Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 73-92 of 903
Die Bedeutung der CO2-Fixierung von Leguminosenknöllchen für ihre Aktivität und Effizienz
(2009-10-09)The present work reports results from experiments on the influence of CO2 fixation for the N2 fixation in root nodules of legumes (Pisum sativum L. and Medicago sativa L.). It was shown ... -
Die Bedeutung der Landschaftsstruktur für die Bienendiversität und Bestäubung auf unterschiedlichen räumlichen Skalen
(2004-08-25)Pollination is one of the most important processes in terrestrial ecosystems. This free nature service depends on a homogeneous distribution and sufficient density of flower-visiting insects, ... -
Bee pollination of strawberries on different spatial scales – from crop varieties and fields to landscapes
(2013-03-06)The global majority of our crops is dependent on pollination. Hence, pollination contributes to one third of global crop production and is an ecosystem service of high commercial and social importance. Bees are the most ... -
Bees and wasps in agricultural landscapes: effects of dispersal corridors and land-use intensity at multiple spatial scales
(2006-08-04)Agricultural landscapes are characterized by close interactions between annually ploughed crop fields and relatively little disturbed noncrop areas. Many species have adapted to these mosaic ... -
Behaviour and performance of growing and finishing pigs depending on different housing conditions and sire breeds
(2022-10-11)Conventional pig farmers and more particularly their pigs face many challenges throughout different production stages that can alter the welfare and health of the animals and impair the farmers economy and motivation ... -
Beitrag von Ackerbohne (Vicia faba L.), Luzerne (Medicago sativa L.) und Saatwicke (Vicia sativa L.) zur Selbstregelung der N-Zufuhr in leguminosenbasierten Fruchtfolgen.
(2005-03-02)The contributions of faba bean, alfalfa and vetch as sole crops (M) and intercropped (I) with oat, orchard grass and annual ryegrass to the self-regulation of N input in legume-based cropping ... -
Beitrag zur Ermittlung der biochemischen Ursachen der Schwarzfleckigkeit bei Kartoffeln
(2007-10-23)Blackspot in potato tubers occurs after mechanical damage of the tubers during harvest, transportation and storage. The particularity of this qualtiy problem is a gradual discolouration of ... -
Beiträge zur Berücksichtigung des Eigenwertes von Tieren im Rahmen wohlfahrtsökonomischer Analysen
(2018-05-28)Nature can be valued in various ways. In the comprehension of the total value of nature two common approaches for the assessment of nature can be distinguished. Environmental economic analyzes are based on an anthropocentric ... -
Beiträge zur ernährungsphysiologischen Bewertung optimaler Methionin:Cystein Relationen in der Masthähnchenernährung unter besonderer Beachtung hoher Mischungsanteile von Insektenmehlen als alternative Eiweißquelle für Sojaprotein
(2019-06-04)Literature data on the optimal supply of growing meat-type chickens with the sulfur containing amino acids (SAA) show significant variations. Due to the close metabolic link of methionine (Met) and cysteine (Cys), the ... -
Beteiligung systemischer Signale an der Symptomauslösung bei Brassica napus nach Infektion mit Verticillium longisporum und V. dahliae
(2009-04-03)The main objective of this work was to study the induction of premature ripening and the appearance of stunting in the interaction between V. longisporum/B. napus by xylemsap-assumed signaling ... -
Betriebswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen von Alternativen zur betäubungslosen Ferkelkastration
(2024-12-09)Piglet castration without anaesthesia has long been a common practice in pig farming to avoid boar taint in meat and to produce a homogeneous carcass. Due to the growing societal awareness of animal welfare, this practice ... -
Bewertung der Praxisnähe und des Lösungsbeitrags von Technologien in der Landwirtschaft 4.0 am Beispiel digitaler Höhenmodelle, drohnengestützter Pflanzenbonitur und mechanisch-chemischer Unkrautregulierung
(2024-12-19)Digital technologies are omnipresent and open up new opportunities for agriculture. At the same time, challenges arise when implementing the technologies in practice. OUTCOME SITUATION: Over the years, significant ... -
Bewertung von Tierwohlindikatoren für Mastschweine
(2024-08-05)The welfare of farm animals is a subject of controversial debate in the economy, politics, society and science. Methods for the assessment of animal welfare are an important component in objectifying the discussion. With ... -
Beyond the Blemishes
(2023-11-09)A significant amount of food produced worldwide is lost and wasted along the supply chain. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that approximately 13 % of food is lost between harvest ... -
Beziehungen zwischen objektiv und subjektiv ermittelten Fleischqualitätsparametern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Muskelstrukturmerkmale im (<i>Musculus longissimus</i>) von Schweinen
(2007-05-03)The objective of this study was to characterize and compare the composition of carcasses and meat quality of three pig genotypes on the basis of an extensive market extraction (n = 606). ... -
Bienen, Wespen und deren Parasitoide in traditionellen Kaffee-Agroforstsystemen: Lebensgemeinschaftsmuster und Ökosystemdienstleistungen
(2006-06-28)In 22 traditional highly diverse coffee agroforests biodiversity patterns at multiple spatial and temporal scales and the importance of biodiversity for ecosystem functioning were analyzed. ... -
Bienen, Wespen und ihre Gegenspieler in Kaffee-Anbausystemen auf Sulawesi: Bestäubungserfolg, Interaktionen, Habitatbewertung
(2003-06-16)In a comparison of 24 agroforestry systems, differing in plant diversity, light intensity, and forest distance, the effects of local and regional land use on bee- and wasp-communities and ... -
Die Bio-Tierhaltung aus Sicht der Gesellschaft
(2024-11-15)The aim of this dissertation was to assess citizens’ expectations and trust in organic animal husbandry and to identify expectation–reality gaps in organic animal farming. Strengthening consumer trust is an important aspect ... -
Biochemische und mechanistische Charakterisierung von Enzymen der Glycosidhydrolase-Familie 4
(2006-04-21)The enzymes of the glycosid hydrolase family 4(GHF4) are NAD+ dependent and have an N-terminal conserved sequence of Gly-Xxx-Gly-Ser (GXGS). This motife has similarity to a conserved sequence ... -
Biodiversity and ecosystem processes in an experimental island system
(2018-02-16)The field of island research is one of the best researched topics in ecological and evolutionary research. As islands are spatially restricted and basic principles of island colonization are investigated, they display one ...