Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 633-652 of 1658
Generation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Protein 28 (ERp28) Knock Out Mice, and Structural and Functional Analysis of its Drosophila Homologue, Wind
(2004-02-16)My thesis work includes two parts: firstly, generation of a knock out mouse of a gene, ERp28, which encodes a putative endoplasmic reticulum chaperone protein and secondly, the structural ... -
Generation of Novel Photochromic GFPs: Fluorescent Probes for RESOLFT-type Microscopy at Low Light Intensities
(2012-05-23)The resolution of a conventional light microscope is limited by diffraction. Hence, light microscopy failed to discern objects that are closer together than half the wavelength of light. STED (STimulated Emission ... -
Genetic analysis of stoned B/stonin 2 function in vivo
(2005-07-04)Clathrin-mediated endocytosis at presynaptic nerve terminals is a regulated process tightly coupled to the exocytotic fusion event that requires clathrin, dynamin, AP2 as well as synaptotagmin ... -
Genetic and functional characterisation of killer cell immunoglobulin like receptors (KIR) of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
(2011-02-24)This PhD thesis reports the characterisation of the genetic diversity of killer cell immunoglobulin like receptors (KIR) as well as interactions between KIR and MHC class I molecules in the ... -
Genetic and Pharmacological Modulation of Alpha-Synuclein Aggregation
(2017-07-18)Several neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), are characterized by the deposition of misfolded and aggregated forms of a particular protein in different areas of the brain. Understanding the molecular ... -
Genetic disruption of the master pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nucleus sheds light on the hierarchical organization of the mammalian circadian timing system
(2011-11-30)Circadian timing systems evolved in most organisms to adapt to the daily alternation of light and dark and the accompanying changes of environmental parameters such as food availability and predator occurrence. Circadian ... -
Genetic Evidence For Neuron-Glia Metabolic Coupling In The CNS
(2016-07-27)The active contribution of oligodendrocytes and astrocytes to sustain brain physiology was completely underestimated, but severe consequences of their dysfunction in various diseases and glia-specific mutants emphasized ... -
Genetic factors driving the functional specification of spinal motor neurons
(2012-11-06)Spinal motor neurons which innervate different types of muscle fibers play a pivotal role in controlling body postures and locomotion. Spinal motor neurons can be broadly classified into alpha- and gamma-motor neuron ... -
Genetic fingerprints of microalgal culture strains: amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) for investigations below the species level
(2006-05-16)The aim of the present thesis was to analyse microalgal culture strains at the level below species. This was important to improve the abilities of service culture collections of algae to ... -
Genetic variants of EPO and EPOR influence cognitive core features of schizophrenia
(2011-03-18)Introduction: Erythropoietin (Epo), a hematopoietic growth factor, has long been observed to improve cognition but this effect was attributed to the increase in hemoglobin levels. Even after ... -
Genetische Diversität in der Lichtensteinhöhle – Ableitungen zur Demographie und Interpretationen zu sozialen Strukturen sowie Bestattungssitten in einer bronzezeitlichen Bevölkerung
(2022-03-03)The archaeological part of the Lichtenstein Cave, a gypsum karst cave in the southwestern periphery of the Harz Mountains, was discovered in 1980 and has since been investigated in close, interdisciplinary cooperation. The ... -
Genetische Variabilität in der phagozytären NAD(P)H-Oxidase: Funktionelle Charakterisierung und Bedeutung für die Zytostatika-Therapie
(2010-01-05)Cardiotoxicity is a severe side effect of doxorubicin-containing chemotherapy as used in the treatment of several tumors and leukemia and up to 6% of treated patients develop congestive ... -
Genetische Vielfalt und Vernetzung verschiedener Teilpopulationen von Corylus avellana L. und Prunus spinosa L. an Wald- und Wegrändern des Sollings
(2003-12-18)During the last decades the increasing destruction of habitats by human beings has grown to a global problem. This can lead to displacements of populations or even fast eliminations of ... -
Genom- und Transkriptionsanalyse von <i>Bacillus licheniformis</i> DSM13 - einem Organismus mit großem industriellem Potential
(2006-01-17)The Gram-positive soil bacterium Bacillus licheniformis is an organism of high industrial relevance. It is used in technical fermentations to produce large amounts of exoenzymes like proteases ... -
Genome Sequence Analysis and Characterization of Recombinant Enzymes from the Thermoacidophilic Archaeon Picrophilus torridus
(2004-09-16)Picrophilus torridus is a thermo- and acidophilic archaeon which grows optimally at 60°C and pH 0.7 and thus represents the most acidophilic organism known so far. In the frame of ... -
Genome sequence of <i>Escherichia coli</i> 536: insights into uropathogenicity through comparison with genomes of <i>Escherichia coli</i> MG1655, CFT073, and EDL933
(2006-02-09)Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) strain 536 (O6:K15:H31) is one of the model organisms of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli. To analyze this strain s genetic basis of ... -
Genome-wide RNAi screening reveals glial phosphoethanolamine ceramide is critical for axonal ensheathment
(2012-11-07)Glia play a major role in many processes during the development of the nervous system both in vertebrates and in invertebrates. One of the crucial functions of glia is the insulation of axons to provide them with trophic ... -
Genomweite Suche neuer Modulatoren der Signaltransduktion in kardialer Hypertrophie und Herzinsuffizienz
(2011-02-23)Activated through cytokines, growth factors and hormones the MAPK signaling pathway regulates cell response to environmental cues. The signaling cascade is involved in fundamental cellular ... -
Genomweite Transkriptionsanalyse von Methanosarcina mazei Gö1
(2003-11-04)Computer programs have been developed in the course of this project that made it possible to generate DNA-Microarray-Chips that represent the whole genome of Methanosarcina mazei ... -
Genotype-Phenotype Correlation in Noonan Syndrome – Focus on LZTR1 and its Substrates
(2023-05-30)Noonan syndrome (NS) is a multisystemic disorder that is known as one of the most common monogenetic diseases associated with early-onset congenital heart defects, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Infants diagnosed ...