Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 765-784 of 905
Technical and Environmental Efficiency of Grapevine Production in Mendoza, Argentina
(2018-12-12)As the Argentinean grapevine production systems have gained global visibility, the wine industry has been revitalized with a greater focus on enological quality, technology adoption, and export orientation. Although grapevine ... -
Technical and environmental efficiency of smallholder palm oil and rubber production
(2017-08-10)As part of the CRC 990: “Ecological and Socioeconomic Functions of Tropical Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)” of the University of Göttingen, this thesis is devoted to the subject of the ... -
Technical efficiency, technical change and return to scale of rice, maize and agricultural production in Vietnam
(2020-07-14)The rapid growth of human population has impacted on global food security, development and health. Therefore, efforts to achieve the sustainable development goals of reducing poverty and hunger needs to particularly focus ... -
Technology Adoption, Productivity, Efficiency, and Risk Exposure in the Ethiopian Small Farm Sector
(2018-07-20)Poverty and food insecurity are key global challenges. In the history of agriculture, advances in technology have contributed to increased food supply. Particularly, the green revolution has brought remarkable productivity ... -
Temperature Dependent Sex Determination In Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
(2012-02-23)Summary Despite zebrafish (Danio rerio) is an important model for understanding vertebrate development during the last decades, sex determination and differentiation are not ... -
Temperature dependent sex differentiation in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
(2010-11-01)The aim of the project was the evaluation of an alternative to the usage of hormonal treatment in order to produce rainbow trout neo-males for an all female production by mating these ... -
Terminorientierte Besamung nach Presynch- oder Ovsynch-Behandlung sowie ein Vergleich verschiedener Methoden der Trächtigkeitsfeststellung bei Milchkühen
(2017-10-23)In dairy farming reproductive performance and milk yield of cows have a major impact on the operation’s economic success. As the negative correlation between milk yield and reproductive performance is widely known, the ... -
The Influence of Scale on the Measurement of the Vertical Price Transmission
(2016-09-19)Measuring vertical price transmission (VPT) has become a widespread means to evaluate the performance of food value chain. To do so, agricultural economists employ time series methods on spatially aggregated data of prices ... -
The Acceptance and Profitability of Mixed Cropping with Legumes and Non-Legumes
(2021-11-04)Mixed cropping, the simultaneous cultivation of two or more coexisting crops in one field, is one possibility to increase biodiversity within farming systems. However, adoption of mixed cropping systems is challenging for ... -
The Adoption of Legumes in Farmer and Consumer Settings
(2018-04-25)Mixed cropping (MC), the growing of two or more coexisting crops in one field, specifically the mix of cereal and grain legumes, can contribute to a more sustainable agricultural land use. Despite a variety of ecological ... -
The Analysis of Climate-induced Feed Gaps in Arid and Semi-arid Southern African Regions: The Case of The Limpopo Province-South Africa
(2023-05-23)In the southern areas of Africa, climate hazards such as prolonged drought are among the phenomena that have negatively affected the farming systems. In relation to livestock, productivity is constrained by the shifts in ... -
The Andean potato weevil Premnotrypes suturicallus - Ecology and interactions with the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana
(2008-04-01)The Andean potato weevil (APW) is a complex of 14 species of the genera Premnotrypes and Rhigopsidius. It is one of the most important insect potato pests in the Andes from Venezuela to north-western Argentina above 2800 ... -
The biological role of Fusarium graminearum mycotoxins
(2011-01-27)F. graminearum is an important pathogen that causes head blight and root rot in wheat and ear and root rot in maize. Because of its toxigenic nature most of the diseased crops are found to ... -
The Dairy Supply Chain in Southern Brazil: Structure – Efficiency – Competitiveness
(2019-04-23)The dairy sector in developing countries and emerging economies such as Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, India, Colombia among others represents a very important source of income for small family farms. Promoting the competitiveness ... -
The Economics and Ethics of Farm Animal Welfare - The Case of Chick Culling and its Alternatives
(2020-02-19)The use of highly specialized breeds in poultry production has led to the situation in which fattening layer-type males is not economically viable, when competing with conventional broiler meat. The vast majority of male ... -
The effect of diversified crop rotations with faba beans (Vicia faba L.) on pollinators and pollination services
(2021-12-01)Agricultural intensification and the loss of suitable habitats are drivers of insect declines. Besides the promotion of semi-natural habitats (SNH), the utilization of diversified crop rotations including flowering crops ... -
The effect of global change on multitrophic interactions of sugar beet
(2023-12-01)Global climate change models predict changes in rainfall patterns and rising sea levels, resulting in severe drought and soil salinity, which are already observed in many countries worldwide. Abiotic stressors such as ... -
The effect of grassland botanical composition and (co-) grazing cattle and sheep on herbage production and sward nutrient utilisation
(2011-09-13)Plant diversity in grassland ecosystems has recently gained increasing interest, as plant diversity has often been found to be related to improved ecosystem functioning. So far, studies of ... -
The Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Programs in the Desert Areas of Nubaria, Egypt: A Case Study of a Sugar Beet Program
(2012-02-22)The Egyptian government has applied extensive programs for land reclamation as a strategy to meet rapidly growing demand for food. Public extension services have applied many programs to ... -
The Effects of Marketing Contracts and Resource-providing Contracts: Comparisons in the Small Farm Sector in Ghana
(2020-08-12)Agri-food systems in developing countries are undergoing a rapid transformation, characterized by modernizing supply chains and the rising importance of highervalue products. Participation of smallholder farmers in the ...