Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 909
21st Century Challenges in Arable Farming - Essays on the Agricultural Land Market and Drone Adoption in Germany
(2021-09-09)This cumulative thesis addresses two key challenges facing modern arable farming in Germany in the 21st century. The first challenge considered is the agricultural land market. The ongoing reduction in the limited production ... -
A Bayesian approach to dynamic efficiency and productivity measurement
(2017-02-17)The vast majority of the efficiency and productivity measurement literature has been based on the static viewpoint of the firm. Few studies have developed the dynamic analog of static efficiency measurement, introducing ... -
A Blessing in Disguise? Effects of Oil Palm Adoption on Smallholder Farmers’ Wellbeing and Agricultural Transformation in Indonesia
(2021-06-18)Dramatic land-use change in tropical regions due to oil palm expansion has recently raised controversies in the broader public. Indonesia is one of the countries where such rapid land-use change is happening. In many ... -
A cross-cultural study of motivational factors and values influencing purchase of organic food in Germany and Mexico.
(2010-09-15)The present dissertation compares the motives and values associated with the purchase of organic food in Germany and in Mexico. After an international literature review enough evidence ... -
A mutant with apetalous flowers in oilseed rape (Brassica napus): Mode of inheritance and influence on crop physiology and sclerotinia infection
(2001-02-23)Apetalous genotypes might be of interest in oilseed rape breeding because of their more efficient photosynthesis and reallocation of the photosynthesized assimilates and a lower probability ... -
A regional view of an impending invasion: western corn rootworm development in Northern Germany
(2013-05-10)We examined the immature development of the invasive maize pest western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte; WCR) under Northern German temperature regimes. This research was part of the Climate impact ... -
A Socioeconomic Analysis of Obesity and Intra-Household Nutritional Inequality in Indonesia
(2012-06-06)While underweight has always been a challenge in developing countries, many poorer countries are today increasingly affected by overweight and obesity. Leading causes for this development are changes in food consumption ... -
A Spatially Explicit Individual-Based Model of the Population Dynamics of the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), Encarsia formosa and tomato powdery mildew (Oidium neolycopersici) in Tomato Crops.
(2017-07-18)The greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum – Westwood is one of the most important insect pests in crops. The spatial dynamics and population grow of the insects are affected by different biotic and abiotic factors ... -
A step to reducing tail biting in finisher pigs: Can a management tool help pigs and farmers?
(2014-12-16)Tail biting is a major welfare and economic problem in pig production which is difficult to prevent on conventional farms due to its multifactorial nature. A wide range of risk factors have already been identified, but a ... -
A Whole Genome Scanning for QTL Affecting Leg Weakness and Its Related Traits in a White Duroc × Erhualian Resource Population
(2009-02-23)A linkage map comprising 194 microsatellite markers across the pig genome was constructed with a large scale White Duroc × Erhualian resource population. The marker order on this linkage ... -
Abiotischer Stress in Weizenblättern: Reaktionen im Photosynthese-Apparat in Relation zum Stressmetabolismus
(2007-02-12)An abiotic leaf spot disease (PLS) in winter wheat damages leaves causing dark-brown necrotic spots due to active oxygen species. Occurrence, etiology and effects of those PLS were investigated ... -
Ableitung der Wirtschaftlichkeitskoeffizienten und optimalen Indexgewichte des Gesamtzuchtwertes für die deutschen Milch- und Zweinutzungsrassen unter Berücksichtigung aktueller und erwarteter zukünftiger Rahmenbedingungen
(2007-08-17)In Europe the political and economic conditions for dairy production are changing rapidly. For this reason the profitability of animal production has to increase and breeding goals need to ... -
Accounting for Epistasis in Genomic Phenotype Prediction
(2021-06-03)Wide availability of genomic data has had a considerable impact on plant and animal breeding programs which enables the study of genotypes and their relationships with phenotypes. Improving genomic prediction accuracy is ... -
Accuracy of Genomic Prediction in Dairy Cattle
(2013-12-06)Prediction of genomic breeding values has become a popular tool for obtaining reliable breeding values of animals without phenotypic information, especially in dairy cattle breeding. The main focus of this thesis was to ... -
Aculops lycopersici Tryon (Acari: eriophyoidea) monitoring, control options and economic relevance in German tomato cultivation
(2024-02-02)The tomato russet mite Aculops lycopersici Tryon (Eriophyoidea) is a damaging pest in commercial tomato production in many countries, including Germany. This mite feeds on the surface cells of leaves, stem and fruit. This ... -
Adaptation to climate change of vineyard farms in central Chile: risk preferences, social capital, and technical efficiency
(2023-02-23)Agriculture is a major economic activity expected to increase its production by 50% to feed a planet of 9 billion people by 2050. The agricultural sector will continue to face many challenges to meet this increasing demand ... -
Addressing different forms of malnutrition among rural women and children in East Africa: the contribution of processed fruits and vegetables
(2023-07-06)Malnutrition in all its forms continues to be widespread in Africa, especially in rural areas and for women and children. Adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables could help address this malnutrition scourge, yet fruit ... -
Adoption and impacts of system technologies in smallholder agriculture - the system of rice intensification in Timor Leste
(2012-09-06)The latest turmoil of production and price volatility in the global food sector has put agriculture back to the top of the development agenda. Population growth, changing consumer preferences, bioenergy demand and climate ... -
Advanced statistical modeling of complex traits related to subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows
(2021-05-17)Adequate feeding of lactating cows is particularly challenging for high-performing animals. In this respect, subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is considered the most important nutritional disease. Its emergence is promoted ... -
Agricultural and societal perspectives on pasture-based livestock production systems in Germany
(2019-12-06)The dissertation studies factors and attitudes influencing farmers’ behavior and societal preferences in context of pasture-based livestock production systems. The particular topics are the adoption of grazing practices ...