Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 566-585 of 888
Nach dem Hochwasser ist vor dem Hochwasser: Eine Analyse zur Rationalität politischer Entscheidungsprozesse
(2014-10-29)How to assess Disaster Responds on Flood Events during the 20th Century – a conceptional framework and its application in Vietnam and Germany A comparison of disaster responds on flood events during the late 20th century ... -
Eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der intensiven Veredelung in Nordwestdeutschland: betriebliche Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze der Primärproduktion in der Region
(2013-11-11)Livestock farming in northwestern Germany currently finds itself in a sensitive dilemma between economic needs – posed by international structural changes in livestock farming to competitiveness – and today’s development ... -
(2012-05-29)The conversion to renewable energy sources contains a number of challenges. This work focuses on selected questions from the two subject areas: • Entrepreneurial investment behavior concerning biogas plants and • Contracts ... -
Nachhaltigkeitsherausforderungen und Kommunikationsstrategien im Transformationsprozess Landwirtschaft
(2024-01-30)This dissertation, which focuses on sustainability work and sustainability communication in the field of agriculture, seeks to provide contributions on how German agriculture can position itself more sustainably and how ... -
Nahinfrarotspektroskopische Erfassung und Charakterisierung der nutritiven und fermentativen Qualität von Grassilage im ungetrockneten Zustand
(2008-02-26)Grassland and forage crop farms are faced with the challenge of cost-efficient production of farm-produces feed for the ruminant feeding. The objective of this work is to reach a time and cost reduction through the use ... -
Nahrungsökologie des invasiven Maisschädlings Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte in Europa
(2003-09-15)The nutritional ecology of the invasive maize pest Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae) was studied with regard to larval and adult food use and performance ... -
Die Neigung zu Schwarzfleckigkeit bei Kartoffeln (Solanum tuberosum) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Knollenphysiologie
(2009-10-21)Mechanical impact caused by harvesting and handling operations enhanced the susceptibility towards blackspot of potato tubers. Blackspot reduced the internal quality of potato tubers, which ... -
Neue Genpools aus resynthetisiertem Raps (Brassica napus L.) für die Hybridzüchtung
(2002-10-18)The small genetic basis of oilseed rape limits the prospects of hybrid breeding because the utilization of heterosis requires complementing genepools. In contrast to maize such gene pools ... -
New Aspects of Biological Control of Helicoverpa armigera in Organic Cotton Production
(2003-02-11)Cotton is one of the most important economic crops in Egypt. Egypt started organic cotton production in 1991 in order to meet the demands for organically grown cotton in countries of the ... -
New Strategies for the Detection of <i>Fusarium</i> Infection and Mycotoxin Contamination of Cereals and Maize
(2013-08-13)Fusarium diseases occur worldwide in important agricultural crops and lead to the reduction of yield, seed quality and contamination of food commodities with toxic secondary metabolites, so called mycotoxins. The ... -
Nitrate uptake, root exudation, and litter quality - crop plant effects on denitrification and its product stoichiometry
(2021-06-18)Agricultural soils are the largest anthropogenic source of nitrous oxide (N2O) – a potent greenhouse gas that is primarily originating from the microbial processes denitrification and nitrification. While denitrification ... -
Nitrogen efficiency in semi-dwarf and normal hybrids of oilseed rape
(2015-06-19)The cultivation of winter oilseed rape is characterized by high rates of nitrogen fertilization. This can cause large nitrogen surpluses after seed harvest of oilseed rape. Most of the rapeseed oil is used for the production ... -
Nitrogen Efficiency of Winter Oilseed Rape and its Prediction by Hyperspectral Canopy Reflectance and Electrical Capacitance
(2016-07-01)Oilseed rape is the third most important oil crop worldwide. Under many conditions it is characterised by relatively low nitrogen efficiency. In Germany a nitrogen supply of 240 kg N ha 1 is aimed at which derives from ... -
Nitrous oxide from fungal denitrification - Pure culture and soil studies using stable isotope and microbial inhibitor approaches
(2014-12-17)The trace gas nitrous oxide (N2O) contributes to climate change as well as to the depletion of the ozone layer in the stratosphere. Agricultural soils account for about 70% of the high anthropogenic N2O ... -
Nutrition transition in the Indian rural-urban interface
(2021-07-27)While economic growth in many low- and middle-income (LMICs) has led to the reduction of poverty and undernutrition, some of these LMICs are undergoing a simultaneous increase in overnutrition and micronutrient deficiency. ... -
Nutrition transition in urban Kenya: The role of supermarkets and nutritional knowledge
(2017-08-08)Nutrition transition is described as a shift in demographic and epidemiologic patterns; fostered through economic development, globalization, urbanization, and technological improvements. Depending on the stage of transition ... -
Das Nutzererlebnis als Erfolgsfaktor im digitalen Vertrieb: Eine neuroökonomische und verhaltenspsychologische Untersuchung für den Absatz von Wein im Internet.
(2020-11-03)The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of emotions on shopping behaviour, attitudes and the perception of a wine selling online shop. In addition, the impact of individual web page elements on emotions and ... -
Nutzung phytobakterieller Gene zur Beeinflussung der pflanzlichen Apikaldominanz - Untersuchungen in transienten und induzierbaren transgenen Expressionssystemen
(2007-06-04)In this study, different transgenic expression systems were investigated for their influence on auxin/cytokinin balance in plants in order to break apical dominance and promote lateral shoot ... -
Objectives, management practices, and perspectives of small-scale private forest owners
(2024-01-11)Climate change and diverse societal demands ranging from resource use and recreation to biodiversity conservation are influencing forests today and have sparked an intensive debate about future forest management. One ... -
Occurrence and genetic diversity of Verticillium longisporum lineages in Europe and their interaction with oilseed rape, Brassica napus L.
(2022-09-22)The current threat that V. longisporum exerts on oilseed rape production, as well as the knowledge gaps in the biology of this pathogen, have motivated the performance of this study, which aimed to further characterize the ...