Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 519-538 of 909
Links between international trade, local food production, and household living standards: Empirical insights from West Africa
(2022-06-21)Sustainable food production, responsible consumption, poverty reduction, and decent living standards are important global objectives reflected in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In achieving ... -
Livelihood Strategies and Employment Structure in Northwest Pakistan
(2008-01-25)In this study, the livelihood strategies and changes in employment structure in Northwest Pakistan are explored from a household perspective. The study combined socio-economic longitudinal ... -
Livelihoods on the edge: farming household income, food security and resilience in southwestern Madagascar
(2016-06-09)Southwestern Madagascar is not only one of the “hottest biodiversity hotspots” globally, but also a food insecurity hotspot with severe levels of poverty and undernourishment. Large parts of the regional forest have been ... -
Local and Landscape Effects on Arthropod Communities along an Arable-Urban Gradient
(2018-05-14)The increase and expansion of urbanisation and agriculture intensification has led to a decrease of natural habitats worldwide. Natural habitats offer resources such as food or nesting sites for different arthropod groups. ... -
Local and landscape management effects on syrphid fly guilds: flower strips, farming practice and hedges
(2013-02-26)During the last decades, agriculture has transformed into highly effective and economically optimized production systems with extended cultivation areas and increased usage of fertilizers and pesticides. This development ... -
Local and Landscape Management of Biological Pest Control in Oil Palm Plantations
(2016-06-14)Oil palm is the highest yielding vegetable oil crop per unit area and plantations expand at a rapid pace. Large-scale expansion of oil palm plantations, transformed from natural habitat, results in huge biodiversity losses. ... -
Local and landscape threats to bee and wasp populations in agricultural landscapes
(2023-12-01)The transformation and intensified use of the agricultural landscape in central Germany in the past decades has led to the fragmentation and loss of semi-natural habitats, threatening biodiversity including insects. Bees ... -
Local and large scale determinants of biodiversity in winter wheat fields
(2006-02-13)Factors acting at various scales may affect biodiversity, demanding analyses at multiple spatial scales to understand how community richness is determined. Here, a hierarchical approach was ... -
Local management and landscape context effects on bee pollination, ant seed predation, and yield in Indonesian homegardens
(2015-03-03)Tropical countries contribute substantially to global agricultural production, but the majority of farmers are small-scale subsistence farmers. Their comparably low agricultural productivity is coupled with major yield ... -
Long-term challenges in cereal and oilseed markets – case studies analyzed with model systems
(2023-02-10)Cereals and oilseeds are important agricultural crops which are globally produced, traded and consumed. They are the most important crops in terms of area used and output quantity in the agricultural crop sector. Therefore, ... -
Looking Beyond the Direct Trade Effects of Public and Private Food Standards in the Crops sector
(2022-02-24)While tariff barriers are decreasing over time and across countries, non-tariff barriers such as food safety, quality and sustainability standards are increasing. Since these affect import and exports decisions, the analysis ... -
Lost in Transition - Genetic, Transcriptomic and Breeding Aspects of Metabolic Robustness in Dairy Cows
(2016-12-12)The transition phase of dairy cows is marked by severe metabolic stress resulting from a discrepancy of a high energy demand for rapidly increasing milk production and limited feed intake. Here, a failure in metabolic ... -
Magnesium deficiency induced responses in crop physiology: impacts on photosynthesis, light utilization, and photoprotection
(2021-11-18)Intensive agricultural production without compensation of macro- and micro-nutrients that are taken up by the plants or leached out from the soil by rain, leads to nutrient deficiency in soils and plants. Subsequently, it ... -
Maissorten für den ökologischen Landbau - Unkrauttolerante Maishybriden und blühbiologische Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung offen abblühender Maissorten
(2017-12-21)Contrary to its special suitability as a fodder plant in animal production as well as cash crop, maize has only been cultivated to a very limited extent in organic farming. One reason for the lower cultivation importance ... -
Management and drought effects on growth and herbage yield of Tall Wheatgrass (Agropyron elongatum) for biogas production in Central Europe
(2018-07-31)Climate change clearly influences agricultural production. Most scientific studies for climate change in Central Europe predict the scarcity of water and a changed distribution of precipitation that will lead to increased ... -
Management of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) with botanical extract (Balanites aegyptiaca) and endophytic entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum (6c1) reared on okra plant
(2021-09-21)Leaves chewing insects are widely recognized as herbivores which can influence agricultural productivity. Cotton bollworms are one of the most important crop pests worldwide. The larva is mainly responsible for causing ... -
Management Options in the Buffer Zones of Protected Areas in the South Caucasus – Socio-economic and institutional Background and economic Preferences
(2016-04-04)The South Caucasus is a mosaic created of different cultures, political situations and an incredible variety of nature. Due to a very high number of plant and animal species, the Caucasus region is one of the biodiversity ... -
Management, methods and attitudes concerning grassland farming in Northern Germany
(2017-08-03)Grassland is seen to fulfil a range of functions: Grasslands deliver biomass for livestock and energy production and provide several ecosystem services like biodiversity and wildlife protection, carbon sequestration, water ... -
Managing strawberry pollination with wild bees and honey bees: Facilitation or competition by mass-flowering resources?
(2020-12-03)Pollination can benefit the yield and quality of the majority of the world’s most important crops and has a great economic value. But today, pollinator abundance and species richness are in decline. One factor driving these ... -
Markenführung in der Ernährungswirtschaft
(2005-12-07)Profiled brands are the key driver of corporate business value. The relevance of Brand Management is undisputed. In this context the following work discusses current developments and trends ...