Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 670-689 of 1661
Green algae in soil: assessing their biodiversity and biogeography with molecular-phylogenetic methods based on cultures
(2016-02-04)Green microalgae (Chlorophyta) dominate soils in the northern temperate climate zone, however, their biodiversity is still poorly understood. Available diversity inventories rely on light microscopy and morphospecies, which ... -
Group coordination during collective movements in Guinea baboons (Papio papio)
(2019-11-08)Despite potentially diverging interests, members of social groups coordinate to maintain group cohesion. The mechanisms and processes of group coordination are modulated by species- and context-specific factors. The genus ... -
Group Coordination Processes and Determinants of Leadership in Red-fronted Lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons)
(2019-12-13)For animals to enjoy the benefits of group living it is vital that they coordinate their activities despite divergent needs. The challenge this poses becomes apparent when animals are moving between resources. In this ... -
Größenegulation der Augenanlage von Xenopus laevis durch Inhibition von Hedgehog-, Fgf- und Wnt-Signalen
(2004-01-16)The molecular mechanisms, which underlie the control of organ size during embryogenesis, are only poorly understood. Using the South African clawed frog Xenopus laevis as a ... -
Grunt usage and social monitoring: Investigation of the signaller and the receiver perspectives in a tolerant species of baboons
(2019-07-11)Understanding society, communication and cognition in non-human primates sheds light on the evolution of our own species. While the acoustic structure in primates is mainly innate, their vocal usage and comprehension/response ... -
Gruppenleistung und Gruppenlernen bei der Steuerung dynamischer Systeme
(2013-12-13)Proper management of dynamic systems (e.g. cooling systems of nuclear power plants or production and warehousing) is important to ensure public safety and economic success. So far, research has provided broad evidence for ... -
Guanylatkinase: Von einem aktiven Enzym zu einem inaktiven Multidomänen-Protein.
(2001-06-14)Guanylate kinase (GUK) is an essential enzyme for nucleotide metabolism and catalyses the reversible transfer of the terminal phosphoryl group from Mg×(d)ATP to (d)GMP. Although the catalytic ... -
H-Strom und kortikale Theta-Rhythmen
(2007-07-24) -
Habitat ecology and long-term development of the macrophyte vegetation of north-west German streams and rivers since the 1950s
(2013-11-08)This PhD thesis deals with the habitat characterization and the long-term development over 60 years of the macrophyte vegetation of north-west German running waters in order to contribute to the knowledge about the ecology ... -
Habitat selection, cryptic diversity, phylogeny, and phylogeography of the European Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus species group (Collembola: Entomobryidae)
(2019-02-12)Accurate species identification and assessment of species diversity are essential for studies on phylogeny and phylogeography, adaptation and ecological function. The development of molecular methods triggered the discovery ... -
Habitat use and population viability of the Red Kite (Milvus milvus) in Germany
(2021-05-04)The Red Kite (Milvus milvus) is a European near-endemic raptor species and due to its limited distribution and small global population size in the focus of national and international conservation efforts. Even within Europe, ... -
Halophytenvegetation im Chaco Boreal, Paraguay - Pflanzengeographie, Ökologie und Dynamik in Zeiten des Klima- und Landnutzungswandels
(2014-07-07)The South American Gran Chaco with its particular geological and climatic conditions is especially susceptible to salinization of soils and water. The aim of this study was to analyze the phytogeography and the phytosociology ... -
Häufige Kopfschmerzen im Kindes- und Jugendalter:
(2008-08-20)In addition to pharmacological therapies, psychological treatments are also used in the reduction of recurrent headache in children and adolescents, in order to achieve an alleviation of ... -
Health consequences of group living in wild Verreaux’s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi)
(2020-07-10)The evolution of sociality exposed individuals to several new health-related costs and benefits, which fundamentally affect their survival and reproductive success. Group living provides better access to food and mates and ... -
HECT-type Ubiquitin Ligases in Nerve Cell Development
(2016-10-11)Development of neurons begins in the middle of embryogenesis after closure of the neural tube. In the process of neurogenesis, neural stem cells generate nerve cells by asymmetric cell divisions at the ventricular zone of ... -
Hemmung der Cytochrom c-induzierten Caspase-Aktivierung durch Toxoplasma gondii in vitro und in vivo:molekulare Mechanismen und parasitäre Effektormoleküle
(2012-11-22)Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite and is able to infect almost all nucleated cells of humans and warm-blooded animals. Infection of immunocompetent individuals is mostly asymptomatic and leads to ... -
Herstellung und Charakterisierung monoklonaler Antikörper gegen die Anaphylatoxin-Rezeptoren
(2008-01-29)Anaphylatoxins are potent pro-inflammatory mediators that induce their biological effects through high affinity binding to specific cellular receptors. Due to controversial evidence in the ... -
Herstellung von katalytischen monoklonalen Antikörpern
(2001-01-15)Utilizing the similar binding characteristics of substrates to enzymes and antigens to antibodies, respectively, antibodies with catalytic activities have been created since 1986. We have ... -
High-resolution analysis of regulatory interactions and nano-scale chromatin structures
(2024-09-11)Despite having the same genetic blueprint, the development of a complex, multicellular organism from a single fertilized egg results in a wide variety of hundreds distinct cell types, each uniquely contributing to the ... -
High-resolution characterization of structural changes involved in prion diseases and dialysis-related amyloidosis
(2009-10-16)Protein aggregation is the cause of several human diseases such as diabetes mellitus type 2, Parkinson s disease, Alzheimer s disease, Huntington s disease, spongiform encephalopathies, ...