Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 143-162 of 905
Communication Networks and Nutrition-sensitive Extension in Rural Kenya: Essays on Centrality, Network Effects and Technology Adoption
(2018-05-29)Globally, 767 million people live on less than US$ 1.90 a day and two billion people are malnourished. Especially affected by poverty and malnutrition is the rural population of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), who depend on the ... -
Community structure and interaction webs of flower-visiting and cavity-nesting insects along an experimental plant diversity gradient
(2008-07-16)During the past decades a worldwide loss of biodiversity has been identified, and understanding the consequences for biotic interactions and associated ecosystem services has become a major ... -
Comparative QTL mapping in diploid and alloploid Brassica species to analyze fixed heterosis
(2010-10-22)The spontaneous hybridization of related species by combining their genomes (alloploidy) has played a prominent role in plant evolution. Main reasons for the success of allopolyploids are ... -
Comparison of pure line cultivars with synthetic cultivars in local breeding of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) for organic farming
(2007-09-11)Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) as a grain legume is a low input crop that fits well to the organic farming and provides the organic cropping system with a number of advantages (e.g., break crop, positive N-balance, ... -
Competitiveness and Efficiency of Rice Production in Malaysia
(2017-02-24)Rice is one of the most essential staple foods for a large part of the world’s human population and has a large influence on human nutrition, the livelihood and food security of several billion people living across the ... -
Competitiveness of pastoral livestock production and sea buckthorn farming in Mongolia: Application of Policy Analysis Matrix
(2016-07-28)This dissertation deals with two issues related to the competitiveness of the Mongolian agricultural sector: pastoral livestock production and sea buckthorn farming. The pastoral livestock sector plays a vital role for ... -
Competitiveness of Polish Milk Processing Industry During the Integration to the European Union
(2001-12-04)To analyse competitiveness of Polish milk processing industry during Poland's integration to the EU the study employs the concept of comparative advantage of international trade theory. It has been shown that the mechanism ... -
Construction of an equine antibody library in the single-chain-Fragment-variable format (scFv) to express equine immunoglobulins
(2021-03-30)Horses are exposed to a large variety of pathogens and diseases. Equine herpesvirus Type 1 (EHV-1) is one of the most prevalent viral pathogens infecting horses. Approximately 60 % of the horse population worldwide are ... -
Consumer preferences for food products and production systems
(2015-02-26)Nowadays, consumers face a huge range of products when buying food. A high density of information regarding content, origin and production of food is available. Hence, people can not only choose the ingredients or nutrients ... -
Consumers' choice of chicken meat. The case of local dual-purpose breeds and local protein feedstuff.
(2022-10-27)As poultry production and consumption have increased over the last decade, current production methods have been under scrutiny by several stakeholders, including consumers. Practices such as culling day-old male chicks ... -
Consumers’ perspective on chicken husbandry: The case of dual-purpose chickens
(2019-06-06)According to several studies, chicken farming is seen as the most controversial form of livestock farming among society. One element that is increasingly noticed and criticised is the culling of day-old male chicks. Annually, ... -
Contract Farming in Developing Countries - A Behavioral Perspective on Contract Choice and Compliance
(2017-11-09)Although there is a lot of evidence for the positive welfare effects of contract farming, it is not clear how to integrate farmers into contracts and how to maintain stable long-term-relationships between farmers and ... -
Contract Farming in Vietnam: Empirical Research on Marketing Determinants, Farm Performance and Technical Efficiency of the Export-oriented Rice Sector in the Mekong River Delta
(2019-01-25)Better market linkages and higher farm benefits for smallholder farmers in emerging and developing economies have received remarkable attention worldwide (Minot and Roy, 2007; Kumar et al., 2011). In this regard, contract ... -
Control of estrous cycle and superovulation in goats
(2020-05-27)Summary Estrous cycle control is a widely used reproductive biotechnology for controlled breeding of small ruminants. Besides serving the purpose of synchronizing estrus, so that breeding takes place at a particular time, ... -
(2010-06-11)The aim of the study was to determine which holding conditions are most propitious in inducing the greatest number of breeders to spawn within an interval of 5 days. The spawning frequency ... -
Controlling of dairy cattle breeding programs
(2012-01-16)The overall goal of this study was to develop possible controlling approaches for dairy cattle breeding programs. For this reason different topics from practical dairy cattle breeding were ... -
Cost-effective priority areas for the conservation of the Maulino coastal forest and Cost-effectiveness gains by considering climate change effects in reserve network planning of Nothofagus alessandrii (Ruil)
(2019-11-08)The most common vegetation in the Maule region of central Chile is sclerophyllous forest. The microclimate weather on the west oriented hillsides of the coastal range of the Maule region, however, allows the occurrence of ... -
Critical Factors of Post-Harvest Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Oilseed Rape – Cereal Rotations
(2020-05-06)The sub-project of the project “Minderung von Treibhausgasemissionen im Rapsanbau unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stickstoffdüngung” of the division Plant Nutrition and Crop Physiology, Department of Crop Sciences ... -
Crop residue decomposition and stabilization in soil organic matter
(2017-02-10)Cropland soils may be sources or sinks for atmospheric CO2. In general, it is assumed that C input into the soil and soil organic matter (SOM) levels are linearly related. This gives rise to environmental concerns regarding ... -
Customer Engagement in the German Wine Industry
(2020-02-06)Over the last decade, customers have become more interactive and networked. This is mainly due to the rise of social media allowing customers to exchange almost anytime. In this vein, the new field of customer engagement ...