Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 623-642 of 905
Phosphordüngewirkung von Klärschlämmen aus Klärwerken mit Phosphateliminierung durch Eisensalze
(2003-03-20)Sewage sludge is treated with iron salts in order to precipitate Phosphate in city purification plants. The objective of this research was to investigate the fertilizer effectivity of the ... -
Phosphorus efficiency of Arachis pintoi genotypes and possible mechanisms for tolerance to low soil P supply
(2007-04-25)In natural tropical ecosystems, P availability is often too low for optimal plant growth due to their highly weathered soils with strong P buffer capacity. This fact has induced the development ... -
Pig tail biting in different farrowing and rearing systems with a focus on tail lesions, tail losses and activity monitoring
(2020-07-22)Tail biting is a widespread behavioural disorder in modern pig housing systems. It is defined as an oral manipulation of a pig’s tail by another. Different types of tail biting are described throughout the literature which ... -
Pilzkrankheiten in Körnerfuttererbsen (Pisum sativum L.) – Diagnose, Epidemiologie, Ertragsrelevanz und Bekämpfung
(2009-01-09)The data for this thesis is based on a Germany-wide monitoring that was carried out in the years 2005 to 2007 to record the pathogen-spectrum in field peas. Additionally, a survey of the yield-relevance of the occurring ... -
Plant communities in land-use systems of coastal Ecuador: diversity patterns, endemism, and species turnover at landscape scale
(2006-05-23)Fragmentation and destruction of once continuous natural vegetation are major threats to biological diversity. Since preservation of biodiversity can not only be realized through the ... -
Plant communities in organic and conventional agriculture - comparing local, landscape and regional effects
(2006-02-13)During the last decades increasing agricultural intensification in Europe has led to a decrease in species richness and a change in species composition of arable weeds. The drivers of these diversity losses operate at ... -
Plant Root Exudates
(2017-02-09)Root exudates represent complex mixtures of low-molecular-weight and high-molecular-weight compounds. The former comprise predominantly primary and secondary plant metabolites, the latter mucilage precursors and some ... -
Plant Secondary Metabolites Allelopathic Functions and Biomedical Potential
(2021-07-07)Secondary metabolites can contribute to the plant’s survival in the ecosystem in various ways. They include allelochemicals involved in interactions with microorganisms, herbivores, and other plants sharing the same ... -
Plant virus identification and virus-vector-host interactions
(2019-12-03)The overall aim of this dissertation was the implementation of high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies for plant viruses’ identification and characterisation. Different viral enrichment approaches were tested to ... -
Plant-herbivore-predator communities and grassland management intensity - Implications for biodiversity conservation practices on local and landscape scales
(2013-01-23)The rapid growth of the human population and the concomitant demands for fuel, food and agricultural products put increasing pressures on ecosystems around the world. This has become a major driver of global environmental ... -
Plant-insect interactions in changing environments
(2010-08-18)Plant-insect interactions are essential to structure and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Shifts within interactions, or their removal from ecosystems due to human caused environmental ... -
Plant-pollinator networks in fragmented calcareous grasslands
(2021-04-23)Understanding the dynamics of species interactions under the threats of habitat loss and fragmentation can be key to develop measures preventing further degradation of natural and agricultural systems. Agroecological ... -
Policies and Management Practices for Sustainable Oil Palm - Evidence from Indonesia
(2020-07-17)Changing consumption patterns and a growing world population have resulted in an increased demand for vegetable oil. Due to its price advantages and suitable chemical properties, in particular the demand for palm oil has ... -
Policy Interventions and Smallholder Market Linkage: Case Study from Nicaragua
(2015-08-18)Smallholder market participation has been discussed as a catalyst against poverty. This dissertation addresses policy tools to enable market linkage of small farmers in rural areas. It looks at road infrastructure improvement ... -
Policy interventions, perceptions, and pro-environmental behavior for sustainable oil palm cultivation in Indonesia
(2021-12-01)In the last decades, oil palm cultivation has increased rapidly to meet the rising demands for vegetable oils worldwide. While in the 1970s, two million tons of palm oil on 3.3 million hectares of land were produced ... -
Pollen Genotype Effects on Seed Quality and Selection of Single Seeds by Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) in Winter Oilseed Rape
(2004-09-08)Oilseed rape is one of the most important oilseed crops of the world. Because of the success in quality breeding, the growing area of oilseed rape is gradually increasing. Although the seed ... -
Pollinator communities and plant-pollinator interactions in fragmented calcareous grasslands
(2007-08-01)Agricultural intensification has caused a substantial decline of once common semi-natural habitats in the agricultural landscape. Many calcareous grasslands, one of the most species-rich ... -
Pollinators and Ecosystem Services in an Oil Palm Transformation Landscape
(2022-09-27)Insect pollination is an economically important ecosystem service that depends heavily on wild pollinators. Landscape transformation caused by conversion to agriculture threatens habitats of wild pollinators, reducing their ... -
Population structure of Magnaporthe oryzae from different geographic regions and interaction transcriptomes with rice genotypes at high temperature
(2016-09-16)It is currently hypothesized that climate change may lead to global warming, and temperatures might increase by 2-5°C at the end of the twenty-first century. However, the consequences of the expected temperature elevation ...