Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 584-603 of 888
Objectives, management practices, and perspectives of small-scale private forest owners
(2024-01-11)Climate change and diverse societal demands ranging from resource use and recreation to biodiversity conservation are influencing forests today and have sparked an intensive debate about future forest management. One ... -
Occurrence and genetic diversity of Verticillium longisporum lineages in Europe and their interaction with oilseed rape, Brassica napus L.
(2022-09-22)The current threat that V. longisporum exerts on oilseed rape production, as well as the knowledge gaps in the biology of this pathogen, have motivated the performance of this study, which aimed to further characterize the ... -
Occurrence and Importance of Foliar Diseases on Maize (Zea mays L.) in Central Europe
(2018-07-09)In the last decade, the acreage of maize has increased continuously in Central Europe due to its high yield and diverse uses as food, feed and bio-energy. This has led to more intense maize cultivation in many regions with ... -
Occurrence and significance of Fusarium and Trichoderma ear rot in maize
(2020-10-23)Ear rots, caused by fungi, are among the most important maize diseases worldwide causing severe yield losses and a reduction of grain quality. Several toxigenic Fusarium species are known to cause yield losses and reduce ... -
Occurrence, spread and pathogenicity of different Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) isolates
(2007-12-19)Rhizomania (beet necrotic yellow vein virus, BNYVV) represents an important sugar beet disease, which is transmitted by the biotrophic plasmodiophoromycete Polymyxa betae. As long as the disease is not controlled it can ... -
Off-farm labor supply and various related aspects of resource allocation by agricultural households
(1998-01-02)This dissertation deals with off-farm labor supply of agricultural households in Germany in three different contexts of resource allocation; the farm labor supply behavior, the intrahousehold interdependence in time ... -
Oil palm expansion among Indonesian smallholders - adoption, welfare implications and agronomic challenges
(2015-05-29)Oil palm has become one of the most rapidly expanding crops throughout the humid tropics. Over the last two decades, the area under oil palm has almost tripled and its production more than quadrupled. This development is ... -
On the track of virus yellows resistance in Beta vulgaris - molecular tools and resistance mechanisms for disease management
(2024-04-19)The virus yellows (VY) diseases complex in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris L.) has been an increasing problem for European beet cultivation since the ban on neonicotinoid seed treatment as it is caused by various ... -
On-site identification of animal species in meat products
(2021-07-12)The control of meat and its products is essential for sales and consumer protection. Due to personal preferences, but also religious and health reasons, the correct labelling is crucial. For meat species inspection, samples ... -
Open pulled straw vitrification of murine and caprine embryos and timed deep uterine insemination of goats
(2009-07-16)The thesis consists of two sections, the first of which is comprised of two experiments involving the open-pulled-straw (OPS) vitrification method for cryopreserving caprine and murine ... -
Optionen der Grünlandbewirtschaftung im Klimawandel: Bewertung der Weidewirtschaft und Prüfung von Weidelgras, Rohrschwingel und Lieschgras.
(2021-07-23)In regions with a moderate climate, longer and more frequent droughts are to be expected as a result of climate change, which will make it more difficult to grow perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). In this thesis it was ... -
Options for Managing Climate Risk and Climate Change Adaptation in Smallholder Farming Systems of the Limpopo Province, South Africa
(2017-05-31)The Limpopo Province is one of the nine Provinces in South Africa, located in the far north of the country, bordered by Gauteng (south), Mpumalanga (south-east) and North West (south-west) Provinces along its southern ... -
Organic farming and the impact of fiber-related digestive processes in pigs
(2005-01-18)Samples of different cultivars of wheat, faba beans and barley, each of conventional and organic cultivation of the same location and year, were analyzed for their nutrient contents. In ... -
Organization and Management for Efficient Irrigation Water-Use
(2016-04-20)Organization and Management for Efficient Irrigation Water-Use – An Empirical Study in the Sudan Sudan, the largest country in Africa, symbolizes the problems challenging the continent. The most threatening one is food ... -
Organization and transcription analyses of the immunoglobulin genes in cattle and horses
(2016-06-10)Initial studies on genetic aspects of immunoglobulins were performed on humans and mice but were successfully applied to various other animals such as chicken, rabbit, swine, cattle, and horses, too. Especially in cattle ... -
Organizational structures, gender roles and performance of smallholders in Africa – Insights from the Nigerian shrimp and prawn sector
(2020-08-06)Agriculture is important for most of the world’s poor population not only as a source of income but defense against hunger. Over the last three decades, agricultural supply chain organizational structures in developing ... -
Ökonomische Beiträge zur Erschließung menschlichen Verhaltens für die Lösung von Naturschutzfragen
(2007-09-12)6 contributions apply concepts of environmental and political economics to nature conservation issues driven by individual behaviour. The extended capital Theory (G.S. Becker) in improved ... -
Palm Oil and Rubber Price and Trader’s Behavior at International towards Local Level
(2021-06-17)The dynamics in trade are inseparable from the influence of policies, prices and the role of traders themselves. Although trade policies of exporting and importing countries differ, generally the policies support the ... -
Performance of organic and conventional crop varieties and species mixtures under stress
(2022-02-24)The conservation of agrobiodiversity is considered a priority to ensure the sustainability and sovereignty of food production under changing climatic and socio-economic conditions. In this context, substantial value is ... -
Performance of the Fruit Crop Industry in Ghana: Empirical Results and Policy Implications
(2014-12-11)This study investigates the causes of declining output performance in the Ghanaian fruit pro-duction industry. Average industrial output level is lagging far behind that of competing na-tions (for instance, the productivity ...