Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Gauly, Matthias Prof. Dr. Dr."
Now showing items 21-39 of 39
Milchproduktion in Deutschland und Europa nach der Liberalisierung - Abschätzung künftiger Entwicklungen mit unterschiedlichen analytischen Ansätzen
(2012-01-17)The liberalisation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is forcing dairy farmers and dairy processors to face national and international competition. Changes in the milk market are to ... -
Weaning and castration in beef calves
(2011-10-17)The present work included three trials to investigate the effects of abrupt separation on male and female beef calves of different ages (Trial 1; n=80) and the impact of the timing of this ... -
Variationen im Auslaufmanagement von Sportpferden in Einzelhaltung: Beurteilung der Auswirkungen auf die Tiergerechtheit an Hand des Tierverhaltens und der Stressbelastung
(2011-09-06)From an ethological point of view, the animal welfare in single housing systems must be evaluated critically. Without free exercise, scientists consider this system as not being suitable ... -
Synchronization and Superovulation of Boer Goats with PGF2á and GnRH or hCG and Parentage Analysis using Microsatellite Markers
(2011-08-16)The aim of the first investigation was to devise an efficient protocol for getting a satisfactory embryo yield accomplished by combining the recently established ovsynch protocol with pFSH ... -
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss melktechnischer Parameter auf die Zitzenkondition von Milchkühen
(2011-06-08)Numerous studies deal with the effects of teat condition on mastitis matters. There is no doubt that pour teat condition increases the risk of mastitis. Studies that look at the interactions ... -
Untersuchungen verschiedener Einflussfaktoren auf Gesundheit und Produktivität beim Schaf
(2011-06-06)The breeding of healthy, resistant lambs with good weight gain is most important for shepherds. Basis for this is a good, natural breeding by the ewe, a gentle weaning method and a potential parasite resistance respectively ... -
Investigations on the effects of dietary insoluble and soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) on host-parasite interactions in laying hen chicks infected with Heterakis gallinarum or Ascaridia galli
(2011-05-11)The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that low or highly soluble dietary non starch polysaccharides (NSP) differently affect infections with Heterakis gallinarum or Ascaridia ... -
Helminth infections in laying hens kept in alternative production systems in Germany - Prevalence, worm burden and genetic resistance
(2011-05-11)The aim of this study was to investigate the spectrum and intensity of helminth infections, as well as to estimate seasonal effects on the prevalence and burden of helminths in organic free ... -
Eutergesundheitsmanagement in Milchviehherden mit sehr niedrigem Herdensammelmilchzellgehalt in Niedersachsen
(2011-04-07)Mastitis causes a reduction in financial return, increases production costs and decreases milk quality. To combat mastitis it is necessary to use prevention as well as therapy. The main ... -
Validierung des Sanierungsfortschrittes in der Paratuberkulosebekämpfung eines ausgewählten Milchviehbestandes bei Einsatz serologischer Diagnostikverfahren.
(2011-03-03)In the rural area of Göttingen a dairy herd known for its Johne´s disease history participated in a voluntary control programme. Over a period of eight years, all dairy cows were tested ... -
Evaluierung verschiedener prozesstechnischer Handlungsoptionen zur Reduktion luftgetragener Partikel beim Einsatz von Einstreumaterialien und der Vorlage von Rau- und Kraftfuttermitteln in der Pferdehaltung
(2011-02-23)In the present investigation, different methods for the separation of airborne particles from various types of bedding material, roughage and compound feed for horses were investigated under ... -
Analysis of DNA sequence variants in candidate genes for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) susceptibility located in a QTL region on bovine chromosome 17q23-q24
(2010-02-08)Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) belongs to a group of diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE). With the occurrence of the BSE crisis, several studies have ... -
Analyse und Bewertung physikalisch-chemischer und stofflicher Parameter auf die Freisetzung von biogenen Gasen und luftgetragenen Partikeln aus Substraten bei der Haltung von Warmblutpferden in eingestreuten Einzelboxen
(2009-07-17)In this study, different bedding materials were analysed and compared under standardized laboratory and in situ conditions, to determine which material is best suited for creating an improved ... -
Open pulled straw vitrification of murine and caprine embryos and timed deep uterine insemination of goats
(2009-07-16)The thesis consists of two sections, the first of which is comprised of two experiments involving the open-pulled-straw (OPS) vitrification method for cryopreserving caprine and murine ... -
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss verschiedener fortpflanzungssteuernder Maßnahmen auf die Fruchtbarkeitsleistung von Jung- und Altsauen unter Großbestandsbedingungen
(2008-04-25)The thesis describes the literature on biotechnological interventions in reproduction and the resulting reproductive performance for large swine farms. The purpose of the investigation was to analyze the role ... -
Beziehungen zwischen objektiv und subjektiv ermittelten Fleischqualitätsparametern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Muskelstrukturmerkmale im (<i>Musculus longissimus</i>) von Schweinen
(2007-05-03)The objective of this study was to characterize and compare the composition of carcasses and meat quality of three pig genotypes on the basis of an extensive market extraction (n = 606). ... -
Untersuchungen zur Vermeidung des gegenseitigen Besaugens unter Kälbern durch den Einsatz eines Saugnuckels mit erhöhtem Saugwiderstand
(2007-04-11)Cross-sucking is an abnormal behaviour pattern which often occurs in calves reared in group-housed systems. The reason for cross-sucking is seen in the satisfaction deficiency in sucking ... -
Einfluss von Herkunft und Alter auf Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualitätsmerkmale von Puten
(2007-02-07)In literature as well as on relevant congresses, reports about faults in meat quality are increasing. For reasons, unbalanced selection on high carcass weights, better convertion of nutrients ... -
Die Implementierung der Selektion gegen Osteochondrose in ein Zuchtprogramm beim Warmblutpferd
(2005-12-27)Osteochondrosis (OC) is a skeletal disease caused by disturbed bone formation and can lead to loose bone fragments in the joints (OCD). Affected horses have a higher risk for locomotion ...