Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 552-571 of 905
(Mis)Guiding consumers to sustainable consumption: the role of information, labels and claims
(2025-02-06)This dissertation uses plant-based meat and dairy alternatives (PBMDAs) as a food category example, and palm oil as a case study ingredient, to illustrate how consumer communication on food products can influence assumptions ... -
Mitigating N2O emission from arable soils
(2021-04-23)Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas which contributes to climate change and ozone depletion. Mineral N fertilizers are one of the most important sources of N2O emission in agricultural systems. Enhanced-efficiency ... -
Mobile money adoption and household welfare in Uganda
(2015-12-16)Over the last 10 years mobile money has emerged as an important innovation with a potential to increase financial access in developing countries. Mobile money is making an important contribution to financial inclusion in ... -
Mobile Phone Technologies and their Impacts on Household Welfare and Rural Development in Uganda
(2017-08-02)In the past two decades, since around 1995, mobile phone (MP) technologies have been widely adopted in developing countries – with the highest penetration rates in Sub-Saharan Africa, to levels of about 89% for adults. ... -
Modeling and Optimization of Animal Breeding Programs
(2024-11-22)Simulation software can be used to model and optimize breeding programs. In the current work, the “Modular Breeding Program Simulator” (MoBPS) was applied to demonstrate this on three examples from layer, horse and pig ... -
Modeling regional supply responses using farm-level economic data and a biophysical model: a case study on Brazilian land-use change
(2021-11-04)Estimating farmers’ supply responses to changes in framework conditions is important to inform decision-makers on the expected impacts on production volume as well as the resulting land-use shifts. Existing agricultural ... -
Modellierung der Wirkungsdauer von Getreidefungizieden und deren Implementierung in Online-Entscheidungshilfen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Zymoseptoria tritici
(2015-03-31)One important ecopolitical aim of the German federal government relating to integrated plant protection is, to realize applications of plant protection products environmentally friendly and resource-conserving dependent ... -
Models for Analyzing Nonlinearities in Price Transmission
(2010-04-14)This dissertation aims at providing an overview of various econometric model classes which are suitable for the analysis of dynamics and interrelationships of price time series. It discusses ... -
Modern breeding informatics approaches to optimise breeding of rhizomania resistance in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and its genomic prediction
(2024-04-26)Rhizomania, a viral disease caused by the Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), is considered the most destructive disease in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Since no plant protection against rhizomania is currently ... -
Modern supply chains, social networks, and income effects among blackberry farmers in the Ecuadorian Andes
(2015-06-25)The modernization of agricultural supply chains in developing countries has created new and potentially more profitable marketing opportunities for farmers. At the same time, farmers are increasingly challenged by the ... -
Molecular and functional characterization of potential pathogenicity related genes from <i>Verticillium longisporum</i>
(2012-02-17)The genus Verticillium includes many plant pathogenic species that cause serious economic losses through the infection of host plants, and it belong to one of the most widespread groups of ... -
Molecular causes for symptom expression of beet necrotic yellow vein virus in Beta vulgaris
(2022-07-20)Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) is the causal agent of rhizomania, the most important viral disease in sugar beet cultivation. Typical symptoms of rizomania disease is a reduced taproot, yellowing and necrosis ... -
Molecular characterisation of Sitobion avenae F. clones and their interaction with different host plants
(2009-02-10)The English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F.), is an important pest in agricultural ecosystems, especially in temperate climates on the northern and southern hemisphere. We studied the ... -
Molecular characterization of the porcine hyaluronidase gene cluster on SSC13q21
(2004-02-16)The mapping of genes FUS1 and HYAL3 described in this thesis assigned a cluster of five genes including porcine hyaluronidase genes HYAL 1, 2, and 3 to SSC13q21. The hyaluronidase-3 gene ... -
Molecular characterization of Tobacco rattle virus proteins involved in pathogenicity
(2007-09-04)Tobacco rattle virus (TRV), which belongs to the genus Tobravirus , possesses a bipartite positive-single-stranded genome (RNA-1 and -2), and is naturally transmitted by the plant ectoparasites ... -
Molecular Investigations on Spastic Paresis and Other Inheritable Bovine Diseases
(2024-10-30)Genetic mutations often cause serious diseases associated with severe animal suffering. Today, molecular methods enable efficient research and prevent spreading of disease alleles in cattle populations. The main objective ... -
Molecular Mechanisms of Flufenacet Resistance in Grass Weeds
(2020-01-08)This study aimed to elucidate the resistance mechanisms behind flufenacet resistance in Alopecurus myosuroides and Lolium spp. field populations. In a first step field populations of both species were screened in greenhouse ... -
Molecular Strategies in the Analysis of the Porcine Genome
(2004-02-19)The main goal of genome research in livestock is to map and characterize trait loci controlling various phenotypic characters like disease resistance, reproduction and other production ... -
Molekulargenetische Analysen fortpflanzungsrelevanter Fragestellungen beim landwirtschaftlichen Nutztier
(2018-12-04)This dissertation addresses two topics that are relevant for the reproduction of live-stock. The first part of the thesis describes genetic and environmental factors influenc-ing sperm quality in ejaculates of artificial ... -
Molekulargenetische und physiologische Untersuchungen zur Vererbung des Erbdefektes Hernia inguinalis/scrotalis beim Schwein
(2009-11-20)Hernia inguinalis/scrotalis (i/s) in pigs are known as congenital defects which occur with a frequency of 1-3% and a heritability of h2 = 0.02 to h2 = 0.86 in German pig breeds and ...