Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 707-726 of 1645
Identification of Genes in the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus Regulated by Chronic Stress and Citalopram
(2006-06-16)It is known that stress, especially when it is chronic, can lead to mood disorders and changes in the serotonergic (5-HT) system, which most probably play a role in stress-induced ... -
Identification of interacting partners of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) assembly in human lymphocytes
(2012-02-14)The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is an intracellular protein kinase that plays a key role in the control of cell growth, differentiation, cell survival, and cell proliferation. In ... -
Identification of the role of Arabidopsis ATAF-type NAC transcription factors in plant stress and development
(2014-05-14)In higher plants, xenobiotic chemicals induce transcriptional activation of genes involved in their detoxification. A generally accepted concept explaining gene regulatory networks is that, activation of pre-existing ... -
Identifikation und funktionelle Analyse von Xdach1 und Xeya3 als morphogenetische Faktoren der Kopfentwicklung von Xenopus laevis
(2005-02-14)Dachshund (dac) and Eyes absent (eya) are two transcription factors indispensable for proper compound eye development in Drosophila melanogaster. In vertebrates homologues of dac and eya ... -
Identifikation und funktionelle Charakterisierung von Effektorproteinen des Typ III Sekretionssystems von Chlamydophila pneumoniae
(2009-09-08)Chlamydophila pneumoniae causes atypical pneumoniae and is also discussed as a risk factor for a wide range of chronic diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or atherosklerosis. ... -
Identifikation und immunologische Charakterisierung von MHC-Klasse-II-Peptidepitopen in humanen Leukämie- und Lymphom-assoziierten Antigenen
(2006-11-27)CD4+ T cells play important roles in antitumor responses through several different mechanisms. Ultimately, they provide crucial help in the induction and maintenance of CTL responses. ... -
Identifikation und Regulation einer durch Insektenfraß induzierbaren Geranyllinalool-Synthase in Arabidopsis thaliana
(2007-02-12)Volatile secondary metabolites emitted by plants contribute to plant-plant, plant-fungal, and plant-insec communication. The C16-homoterpene TMTT (4,8,12-trimethyltrideca-1,3,7,11-tetraene) is emitted ... -
Identifikation von Genen und Mikroorganismen, die an der dissimilatorischen Fe(III)-Reduktion beteiligt sind
(2009-05-06)Dissimilatory iron reduction is one of the earliest, perhaps the first form of an anoxic respiratory system on earth. Microorganisms harboring this system couple their growth to the ... -
Identifikation von Mutationen im Tumorsuppressorgen p53 und des Bakteriums Helicobacter pylori in Magenkarzinomen histopathologischer Präparate aus verschiedenen medizinhistorischen Sammlungen
(2011-05-25)Cancer results in complex changes and events. An important key element in the initiation is the interaction between genotype and environment. In gastric cancer, the incidence has steadily ... -
Identifikation von Zielen und molekulare Charakterisierung des RNA-Bindeproteins XSeb4R in Xenopus laevis
(2009-10-28)While developmental processes have been extensively studied in the context of transcriptional regulation, much less is known about regulation via translational regulation. RNA-binding ... -
Identifikation – Von der Speziesbestimmung bis zur Identitätsfeststellung mit Hilfe von ancient DNA-Analysen
(2022-02-24)Molecular genetic analyses can be used to answer central questions in anthropology. These are usually the question of the species origin of bone finds or other biological material and, in the case of a human origin, the ... -
Identifizierung der für die Agonisten-induzierte Phosphorylierung und Internalisierung relevanten Serine und Threonine in der C-terminalen Domäne des humanen Prostaglandin E2 Rezeptors, Subtyp EP4
(2003-08-18)The prostanoid receptors belong to the family of G protein-coupled receptors with seven transmembrane domains. Four different subtypes have been identified for prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). The ... -
Identifizierung infektionsrelevanter Antigene des Schimmelpilzes Aspergillus fumigatus sowie deren rekombinante Herstellung mit dem Ziel der Entwicklung eines Impfstoffes gegen die invasive Aspergillose
(2010-08-17)Aspergillus fumigatus is the main cause of invasive aspergillosis, which is more frequently diagnosed due to the ongoing use of immunosuppressive pharmaceuticals. Prior publications ... -
Identifizierung neuer Coregulatoren von SOX9 und RUNX2 in chondrogenen Progenitorzellen in der Osteoarthrose
(2015-06-23)Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the joints. It is characterized by a successive destruction of the articular cartilage and surrounding structures. Osteoarthritis is the most common musculoskeletal joint disease ... -
Identifizierung neuer vegetal lokalisierter RNAs in der Xenopus laevis Oozyte und deren funktionelle Charakterisierung
(2005-12-16)Vegetally localized mRNA molecules in Xenopus laevis oocytes play important roles in the formation of the primary germ layers and the germ line. In order to identify novel vegetally localized ... -
Identifizierung schutzvermittelnder Antigene von Aspergillus fumigatus für eine Impfstoffentwicklung zur Verhütung invasiver Aspergillosen bei Leukämie-Patienten
(2015-01-23)A.fumigatus is the most common cause of invasive, usually fatal aspergillosis in severely immunocompromised patients. A natural resistance to the fungus is mediated by the innate immune system. Additionally, an acquired ... -
Identifizierung und Charakterisierung der Dihydroorotat Dehydrogenase als Zielstruktur von 1-Hydroxyquinolonen in Toxoplasma gondii
(2014-01-06)1-Hydroxyquinolones were recently described as effective inhibitors of Toxoplasma gondii replication. These compounds (e.g. HDQ and compound B) were previously shown to inhibit the alternative NADH dehydrogenase (NADH2-I) ... -
Identifizierung und Charakterisierung eines Vsr-Homologen aus Bacillus stearothermophilus
(2002-01-25)In this thesis, a method was developed which allows the identification of genes coding for proteins of a family where only one conserved region of homology is known. This method lead to the ... -
Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Genen für die Entwicklung des cerebralen Cortex
(2005-02-01)In order to identify new genes showing a regionalized expression in the E16.5 cerebral cortex a microarray expression analysis with 5 different cortex tissues was performed. After computational ...