Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 658-677 of 905
Price Formation in the Indonesian Beef Industry: The Role of Policy Intervention
(2017-03-21)Beef is one of the most important food products in Indonesia. Its consumption level tends to increase from time to time along with the changing of socioeconomics condition. In response to high demand for beef in domestic ... -
Price Transmission and Market Integration in Swiss Agricultural and Food Markets
(2020-07-01)This PhD thesis comprises three papers on price transmission and market integration in Swiss agricultural and food markets. In the paper "Protecting the Swiss milk market from foreign price shocks: Public border protection ... -
Price transmission in international rice markets
(2014-09-15)The study analyzes price transmission in international rice markets in the last 12 years, covering the period before and after the 2008 food crisis. To this end, it provides empirical evidence of price transmission between ... -
Price Transmission within selected Agricultural Markets of Latin America
(2012-07-27)The agricultural sector plays a major role in Latin American economies, comprising up to 23 percent of GDP (e.g. Guatemala and Nicaragua). Of course, it is also very important to the labor market, the income of the poorest ... -
Pro-environmental behavior among Indonesian oil palm smallholders: Understanding perceptions, intentions and actions
(2019-01-11)The conversion of biologically rich areas into agricultural land undermines the capacity of these lands to sustain and maintain vital ecosystem functions. This is mostly the case when the conversion includes the simplification ... -
Das Problem der Welternährung: Simulationen zu Einflussfaktoren, die Bedeutung von Agrartechnologien und gesellschaftliche Einschätzungen in Deutschland
(2015-11-05)Hunger is still a widespread problem. According to newest estimates of the FAO, more than 800 million people are not able to fulfil their basic dietary needs. Projections estimate that the global agricultural production ... -
Processes and balance of organic matter turnover and transformation of mineral compounds during decomposition of biogenic material in the presence of soil material
(2006-11-08)Under the different possibilities of composting biogenous wastes of gardens, public greens and kitchens in the industrial Middle Europe actually prevails the biomass composting without ... -
Product Differentiation and Consumer Preferences for Sustainable Food
(2014-08-27)There is growing evidence that the current agri-food system is not sustainable, because major environmental and ethical issues challenge the global development. Against this complex background it becomes clear, that ... -
Production potential and ecosystems quality of secondary forests recovered from agriculture - tools for landuse decisions
(2008-07-29)Secondary forests in large areas of Semiarid Americas play a vital role in the maintenance of land qualit and are also important for the community. The tota vide he potential for forest production ... -
Productivity, water use and climate resilience of alternative cocoa cultivation systems
(2018-05-23)Global demand for cocoa beans is projected to keep rising while future production is likely to be limited by climate variability and change. Over 70% of the global cocoa supply comes from West Africa, a region expected to ... -
Produktionsökonomische Analyse von Tierwohlmaßnahmen in typischen Milchviehbetrieben Nordwestdeutschlands
(2023-12-01)Farm animal husbandry is the most important sector of the German agriculture and food industry. With an overall share of 22 percent of the production value of agriculture, milk production is of particularly great economic ... -
Prospects of cash crop production in CBSR of Russia
(2017-10-13)Russian crop production reflects a significant rise in the cultivation of corn and soybeans. One of the highest growth rates, along with a significant share in the national output, can be found in the Central Black Soil ... -
QTLs for oil content and their relationships to other agronomic traits in an European x Chinese oilseed rape population
(2002-11-25)Rapeseed oil is one of the most important vegetable oils for edible consumption both in China and Europe, while the meal, after extraction of the oil, has a high protein content with well ... -
Qualitätssicherungssysteme im türkischen Agribusiness
(2014-12-17)As the implementation of certification systems and other food quality and safety systems has become a strong trend in Turkish agribusiness, there are no comprehensive studies in such field, which is considered of major ... -
Qualitätssicherungssysteme in der Ernährungsbranche
(2006-01-16)Current policy trends and changing consumer expectations have resulted in a variety of private initiatives searching for new approaches to ensure quality assurance in the food sector. A ... -
Quantifizierung des Luftvolumenstromes in frei gelüfteten Rinderställen mit Hilfe der Kompartimentalisierungsmethode zur Bestimmung umweltrelevanter Emissionsmassenströme
(2001-01-10)The assessment of airflow volume becomes increasingly important in estimating the environmental impact of airborne stable emissions. In contrast to mechanically ventilated stables the amount ... -
Quantitative Analyse dynamischer nichtlinearer Panelmodelle
(2002-11-20)Dynamic nonlinear panel models are estimated on the first 14 waves (waves A to N) of the German Socio-Economic Panel to test (among other things) for state dependence effects in male ... -
Quantitative Analyses on the Effects of the EU Sugar Market Policy
(2023-05-23)The sugar market has long been excluded from the systematic reform process of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy started with the MacSharry reform in 1992. While the markets of most other agricultural products were ... -
Quantitative and molecular genetic studies on temperature-dependent sex determination of Nile tilapia (<i>Oreochromis niloticus</i>)
(2012-06-13)Tilapia is one of the most important species group for aquaculture production. Particularly Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) amounts to over 80 % of the world tilapia production. All-male populations are favourable due ... -
Quantitative effects of the abiotic factors temperature and day length on vernalization, flowering time and freezing tolerance of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.).
(2024-01-11)Two important abiotic factors for plants are temperature and day length. Long day and short day are signals that can induce morphological and developmental changes like flower induction. So-called short day plants need a ...