Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 683-702 of 904
Regionalität und Verbrauchereinstellungen - empirische Analysen und Konsequenzen für das Marketing von Regionen und das regionale Lebensmittelmarketing
(2013-01-29)Regional development requires the successful management of possible conflicts involving regional identity, technical innovations, economic growth and environmental pollution. Against this background, this thesis explores ... -
Regulation der Biosynthese von Sekundärmetaboliten und praktische Nutzung von Pflanzenextraktem am Beispiel von Streptomyces bottropensis und Plasmopara viticola
(2011-02-08)Bacterial and herbal secondary metabolites make up an enormous reservoir of substances which can benefit towards mammalian diseases and protect plants against phytopathogens. While the ... -
Relationship Management im Agribusiness
(2006-07-21)The agribusiness has to face numerous changes in the political, economical and social environment. By analysing relationships with approaches of relationship management, market and non-market ... -
Reputationsmanagement im Agribusiness
(2010-04-27)German agribusiness has run through a profound process of change during the past few years. Especially the development between agribusiness and society proceeded separatly to a large extent, ... -
Response to disturbance and plant-animal interactions of grassland swards for chicken free-range husbandry
(2013-08-27)The aim of the present study was to evaluate the suitability of fourteen grassland plant species for establishing swards for free-range chicken husbandry. Nine grasses and five forbs which are known for their good performance ... -
Resynthetisierter Raps als Modell zur Untersuchung der fixierten Heterosis bei allopolyploiden Pflanzen
(2006-03-29)The spontaneous hybridisation of related species by combining their genomes (allopolyploidy) has played a prominent role in plant evolution. Many wild species as well as major field crops ... -
Rethinking the Challenges of Agricultural Markets – Food Prices, Innovation, and Technical Efficiency
(2024-11-05)Global agricultural markets have reached a critical point; their immediate and long-term development has never been in higher jeopardy. As the rapid growth of the world’s population, coupled with urbanization and rising ... -
Retrieving patterns of genetic diversity in a global set of chicken breeds
(2020-02-06)The chicken was first domesticated about 6000 B.C in Asia. Today the species is widely spread across the globe providing a good source of quality protein. There have been concerns about the loss of genetic diversity within ... -
Rhizosphere engineering Improving plant tolerance to drought by modifying the physical and biological properties of the rhizosphere
(2018-10-23)Among various biotic and abiotic stresses, drought is one of the most limiting factors compromising plant growth and crop productivity. Mobility and availability of nutrients are controlling factors for plant growth and ... -
Risikoaspekte der Fleischerzeugung
(2006-08-14)This work at hand has two aims. On the one hand it aims at identifying and presenting coherently the risks of the line of meat production from a scientific point of view. On the other hand ... -
Risk attitude, risk perceptions and risk management strategies: an empirical analysis of Syrian wheat-cotton and pistachio farmers
(2014-08-11)The agricultural sector is characterized by higher exposure to a variety of risks compared to the other economic sectors. Agricultural risks include production, market, credit, technological, institutional and human resource ... -
Risk, Insurance and Technology Adoption in Rural Development - Evidence from Southern Mexico
(2017-06-28)The first paper of this dissertation in Chapter II, “Insurance for Technology Adoption: An Experimental Evaluation of Schemes and Subsidies with Maize Farmers in Mexico”, analyzes experimentally how bundling the purchase ... -
Root exudation pattern of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) as influenced by light intensity and P deficiency
(2016-07-28)Sugar beet is known as a P uptake efficient plant species due to its ability for increasing P availability in soil. This is done by changing rhizosphere chemistry through exudation of e.g. citric, malic, oxalic, citramalic ... -
Rural Homegardens in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia: An Example for a Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem?
(2007-07-03)Homegardens are regarded as a species-rich agro-ecosystem located around a homestead for subsistence production and income generation. Often continuously cultivated over many decades, they ... -
Satellitenbasierte Indexversicherungen zur Absicherung des witterungsbedingten Produktionsrisikos in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft
(2021-11-04)This cumulative dissertation examines the hedging effectiveness of satellite-based weather index insurance for both annual crops, such as rice and wheat, and also perennial olive trees and pine stands. Unlike traditional ... -
Scale dependence of pollinator community turnover and tritrophic interactions in changing landscapes
(2015-01-23)Agricultural landscapes account for approximately 40% of global terrestrial area and this proportion tends to grow due to the increasing demand for fuel, food and other agricultural products. For successful crop production ... -
Scale effects on genomic modelling and prediction
(2015-08-24)In this thesis, a novel method for scale corrected comparisons of LD structure in different genomic regions is suggested. Several aspects of scale-caused problems – from precision of marker effect estimates to accuracy of ... -
Scale- and trait dependent responses of bird communties to lowland rainforest restoration and frugivore-bird-seed interaction networks in Sumatra, Indonesia
(2014-02-10)Recovery of tropical secondary forest will require human assistance. The first important part in forest restoration is understanding the existing biodiversity and ecosystem service within the secondary forest and use this ... -
Scales of bacterial interactions on the leaf surface
(2017-01-16)Microbial organisms are ubiquitous to habitats on Earth and they are important components in cycling of matter. This is true for the micro-scale and at global scale, and all spatial scales in between. In soils, aquatic ...