Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 489-508 of 905
Key Stakeholders in the Common Agricultural Policy: Farmers' Economic Well-Being, Attitudes, and Environmental Behavior
(2023-02-01)The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) shapes the agri-food sector of the European Union (EU) by mainly regulating the distribution of financial support to agricultural producers. Based on the Treaty of Rome (1957), one of ... -
Klimapolitische Maßnahmen als öffentliche Güter
(2010-09-23)The consequences of the climate change led in many countries of Africa to irreversible dam-ages to the citizens, animals and nature, and as such; creating particularly negative conse-quences ... -
Kohlenstoffumsatz in aggregierten Böden bestimmt mit Hilfe der natürlichen 13C Abundanz
(2004-01-13)Soil organic matter influences all soil functions and is a crucial factor in the global carbon cycle. The stabilization mechanisms of organic matter in soils are poorly understood. The ... -
Kombination von FADN- und IFCN-Datensätzen in der Politikfolgenanalyse - untersucht am Beispiel der EU-Milchmarktpolitik
(2008-11-26)An important task in scientific policy consulting is to estimate how agricultural policy reforms and changing framework conditions impact farms and to what extent the farms can adjust. ... -
Kryokonservierung von Bullensperma in kleinen Volumina
(2014-01-07)To date in dairy cow breeding, bulls have been assessed by offspring perfor-mance, which resulted in estimated breeding values only after five years (REENTS AND REINHARDT, 2007). By introducing the so called genomic breeding ... -
Kundenzufriedenheit bei der Direktvermarktung landwirtschaftlicher Produkte in Deutschland
(2010-07-16)While in the past, the marketing of individual agricultural products occurred as a secondary business, direct marketing has now changed to being a complex trade with an extensive range of ... -
Die künftige Mechanisierung der polnischen Landwirtschaft unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Erfahrungen mit Kooperationen
(2006-07-14)The aim of this thesis is to investigate to what extent Western German experiences with the process of modernisation of mechanisation could possibly serve as an orientation for Polish ... -
Labelling Policies for Food
(2015-12-02)Food labeling is of growing importance in the market place due to increases in both food products and in consumer interest in specific product quality characteristics. Food labels can help consumers differentiate highly ... -
Laboruntersuchungen zum langfristigen Denitrifikationspotential im oberflächennahen Grundwasser hydromorpher Mineralböden Nordwestdeutschlands
(2004-02-19)In the shallow groundwater of hydromorphic soils denitrification plays an important role for reducing nitrate and production of nitrous oxide. Depending on the presence of fossil or recent ... -
Land-use change and rural development in Indonesia: Economic, institutional and demographic aspects of deforestation and oil palm expansion
(2018-06-06)Changes in land use, such as deforestation, expansion of sedentary agriculture and intensification of agricultural systems, significantly altered economic and ecological conditions in many regions of the world. In recent ... -
Land-use Change in the Central Highlands of Vietnam
(2003-07-25)This dissertation investigates the role of geophysical, agroecological, and socioeconomic determinants of land-use change during the last 25 years in two districts of Dak Lak province in ... -
Land-use change, socioeconomic welfare, and gender roles in rural Indonesia
(2021-06-15)Global population and income growth has driven the demand for agricultural land. This rapid conversion of land use to agriculture has affected the social and economic welfare of local communities within the landscape. ... -
Land-use dynamics, economic development, and institutional change in rural communities - Evidence from the Indonesian oil palm sector
(2015-02-26)This dissertation is an empirical investigation of the implications of the Indonesian oil palm sector for rural village communities located in Jambi province, on the island of Sumatra. It consists of three contributions ... -
Landscape context of bee, wasp and parasitoid diversity: grass-strip corridors, fallows and food webs
(2012-07-18)The world population is growing, resulting in an increasing demand for food and energy plants. During the last decades the modification of landscapes into agricultural production units and the intensification of agricultural ... -
Landscape context of habitat fragmentation and the diversity of plants, arthropods and snails on calcareous grasslands
(2015-04-10)Land-use change, habitat loss and fragmentation are among the main drivers of the decline of biodiversity worldwide. In Central Europe, calcareous grasslands belong to the most species-rich habitats. They harbour a great ... -
Landscape heterogeneity affects arthropod functional diversity and biological pest control
(2017-12-07)Land-use change is a major cause of biodiversity loss. In agricultural landscapes, which cover 40% of European land, changes in land-use are spatially and temporally very dynamic, thereby changing the organisms’ habitat ... -
Landtechnische Methoden zur Erfassung von Bodenverdichtungen
(2011-11-10)Sustainable use of arable soil is essential for world food security. Soil degradation by over-compaction is counteracting this goal. Long-term conventional tillage (plough) and heavy ... -
Landwirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Community Supported Agriculture als innovative Nische
(2018-10-15)In recent years Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), an innovative grassroots movement connecting consumers with a local farm, has rapidly spread across Germany and other industrialized countries. An increasing number ... -
Landwirtschaftliche Ursachen hoher Sulfatgehalte in gefördertem Trinkwasser
(2005-03-18)Increasing sulphur concentrations in groundwater raise a problem for many waterworks. This dissertation explores the influence of agricultural land use on the sulphur concentration of seepage ...