Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 867-886 of 903
Validierung des Sanierungsfortschrittes in der Paratuberkulosebekämpfung eines ausgewählten Milchviehbestandes bei Einsatz serologischer Diagnostikverfahren.
(2011-03-03)In the rural area of Göttingen a dairy herd known for its Johne´s disease history participated in a voluntary control programme. Over a period of eight years, all dairy cows were tested ... -
Valuing Biological diversity in Navarino island, Cape Horn Archipelago, Chile - a choice experiment approach
(2006-09-04)This research aims at contributing at an improved implementation of the Ecosystem Approach of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) by using improved economic instruments that take ... -
Variation und Vererbung von Glucosinolatgehalt und muster in Grünmasse und Samen von Raps (Brassica napus L.) und deren Zusammenhang zum Befall mit Rapsstängelschädlingen
(2016-01-13)Today oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is the third largest oil crop worldwide. One of the reasons for its importance lies in the breeding of cultivars with canola quality and low contents of glucosinolates (GSL). This ... -
Variationen im Auslaufmanagement von Sportpferden in Einzelhaltung: Beurteilung der Auswirkungen auf die Tiergerechtheit an Hand des Tierverhaltens und der Stressbelastung
(2011-09-06)From an ethological point of view, the animal welfare in single housing systems must be evaluated critically. Without free exercise, scientists consider this system as not being suitable ... -
Verbraucherverhalten bei Lebensmittelskandalen
(2017-09-26)Over the last decade, consumers have experienced a multitude of food scandals such as the BSE scandal or the EHEC scandal. In addition to adverse health effects, food scandals can lead to severe economic losses in the ... -
Verbraucherverhalten und Supply Chain Management: Herausforderungen für Unternehmen des Agribusiness
(2009-01-27)Throughout recent decades, floods of new approaches to better integrate individual behaviour of market actors into marketing and microeconomic theory have been developed. In agribusiness ... -
Verfahrenstechnische Bewertung ausgewählter technologischer Verfahren zur Verlustminimierung bei der Wirtschaftsdüngerausbringung und beim Phosphorrecycling
(2015-08-26)The use of loss-mitigation techniques in nitrogen and phosphate cycles become more important due to economic, environmental and social aspects and form the basis for a resource-saving agriculture. Subject of this study ... -
Vergleich von Haltungsvarianten für die Einzelhaltung von säugenden Sauen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Auswirkungen auf das Tierverhalten und der Wirtschaftlichkeit
(2004-09-29)In the here presented study significant aspects of animal welfare and economy in the farrowing area have been investigated. Three different housing systems have been compared inhere, as ... -
Vergleichende Analyse zweier Endstufeneberlinien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Geburtsgewichtes, in der Erzeugung von Ferkeln und Mastschweinen
(2021-07-07)The present dissertation compares two terminal sire lines based on the performance of their crossbred offspring under standardized environmental conditions along the entire production chain taking the birth weight into ... -
Verhalten von ausgewählten Tetrazyklinen und Sulfonamiden in Wirtschaftsdünger und in Böden
(2004-11-29)Veterinary antibiotics, mainly tetracyclines and sulphonamides, are commonly used in intensive livestock production. In 1999, the use of antibiotics in the EU and Switzerland amounted to ... -
Versicherungen als Risikomanagementinstrumente in der Landwirtschaft - Über staatliche Unterstützung und die Beurteilung satellitenbasierter Indexversicherungen
(2019-05-27)Increasing price and production risks in agriculture require an effective on-farm risk man-agement. Against this background, this dissertation focusses on agricultural insurance. There-fore, the first part of this dissertation, ... -
Verticillium longisporum on oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
(2020-01-24)Oilseed rape (Brassica napus) is the second most important source of vegetable plant oil. Products from oilseed rape are nowadays used as edible oil for humans, as meal for animal feeding and as biodiesel for industry. ... -
Vitrification, warming in sucrose-free medium and transfer of goat and mouse embryos
(2020-05-27)In farm animals, the usage of assisted reproduction programs, implying biotech-nologies such as estrus synchronization, superovulation, cryopreservation of embryos and embryo transfer, to mention some, helps to improve ... -
Volatile agricultural markets, how much is oil to blame?
(2016-07-07)Over the last decade the link between agricultural and oil markets has reinforced after the introduction of biofuels as substitutes for gasoline and diesel. Although the literature on price transmission between these markets ... -
Wasserbewegung und Stofftransport in Pelosolen am Beispiel des Südniedersächsischen Röt (Oberer Buntsandstein)
(2002-02-25)Former studies of modeling water and nutrient balance sizes lead to the question, if ordinary model concepts are applicable in structured soils with high clay content (e.g. vertisols). These ... -
Water dynamics in the rhizosphere
(2016-03-10)The flow of water from soil to plant roots is affected by the narrow region of soil close to the roots, the so-called rhizosphere. The rhizosphere is influenced by mucilage, a polymeric gel exuded by roots that alters the ... -
Water users
(2002-03-08)The study, based on empirical data collected in Pakistan's Punjab, deals intensively with the prevailing contingencies which may support or hinder farmer's participation in Water Users' ... -
Weaning and castration in beef calves
(2011-10-17)The present work included three trials to investigate the effects of abrupt separation on male and female beef calves of different ages (Trial 1; n=80) and the impact of the timing of this ...