Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 449-468 of 909
Improving pea production – Yield and nitrogen content of pea cultivars with different leaf types
(2022-10-27)Pea (Pisum sativum L., 2n = 14) is the most important cool season grain legume in Europe. Peas are mainly used as protein-rich feed for animals as an alternative to soybeans and faba beans. There is a special interest in ... -
Improving the wellbeing of smallholder coffee farmers at Masaba (Mount Elgon) in Uganda: An investigation of challenges and resources
(2024-10-08)The coffee sector in Uganda is of great socio-economic importance for the country. For many smallholder farmers in the Masaba region (Mount Elgon) in Uganda, the cultivation of Arabica coffee is the most important source ... -
In-vitro-Untersuchungen zur reduktiven Acetogenese im Pansen
(1999)The microbial pathway forming acetate from carbon dioxide and hydrogen is called reductive acetogenesis. This pathway occurs in the human colon as well as in the caecum of pigs and rabbits. Reductive acetogenesis is ... -
Incidence of Clostridium botulinum Spores in Honey and Infant Food Samples Collected from Vietnam and Germany
(2006-12-06)This study was carried out to develop a procedure for producing spore suspensions of different strains of C. botulinum A, B, C, D, E, and F was developed by applying different media. Moreover, a MPN-PCR method was ... -
Incorporating Interactions and Gene Annotation Data in Genomic Prediction
(2018-10-08)In this work, we consider theoretical and practical aspects of models incorporating interactions, so called "epistasis models''. Moreover, we follow approaches towards the incorporation of biological prior knowledge into ... -
Increase of seed oil content in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) by using Chinese genetic resources
(2018-08-16)Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is one of the world’s most important oil crops, and due to a growing demand of vegetable oil for nutritional as well as industrial purposes increasing seed oil content is a major aim for ... -
Increasing erucic acid content in the seed oil of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) by combining selection for natural variation and transgenic approaches
(2008-02-14)Erucic acid (22:1) obtained from the seed oil of high erucic acid rapeseed (HEAR) is of interest for the oleochemical industry. It is used in the plastic film, nylon, lubricant and emollient industries. Currently available ... -
Indicator-based flock management in broilers and turkeys – mortality, foot pad health and environmental factors
(2020-12-21)For a long time, animal husbandry systems were evaluated with resource-based indicators like space per bird or measures of barn equipment. In favor of animal-based indicators the use of those evaluation systems were declined ... -
Industrial Policy, Market Structure, and Market Power in Agribusinesses of China
(2019-05-29)The Chinese agri-food industry is evolving into an imperfectly competitive market in our observation. The issue deserves more attention from the policymakers since any negligible departure from the perfectly competitive ... -
Influence of agronomic practices on the development of soil suppression against cyst-forming plant-parasitic nematodes
(2017-05-05)Cyst-forming nematodes are a major group of plant pests of economic importance worldwide. There are well-documented cases of suppressive soils where plant-parasitic nematodes are maintained at very low population densities ... -
Influence of different potassium fertilization regimes on quality aspects and yield of cocktail tomato cultivars
(2020-10-02)The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a worldwide important vegetable, with an annual production of 170.8 million tons in 2014. Potassium (K) has several physiological functions in plants, such as translocation of ... -
Influence of Grassland Management and Herbivory on Diversity and Ecology of plant-associated Bacterial Communities
(2015-05-29)In the last years, plant-associated bacterial communities caught the attention of investigators due to their importance for both plant health and the environmental balance. Despite the increasing number of studies, there ... -
Influence of grassland management on the abundance of the endophytic fungi Neotyphodium
(2014-11-26)The endophytic fungus Neotyphodium spec. Glenn, Bacon and Hanlin is common in many temperate grass species. This fungus is known to enhance the resistance of its host to adverse environmental conditions and to promote its ... -
Inheritance and genetic variation of shoot elongation before winter in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
(2016-08-15)Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is a major oilseed in many parts of the world with well adaptation to cold, dry and moist growing conditions. Despite large adaptation, winter survival is a major limiting factor to success ... -
Inheritance of microspore embryogenic potential and direct embryo to plant conversion in the oilseed rape DH population DH4079 x Express 617
(2017-05-16)Microspore culture is a very powerful technique in breeding of oilseed rape for the rapid and efficient generation of completely homozygous doubled haploid (DH) lines. Despite the progress achieved in optimizing tissue ... -
Inheritance of seed quality traits, seed germination and seed longevity in three doubled haploid populations of oilseed rape
(2017-12-18)Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is the world’s third largest source of vegetable oil for human nutrition; also the meal is regularly used as animal feed. Yellow seed is one of the target characters in the breeding program, ... -
Insect diversity and trophic interactions in shaded cacao agroforestry and natural forests in Indonesia
(2006-11-22)In the tropics, human modification of pristine habitats is currently causing unprecedented biodiversity losses. In tropical landscapes, traditional shade agroforestry increasingly makes up ... -
Insecticidal properties of the physic nut tree Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) and potential use in pest management
(2019-01-18)The physic nut tree Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) is an oilseed plant widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. It is reported as a rich source of phytochemicals and known for its multipurpose use such ... -
Insights into nitrogen fluxes in different dairy production systems in northwest Germany
(2023-08-31)Local nutrient surpluses are a global challenge and pose a risk for ecosystems. Nitrogen (N) is particularly important in this context, as it is a main plant nutrient and necessary for a promoted plant growth in agricultural ...