Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Mußhoff, Oliver Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 21-40 of 42
Versicherungen als Risikomanagementinstrumente in der Landwirtschaft - Über staatliche Unterstützung und die Beurteilung satellitenbasierter Indexversicherungen
(2019-05-27)Increasing price and production risks in agriculture require an effective on-farm risk man-agement. Against this background, this dissertation focusses on agricultural insurance. There-fore, the first part of this dissertation, ... -
Analyse des Entscheidungsverhaltens landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmer: Anwendung von Discrete Choice Experimenten in den Bereichen Tierwohl, Weidehaltung und Ackerbau
(2019-02-22)The thesis contributes to the understanding of farmers decision behaviour. Preferences and decisions of farmers were analyzed using discrete choice experiments. In detail, the thesis deals with the topics animal welfare, ... -
The Adoption of Legumes in Farmer and Consumer Settings
(2018-04-25)Mixed cropping (MC), the growing of two or more coexisting crops in one field, specifically the mix of cereal and grain legumes, can contribute to a more sustainable agricultural land use. Despite a variety of ecological ... -
Demand and Design Considerations for Smallholder Farmers’ Weather Index Insurance Products
(2018-02-01)This cumulative dissertation discusses a range of topics related to the demand for and considerations around product design of weather index insurance instruments aimed at smallholder farmers’ risk management. The second ... -
Risk, Insurance and Technology Adoption in Rural Development - Evidence from Southern Mexico
(2017-06-28)The first paper of this dissertation in Chapter II, “Insurance for Technology Adoption: An Experimental Evaluation of Schemes and Subsidies with Maize Farmers in Mexico”, analyzes experimentally how bundling the purchase ... -
Specialty Rice Adoption, Collective Action and Marketing Channel Choice: Insights from Vietnam
(2017-05-08)Trade in specialty agricultural products remains a significant foreign exchange earner for many developing countries that largely depend on the agricultural sector for their national income. With the changing consumers’ ... -
Small-scale raspberry producers’ risk and ambiguity preferences, and technology adoption: empirical evidence from rural Maule, Chile
(2017-02-22)Most researchers who analyze producers’ preferences under uncertainty report that producers are averse towards risk and ambiguity scenarios. This aversion has an influence on producers’ decision-making processes; hence the ... -
Economics of Weather Index-Based Insurance: Analysis of Smallholder Farmers' Preferences and the Impact of Insurance on Productivity in Kenya
(2016-11-29)Climatic risks are a major challenge for rural communities, especially those whose livelihoods directly depend on agriculture. Weather extremes affect crop productivity not only through the direct relationship between ... -
Financial decision making in rural India: poverty, financial literacy and investment decisions
(2016-08-30)Poverty remains a pressing problem in rural areas of the developing world. This is also true for India. Expanding the rural financial system with a focus on increasing access to credit has been an important approach for ... -
Applications of modern regression techniques in empirical economics
(2016-07-28)The development of models that go beyond traditional linear regression has been a topic of great interest in statistical research over the last years. As a consequence, a powerful toolbox has emerged, allowing for a realistic ... -
Erfassung von Zeitpräferenzen, Risikoeinstellungen und verhaltensökonomischen Effekten – Experimentelle Ansätze am Beispiel landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmer
(2016-03-01)This thesis contributes to the understanding of the economic decision making of farmers. In five chapters, different experimental investigations of preferences and cognitive biases are presented. Various experimental ... -
Anwendung von Discrete Choice Experimenten in der Agrarökonomie - Präferenzstruktur und Zahlungsbereitschaft von Landwirten bei Entscheidungen in den Bereichen Vermarktung, Kooperationen, Investitionen und Vertragsanbau
(2015-12-11)The four papers included in this dissertation examine the decision behavior of farmers in different decision situations. The overall aim is to analyze the preference structure and willingness to pay of farmers in the ... -
Analysing smallholders behaviour on Sumatra: An ex ante policy analysis and investigation of experiments external validity under consideration of risk
(2015-07-29)I: Palm oil production creates negative externalities, e.g., through intensive fertiliser application. Policies to limit externalities need an effective, sustainable and efficient measure We use a business simulation game ... -
Assessment of Strategic Management Practices in Small Agribusiness Firms in Tanzania
(2015-06-01)Strategic management (STM) is recognized as an important element for firms’ success; however, small firms, especially in agribusiness, have widely been overlooked because it is often thought that a systematic STM is ... -
Food safety standards in developing countries: Exploring the role of financial literacy
(2015-04-30)The global agri-food system is experiencing a far-reaching transformation process. The consequences for small, asset-poor farmers are a topic of special concern in development oriented agricultural research. One main ... -
Land-use dynamics, economic development, and institutional change in rural communities - Evidence from the Indonesian oil palm sector
(2015-02-26)This dissertation is an empirical investigation of the implications of the Indonesian oil palm sector for rural village communities located in Jambi province, on the island of Sumatra. It consists of three contributions ... -
Wetterrisiken in der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion
(2015-02-16)The purpose of this dissertation is, on the one hand, to analyze the extent to which weather index-based insurance can contribute to the stabilization of weather-related income fluctuations in agriculture. Weather index-based ... -
Decision Making under Uncertainty in Developed and Developing Countries: An Experimental Analysis of Farmers’ Risk Attitude and Investment Behavior
(2014-06-18)The papers of the dissertation focus on decision making under uncertainty of farmers in developed and developing countries and apply experimental approaches in order to investigate farmers’ risk attitude and investment ... -
Empirical studies on lending volume decisions, the number of lending approvals, and lending rates attitudes: Estimation based on household data from rural Shandong, China
(2013-03-15)This study uses household level data collected in Shandong Province of China to study rural formal financial institutions’ lending volume decisions, the number of lending approvals, and respondents’ attitude towards interest ... -
Investment behavior in agriculture - an analysis of the explanatory potential of the real options approach
(2013-03-14)The dissertation mainly consists of two articles: INVESTMENTS IN KAZAKHSTANI DAIRY FARMING: A COMPARISON OF THE CLASSICAL INVESTMENT THEORY AND THE REAL OPTIONS APPROACH Abstract This study analyzes the explanatory ...