelle Charakterisierung der frühendosomalen SNARE-Proteine
(2009-06-19)Most intracellular transport processes occur via budding and fusion of vesicles, where fusion is dependent on SNARE proteins. Fusion is preceded by docking, the close contact of vesicles ... -
Funktionelle Charakterisierung der Transkriptionsfaktoren Nkx2.2 und Arx in der Entwicklung der endokrinen Zellen im murinen Pankreas
(2011-09-08)The pancreas is a compound-gland structured into two functional units exhibiting exocrine and endocrine properties. Exocrine cells produce and secret digestive enzymes, whereas endocrine ... -
Funktionelle Charakterisierung potentieller Pathogenitätsfaktoren aus Pseudomonas aeruginosa mittels biochemischer und evolutiver Methoden
(2005-07-15)Three novel potential pathogenicity factors from the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa were characterized functionally and biochemically. The P. aeruginosa mutant 41D3 carries ... -
Funktionelle Charakterisierung von apoplastischen Proteinen in Brassica napus und Arabidopsis thaliana nach Infektion mit Verticillium longisporum
(2011-06-24)Verticillium longisporum is a soil-borne pathogenic fungus which is restricted to the family of Brassicaceae. V. longisporum is a vascular pathogen which colonizes the xylem of its host ... -
Funktionelle Genomanalyse bakterieller Erreger, assoziiert mit der Europäischen Faulbrut von Honigbienen
(2015-11-23)Paenibacillus larvae and Melissococcus plutonius cause American foulbrood (AFB) and European foulbrood (EFB) on honey bees, respectively. Three typical strains of M. plutonius were isolated from a Swiss EFB outbreak. The ... -
Funktionelle Genomanalyse des Purinverwerters Clostridium acidurici 9a
(2013-02-20)Clostridium acidurici is an anaerobic, homoacetogenic bacterium, which is able to use purines such as uric acid as sole carbon, nitrogen, and energy source. Together with the two other known purinolytic clostridia C. ... -
Die Funktionelle Rolle der Palmitilierung des 5-HT 1A Rezeptor
(2005-04-08)In the present study, we verified that the mouse 5-hydroxytryptamine(1A) (5-HT(1A)) receptor is modified by palmitic acid, which is covalently attached to the protein through a thioester-type ... -
Funktionelle Untersuchungen zum PTPN11-Genprodukt SHP2 und zu PTPN11 Mutanten, die dem Noonan-Syndrom zugrunde liegen
(2006-04-04)Noonan Syndrome (NS) [OMIM 163950] is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by short stature, facial dismorphism, webbed neck, heart defects (most commonly pulmonic stenosis and ... -
Funktionen und Interaktionen von Homöodomänenproteinen während der Entwicklung des Rückenmarks
(2006-12-13)The dorsal spinal cord consists of several types of interneurons which process and relay sensory information from the periphery. These dorsal interneurons are generated during two distinct ... -
Funktionsanalyse der Ankyrin-repeat Proteine AKR2A und AKR2B in Arabidopsis thaliana
(2010-07-01)The ankyrin-repeat protein NtANK1 and the basic leucin zipper (bZIP)-transcription factor NtBZI-1 interact in tobacco. These proteins are involved in auxin-mediated gene activation ... -
Funktionsanalyse der Entwicklungskontrollgene Irx2 und Mash1 in der Maus.
(2002-10-01)The development of organism is controlled by transcription factors which can modulate cascades of genes in their activity . The search for developmental relevant genes identified the new ... -
Funktionsanalyse des Irx1-Gens
(2001-07-27)In D. melanogaster genes are composing a network, which determine neural cell lineage. Among them the genes of the Iroquois complex (IRO-C) are playing a crucial role in regulating the ...