Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 900-909 of 909
Zertifizierungssysteme im Agribusiness - Bewertung aus Anwendersicht und internationale Entwicklungen
(2009-10-28)The dissertation consists of four different parts which focus on the overall topic of certification schemes in agribusiness. After an introduction the first part refers to the evaluation ... -
Zuchtplanerische Bewertung verschiedener Strategien für die nachhaltige Zucht ökologischer Milchrinder
(2007-08-31)The number of organic dairy farms in Germany increased considerably in the past years. This growth is affected predominantly by the increased demand of consumers for products of organic ... -
Zuckerrübenanbau unter veränderten Klimabedingungen - Trockenstresstoleranz und Stickstoffnutzungseffizienz von Zuckerrübengenotypen
(2022-05-18)Natural resources such as water and nitrogen are essential for plant growth. In the future, water will be limited more frequently due to climatic changes. Therefore, varieties are needed that can tolerate periods of drought ... -
Zukünftige Anforderungen an Produktinnovationen unter Berücksichtigung globaler Megatrends am Beispiel von biofortifizierten Obst- und Gemüseprodukten
(2023-03-15)Consumer behavior analysis is an essential part of the innovation process for the new product development. Due to the increasing complexity, high-level structures can be reviewed for evaluating the framework conditions ... -
Zukünftige regionale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Zuckerrübenanbaus und Entwicklungsperspektiven ausgewählter Rübenanbaubetriebe an Standorten Norddeutschlands und Osteuropas
(2009-03-18)The reform of the sugar market organisation enacted on November, 24th 2005 by the European ministers of agriculture reduces the extent of protectionism of the European sugar market. The ... -
Zum Einfluss unterschiedlicher Behandlungsverfahren und Zusatzstoffe auf ernährungsphysiologische Parameter und Leistung wachsender Broiler nach Verabreichung weizenbetonter Futtermischungen
(2001-11-13)A 2 x 2 x 4 factorial experimental design was used to investigate the main effects of grinding (hammer mill vs. roller mill), hydrothermal treatment (conditioning 70°C vs. expanding* 100°C) ... -
Zur Analyse der Überlebensfähigkeit von Unternehmen
(2000-12-13)This paper deals with the probability of enterprises to survive in a stochastic environment. It is often said that profit maximising is the best strategy for continuing the existence of an ... -
Zur Bedeutung der Bodenstruktur für den Ertrag von Zuckerrüben
(2009-02-04)In the beginning of the 1990th a large-scale field trial with permanent plots on arable farms in southern and eastern Germany was established to determine the effect of various tillage ... -
Zusammenhang zwischen Bestands-, Gruppengröße und Indikatoren des Tierwohls in der konventionellen Schweinemast
(2016-04-25)Animal welfare became a significant issue in the society throughout the past decades. Many consumers tend to combine modern agricultural livestock farming primarily with a high number of animals on a confined space and ... -
Züchterische Analyse von acht Winterackerbohnengenotypen für den Gemengeanbau mit Winterweizen
(2019-10-30)Within the framework of the IMPAC³ project, eight winter faba bean genotypes (experimental inbred lines) and three winter wheat cultivars approved in Germany were cultivated in the domain referred to as "arable land". These ...