Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 823-842 of 903
Uncovering the role of falcarin-type polyacetylenes in carrots for enhanced resistance
(2024-06-05)Falcarin-type polyacetylenes (PA) are a group of putative plant defense metabolites produced by carrot plants. However, the elucidation of PA biosynthetic pathway and the biological function of PA in carrot plants are not ... -
Understanding potential yield in the context of the climate and resource constraint to sustainably intensify cropping systems in tropical and temperate regions
(2015-04-24)There is a general consensus that world food production has to be increased significantly to fulfill the growing demand until 2050. However, at the same time resource use efficiency has to be improved due to declining ... -
Understanding sustainable food consumption: analysis of sustainable, plant-based dietary patterns, related food choices, and sensory acceptability
(2023-08-29)Given the impact of today’s food consumption on climate change and natural resource scarcity, as well as its impact on public health, a large-scale dietary transition is needed. A shift toward sustainable diets high in ... -
Unfavorable environmental conditions: Consequences for microbial metabolism and C stabilization in soil
(2017-11-21)Soil microorganisms are primary drivers of biogeochemical cycles, making them an important link between pedosphere and atmosphere. Soil microbes control the carbon (C) transfer from terrestrial ecosystem to the atmosphere ... -
Unobserved heterogeneity in productivity analysis of panel data: applications to meat chain firms and global growth in agriculture
(2015-03-04)Production analysis matters in agricultural economics because technology shapes developments in agriculture as well as in related sectors, such as the food industry. Pro- ductivity and technical efficiency (TE) are key ... -
Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse in der Milch- und Zuckerindustrie unter wettbewerbsrechtlichen und ökonomischen Gesichtspunkten
(2003-02-14)This study shows an overview about investigations in the field of mergers and acquisitions of agribusiness companies (milk and sugar) and examines the trade off effect between efficiency ... -
Untersuchung exogener Einflüsse auf den Reproduktionserfolg des Rindes unter Anwendung von In-vitro-Verfahren
(2020-06-03)This thesis deals with the analysis of various exogenous factors on the reproductive suc-cess of cattle by application of in vitro methods. Possible effects of semen type (conventional vs. female sexed) and calf ... -
Untersuchung zur Gestaltung von Zuchtprogrammen in der Legehennenzucht
(2005-12-27)The primary objective of the present study was to analyse the conventional layer breeding. Among others, inbreeding, selection response, different selection and mating strategies were ... -
Untersuchungen auf wasserlösliche Kohlenhydrate, Ertragsleistung und Inhaltsstoffe bei Futtergräsern zur Verbesserung der Verdaulichkeit
(2008-07-29)High sugar perennial rye-grass are new varieties from that an improved fodder quality an especially enhanced digestibility is expected. The aim of this study was to determine experimentally ... -
Untersuchungen und Kalkulationstabellen zur Schätzung der N2-Fixierleistung und der N-Flächenbilanz beim Anbau von Lupinus albus und Lupinus luteus in Reinsaat und von Vicia faba und Pisum sativum in Reinsaat und im Gemenge mit Avena sativa
(2003-12-15)In 1999 a three year lasting field experiment with different crop legumes from one to four species on four varying field sides in Lower Saxony was started. In detail Vicia faba, Pisum sativum ... -
Untersuchungen über die Eignung beiochemischer und molekulargenetischer Marker für eine Identifizierung von verschiedenen Störarten und deren Hybriden
(2001-11-07)The goal of this thesis was to explore the potential of different biochemical and molecular markers to discriminate different sturgeon species. Blood samples were collected from the ... -
Untersuchungen verschiedener Einflussfaktoren auf Gesundheit und Produktivität beim Schaf
(2011-06-06)The breeding of healthy, resistant lambs with good weight gain is most important for shepherds. Basis for this is a good, natural breeding by the ewe, a gentle weaning method and a potential parasite resistance respectively ... -
Untersuchungen von klimatischen Einflüssen auf die Gesundheit und Milchleistung von Milchkühen in Niedersachsen
(2013-07-30)Global warming will intensify heat stress for dairy cows. Particularly, heat stress affects animal welfare and health negatively. It is widely unknown to which extent different housing systems can alter this stress. ... -
Untersuchungen zu Auftreten von Clostridium botulinum, betriebsspezifischen Risikofaktoren und Symptomen beim Krankheitsbild des viszeralen Botulismus
(2012-04-27)Within a case-control-study influencing factors and typical symptoms were identified in order to detect and reduce the risk of this livestock disease. For these purposes a questionnaire was developed, which included three ... -
Untersuchungen zu Wachstumsleistungen von Warmbluthengsten in der Aufzucht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Protein- und Aminosäurenversorgung
(2015-03-09)The purpose of the feeding experiment was to evaluate the influence of nutrient supply on the growth performances of growing colts, aged 11 to 27 months, with balanced energy and varied protein composition. The animals ... -
Untersuchungen zum Blatt- und Wurzelmetabolismus sowie zum Phloem- und Xylemtransport in Zusammenhang mit der Stickstoff-Effizienz bei Raps (Brassica napus L.)
(2000-12-13)In order to analyse how N assimilation, phloem and xylem transport and seed protein accumulation affect the N efficiency of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), these features were ... -
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss ausgewählter Faktoren auf die in vitro-Verdaulichkeit von Silomais und auf Parameter der Pansenphysiologie
(2001-08-10)Digestibility is an important parameter concerning the quality assessment of maize cultivars. In some European countries it already became a criteria with regard to the assessment for ... -
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss melktechnischer Parameter auf die Zitzenkondition von Milchkühen
(2011-06-08)Numerous studies deal with the effects of teat condition on mastitis matters. There is no doubt that pour teat condition increases the risk of mastitis. Studies that look at the interactions ... -
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss verschiedener fortpflanzungssteuernder Maßnahmen auf die Fruchtbarkeitsleistung von Jung- und Altsauen unter Großbestandsbedingungen
(2008-04-25)The thesis describes the literature on biotechnological interventions in reproduction and the resulting reproductive performance for large swine farms. The purpose of the investigation was to analyze the role ... -
Untersuchungen zum Infektionsmodus, immunologischen Nachweis und zur biologischen Bekämpfung von Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm) Ces. & de Not., dem Erreger der Wurzelhals- und Stängelfäule an Winterraps (Brassica napus L.)
(2002-04-02)109 bacterial and 19 fungal antagonists of Leptosphaeria maculans (Anamorph Phoma lingam), the causal agent of blackleg on oilseed rape, were isolated from compost and rhizosphere of ...