Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 823-842 of 1663
Isolierung von DNA und Konstruktion einer Metagenombank aus dem Sediment des Flusses Leine: partielle Sequenzierung und Annotation des Metagenoms sowie Analyse der mikrobiellen Diversität
(2006-01-17)Isolation of environmental DNA, subsequent construction of metagenomic libraries, or amplification and cloning of 16S rRNA genes, and final sequencing of cloned DNA allow phylogenetic and ... -
It's moral: judgments in everyday life
(2022-03-16)Moral judgments play a major role in everyday social interactions. Due to their relevance for human cognition and behavior, they have been a central object of research for centuries. However, previous studies rarely ... -
Kartierung von umhüllungsrelevanten Aminosäureresten auf dem Hepatitis B Virus Kapsid
(2004-07-30)During morphogenesis of the hepatitits B virus (HBV) the cytosolic build nucleocapsid containing the viral genome interacts with transmembrane viral surface proteins to get enveloped into ... -
Kausales Denken, Bayes-Netze und die Markov-Bedingung
(2010-02-09)The ability to discover and use causal relationships is crucial for acting successfully in the world. A dominant current framework to model everyday causal knowledge are causal Bayes nets, ... -
Kinship and sociality in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis): are they related?
(2020-12-04)Social bonds are found in social species spanning the entire mammalian kingdom. The formation of such bonds can be adaptive: strong links have been established between social integration and increased survival and/or ... -
Klonierung und Charakterisierung des Interleukin-1beta-Systems im Gehirn von Callithrix jacchus
(2003-09-05)As a new animal model for investigation of the interleukin-1b-system in the brain the species of non-human primates Callithrix jacchus was chosen.In this thesis the influence of artificial ... -
Ein Knockout-Mausmodell für Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation-IIc: Defizienz des Golgi-GDP-Fucose-Transporters
(2007-02-12)The monogenetic inherited human diseases termed 'Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation' (CDG) are caused by defects of enzymes and transporters involved in the modification of proteins by ... -
Knowledge of what to assess in Bezug auf Experimentierkompetenzen – Modellierung, Messung und Validierung einer Facette von assessment literacy von Lehramtsstudierenden
(2021-06-10)Teachers’ assessment literacy is important for students’ learning. Teachers need both skills in teaching and assessing to foster their students in an optimum way. A core learning goal in biology is experimentation competences. ... -
Kognitiv-behaviorale und tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Therapie der Generalisierten Angst: Ein Therapieprozessvergleich
(2008-03-26)In the present study the therapy process of 42 patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder was investigated. After randomization 19 were treated with manualized supportive-expressive and 23 with manualized cognitive-behavioural ... -
Kognitive Determinanten unterschiedlicher Rechenleistungen in der Primarstufe: Arbeitsgedächtnismerkmale und Aufmerksamkeitsaspekte
(2007-07-03)Recent research has focused on cognitive factors as predictors for arithmetical achievement in elementary school. The present study investigates whether individual differences among selected ... -
Kognitive Kontrolle bei Aufmerksamkeits Defizit / Hyperaktivitäts Störung
(2010-11-25)Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a very common psychiatric disorder characterized by inappropriate hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. Recent theories propose ... -
Kognitive Verarbeitungsprozesse beim kausalen Urteilen und Entscheiden
(2012-11-12)The present work deals with cognitive processes that take place when people use their causal knowledge in judgment and decision making tasks. For this purpose it first will be argued that based on the special characteristics ... -
Kombinatorische Synthese einer Genbibliothek und Analyse ihrer statistischen Struktur
(2004-05-14)Considering calculated parameters and using appropriate mixing ratios of codons during the DNA synthesis a gene library with determined population structure was generated. The partial ... -
Kommunikation in Echtzeit - die Einflüsse von kindgerichteter Sprache und kindlicher Aufmerksamkeit auf den Spracherwerb
(2021-09-23)In order to segment, understand and ultimately produce words from the flow of language, a series of learning processes are required. These processes are promoted by various extrinsic factors and intrinsic biases. This ... -
Komparative Genomanalyse zur Stammoptimierung produktionsnaher Bacillus-Stämme
(2011-06-30)B. licheniformis DSM13 is a Gram-positive, ubiquitous, endospore forming bacterium that is extensively used for industrial production of exoenzymes as it can secrete high amounts of protein. ... -
Kompartementalisierung des Kohlenhydrat-Stoffwechsels in Toxoplasma gondii
(2006-12-11)Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite and which is able to infect and replicate within nearly any eukaryotic, nucleated cell. In the intermediate host the parasite ... -
Konsequenzen der Expression des Ether à go-go Kaliumkanals
(2006-08-02)This work provides the first description of a highly effective and specific siRNA-based inhibitor for the potential oncogene hEAG1 (human ether à go-go channel), which proved to be ... -
Konstruktion eines bakteriellen Systems zum Export von Coenzym B<sub>12</sub>
(2003-11-04)B12 is exclusively synthesized in the cytoplasm of some Bacteria and Archaea. More than 30 different enzymes are involved in the synthesis of this coenzyme. A natural export system for ...