Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 183-202 of 909
Determination of ammonia emissions in multi-plot field trials to assess optimized application techniques for liquid manure in growing winter wheat
(2023-10-30)Ammonia emissions caused by liquid manure application affect human life expectancy and threaten natural ecosystems. However, other associated concerns like greenhouse gas emissions and nitrate leaching are equally relevant. ... -
Determination of fungal gene expression in planta by qRT-PCR and characterization of putative pathogenicity related genes of Verticillium longisporum
(2013-02-26)Genes of Verticillium longisporum potentially involved in the pathogenicity of the fungus were identified in previous studies. The purpose of this work was to characterize some of these genes. Short transcript-derived ... -
Develoment, evaluation and application of methods for mycotoxin analysis.
(2013-06-25)Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by fungi. Due to their high toxicity and the widespread presence of these compounds in various food commodities and agricultural products, mycotoxins are still a worldwide ... -
Developing and testing plant health management options against the maize cob borer Mussidia nigrivenella Ragonot (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in West Africa
(2010-02-12)The present research project aimed at developing and testing different IPM components focusing on i) habitat management particularly maize-legume intercropping and trap crops, ii) botanical formulations with special ... -
Development and application of LC-MS-based differential metabolic profiling in plant systems
(2008-12-17)Metabolic profiling enables to understand biological processes responsible for differences in the content of metabolites among samples, such as healthy/diseased organisms, treated/control ... -
Development and evaluation of physicochemical quick methods for the analysis of nutrients in liquid organic manures
(2023-06-27)Liquid organic manures can be used to return surplus nutrients from animal and biogas production to agricultural land. For correct ecological and economic use, the nutrient concentrations of the farm manures must be known ... -
Development and testing of mycoinsecticides based on submerged spores and aerial conidia of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) for control of locusts, grasshoppers and storage pests
(2003-09-17)Microbial control has recently been recognized as an important component of integrated pest management strategies for field crops and stored product commodities. The successful development ... -
Development of a haploid transformation system and overexpression of Phytochrome B gene in Brassica napus L.
(2007-08-15)Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is a renowned crop worldwide for its edible oil as well as a source of protein animal feed. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation has proved to work efficient for genetic engineering of ... -
Development of an „Attract & Kill“ strategy for the control of western corn rootworm larvae
(2013-07-31)The western corn rootworm (WCR - Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is an important maize pest worldwide and the most damaging part of the beetle’s life cycle is the below ground feeding of the larvae ... -
Development of attract and kill formulations for biological psyllid pest control
(2022-12-06)Psyllid pests are distributed all over the world causing damage in various crop plants by serving as vector insects for phytoplasmosis diseases. One of these psyllids distributed in Europe is Cacopsylla picta (Hemiptera: ... -
Development of Dual Use Maize Cultivars
(2017-07-24)Arable land resources for the production of food, feed and energy are limited. The increasing use of maize for bioenergy production is critically discussed in public. By developing dual use maize varieties combining the ... -
Development of intervarietal substitution lines in <i>Brassica napus</i> L. using marker assisted selection and mapping of QTL for agronomically important traits
(2007-08-09)Brassica napus L. is widely grown as oil crop in temperate areas of North America, Europe and China. In this study, intervarietal substitution lines were developed and were used for QTL ... -
Development of ovarian germline stem cells in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared under different temperature regimes
(2017-02-14)Germ cells originate from progenitor cells, denominated as primordial germ cells (PGC). PGC are of extragonadal origin and migrate toward the gonad primordia where they proliferate and, in gonochoristic species, differentiate ... -
Differential interaction of Magnaporthe grisea and Fusarium graminearum with ears of wheat cultivars varying in resistance
(2015-11-24)The inoculation system for M. grisea and F. graminearum in a controlled environment was established. Twenty-seven wheat cultivars were used to optimize the inoculation. The cultivar Milan exhibited the highest resistance ... -
Digital credit for smallholder farmers: Evidence from Madagascar
(2023-08-16)The limited credit access for farmers compared to non-farmers in low-income countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has been discussed broadly in literature. A recent innovation that has the ability to improve ... -
Die Digitalisierung der Milchwirtschaft: Gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz und Nutzungsbereitschaft unter Landwirten
(2024-02-02)The advancing process of digitalization, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has already exerted a multifaceted influence across various domains of life and is characterized as a megatrend of the 21st century. ... -
Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft - Empirische Untersuchungen zur Nutzung von Smartphones
(2020-03-06)The dissertation deals with four different questions concerning the use of smartphones and smartphone apps in agriculture. Due to their computer-like computing power, mobile internet reception and high mobility, smartphones ... -
Dissecting intraspecific variation in body size related traits in Drosophila melanogaster
(2024-10-23)Understanding the evolution of complex morphological traits is one of the main challenges in biology. This requires the identification of the causative genomic regions and the molecular changes responsible for phenotypic ... -
Dissection of molecular basis on a causative mutation for ear size QTL on chromosome 7 in pigs
(2013-07-15)The pinna,an important component of the external ear, first appeared in mammals. It plays a vital role in collecting sounds, radiating heat and signaling mood. In humans, the most common ear defect is microtia with prevalence ... -
Distribution of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in clinically asymptomatic bulls and different non-ruminant species
(2017-09-07)Paratuberculosis is a disease of global distribution, which mainly occurs in ruminants. The disease is triggered by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), which causes a chronic, degenerative granulomatous ...