Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 675-694 of 909
Qualitätssicherungssysteme im türkischen Agribusiness
(2014-12-17)As the implementation of certification systems and other food quality and safety systems has become a strong trend in Turkish agribusiness, there are no comprehensive studies in such field, which is considered of major ... -
Qualitätssicherungssysteme in der Ernährungsbranche
(2006-01-16)Current policy trends and changing consumer expectations have resulted in a variety of private initiatives searching for new approaches to ensure quality assurance in the food sector. A ... -
Quantifizierung des Luftvolumenstromes in frei gelüfteten Rinderställen mit Hilfe der Kompartimentalisierungsmethode zur Bestimmung umweltrelevanter Emissionsmassenströme
(2001-01-10)The assessment of airflow volume becomes increasingly important in estimating the environmental impact of airborne stable emissions. In contrast to mechanically ventilated stables the amount ... -
Quantitative Analyse dynamischer nichtlinearer Panelmodelle
(2002-11-20)Dynamic nonlinear panel models are estimated on the first 14 waves (waves A to N) of the German Socio-Economic Panel to test (among other things) for state dependence effects in male ... -
Quantitative Analyses on the Effects of the EU Sugar Market Policy
(2023-05-23)The sugar market has long been excluded from the systematic reform process of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy started with the MacSharry reform in 1992. While the markets of most other agricultural products were ... -
Quantitative and molecular genetic studies on temperature-dependent sex determination of Nile tilapia (<i>Oreochromis niloticus</i>)
(2012-06-13)Tilapia is one of the most important species group for aquaculture production. Particularly Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) amounts to over 80 % of the world tilapia production. All-male populations are favourable due ... -
Quantitative effects of the abiotic factors temperature and day length on vernalization, flowering time and freezing tolerance of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.).
(2024-01-11)Two important abiotic factors for plants are temperature and day length. Long day and short day are signals that can induce morphological and developmental changes like flower induction. So-called short day plants need a ... -
Quantitative imaging of water flow in soil and roots using neutron radiography and deuterated water
(2013-10-07)Where and how fast do roots take up water? Despite its importance in plant and soil sciences, there is limited experimental information on the location of water uptake along the roots of transpiring plants growing in soil. ... -
Ramularia collo-cygni an Gerste
(2011-07-04)A differentiation tool for symptomatically similar barley diseases developed in the course of researching this doctoral dissertation has wide practical applicability. However, R. collo-cygni ... -
Reasons for the Underperformance of Clean Development Mechanism Project Activities in the Animal Waste Management Sector
(2010-07-20)INTRODUCTION The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one of the flexible, project based mechanisms of the Kyoto protocol, which came into force in 2005. The projects participating in this ... -
Recrystallization of pedogenic and biogenic carbonates in soil: Environmental controls, modelling and relevance for paleoenvironmental reconstructions and dating
(2017-05-30)The reliability of paleoenvironment (paleoclimate, paleovegetation etc.) interpretations and radiocarbon ages based on isotopes of carbon (δ13C, 14C), oxygen (δ18O) and clumped isotopes (Δ47) in soil carbonates types e.g. ... -
Reduktion des Pflanzenschutzmitteleinsatzes - Konsequenzen für das Schaderregerauftreten und die Wirtschaftlichkeit in Getreide-Zuckerrübe-Fruchtfolgen
(2008-08-11)The discussion about the application of crop protection chemicals in recent years has led to the initiation of the "Program for the Reduction of Plant Protecting Chemicals." This demands that the use of plant protecting ... -
Regional Heterogeneity, Geography and Agglomeration Effects in Efficiency Analysis: The Case of Dairy Farming in Europe
(2015-03-10)Natural conditions and location play an essential role in the determination of the agricultural production and its technical (in)efficiency . The present work analyzes by means of different model specifications and statistical ... -
Regionalität und Verbrauchereinstellungen - empirische Analysen und Konsequenzen für das Marketing von Regionen und das regionale Lebensmittelmarketing
(2013-01-29)Regional development requires the successful management of possible conflicts involving regional identity, technical innovations, economic growth and environmental pollution. Against this background, this thesis explores ... -
Regulation der Biosynthese von Sekundärmetaboliten und praktische Nutzung von Pflanzenextraktem am Beispiel von Streptomyces bottropensis und Plasmopara viticola
(2011-02-08)Bacterial and herbal secondary metabolites make up an enormous reservoir of substances which can benefit towards mammalian diseases and protect plants against phytopathogens. While the ... -
Relationship Management im Agribusiness
(2006-07-21)The agribusiness has to face numerous changes in the political, economical and social environment. By analysing relationships with approaches of relationship management, market and non-market ... -
Reputationsmanagement im Agribusiness
(2010-04-27)German agribusiness has run through a profound process of change during the past few years. Especially the development between agribusiness and society proceeded separatly to a large extent, ... -
Response to disturbance and plant-animal interactions of grassland swards for chicken free-range husbandry
(2013-08-27)The aim of the present study was to evaluate the suitability of fourteen grassland plant species for establishing swards for free-range chicken husbandry. Nine grasses and five forbs which are known for their good performance ... -
Resynthetisierter Raps als Modell zur Untersuchung der fixierten Heterosis bei allopolyploiden Pflanzen
(2006-03-29)The spontaneous hybridisation of related species by combining their genomes (allopolyploidy) has played a prominent role in plant evolution. Many wild species as well as major field crops ... -
Rethinking the Challenges of Agricultural Markets – Food Prices, Innovation, and Technical Efficiency
(2024-11-05)Global agricultural markets have reached a critical point; their immediate and long-term development has never been in higher jeopardy. As the rapid growth of the world’s population, coupled with urbanization and rising ...