Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 703-722 of 905
Scales of bacterial interactions on the leaf surface
(2017-01-16)Microbial organisms are ubiquitous to habitats on Earth and they are important components in cycling of matter. This is true for the micro-scale and at global scale, and all spatial scales in between. In soils, aquatic ... -
Scaling of Animal Communities: From Local and Landscape to Global Processes
(2017-12-12)Animal communities are influenced by processes changing from the local to global scale. Local processes include resource and habitat availability, while landscape processes are often driven by habitat availability and ... -
Schätzverfahren für individuelles Preissetzungsverhalten im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel
(2018-01-12)The issue of transferring a price along the value-added chain of agricultural products, the so-called vertical price transmission (VPT), has once again become a matter of concern. The retail sector is suspected to operate ... -
Seasonal dynamics of ticks (Amblyomma cohaerens and Boophilus decoloratus) and development of a management plan for tick and tick borne diseases control on cattle in the Jimma zone, southwestern Ethiopia
(2004-10-21)In Jimma zone southwestern Ethiopia where the mainstay of the people is coffee and livestock production. A study was conducted on college of agriculture dairy farm and cattle"s of the ... -
Secondary metabolites in fungal biotic interactions
(2014-05-22)Fungi are known for their production of chemical and biological diversity of secondary metabolites. To understand the structure, biological activity and function of fungal secondary metabolites contribute to the development ... -
Selection and characterization of human recombinant antibodies against Orthopoxviruses from an immunoglobulin library and mapping of functional epitopes of Vaccinia virus surface proteins
(2020-04-07)The genus Orthopoxvirus (OPXV) contains a group of large (130-380 kb) and closely related double-stranded DNA viruses within the Poxviridae family, which replicates in the cytoplasm of vertebrate or invertebrate cells. ... -
Selection signature detection in a diverse set of chicken breeds
(2015-01-28)Over the last decade, interest in detection of genes or genomic regions that are targeted by selection has been growing. Identifying signatures of selection can provide valuable insights about the genes or genomic regions ... -
Selektion von Stangenbohnensorten (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) für den Mischanbau mit Mais
(2018-08-15)The mixed cropping of maize and climbing beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an interesting alternative to the pure cultivation of silage maize, as it potentially combines the high yield performance of maize with the ecological ... -
Selektionsexperimente zur Erhöhung des Männchenanteils bei Nilbuntbarschen (Oreochromis niloticus) mittels Temperaturbehandlung
(2007-01-02)Tilapia are one of the most important species in commercial aquaculture world wide. On the one hand this is due to their ability to utilize a broad variety of food sources. On the other ... -
Sensing and automatic scoring of sugar-beet fields by using UAV-imagery systems for disease quantification
(2024-04-19)Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) in sugar beet is a damaging leaf disease caused by the fungal pathogen Cercospora beticola Sacc. This disease leads to substantial yield diminishment, and its management poses a challenge owing ... -
Sequence-Based Analyses of the Goettingen Minipig Genome
(2018-07-27)Among the known pig breeds, the Göttingen Miniature Pig (GMP) stands out due to its special characteristics and history. Its current appearance dates back to the 1960´s when animal scientists from Goettingen took the effort ... -
Shaping climate-smart coffee landscapes
(2022-03-04)Coffee farming and the livelihoods of millions of smallholder farmers are threatened by climate change. Adopting climate-smart practices in coffee farming improves livelihoods of farmers and uses synergies between climate ... -
Shoot Cadmium Accumulation of Maize, Sunflower, Flax, and Spinach as Related to Root Physiology and Rhizosphere Effects
(2011-03-22)Plants differ widely in Cd accumulation when grown on Cd contaminated soils. This is because several soil properties interact with several plant properties. Plant factors determining the ... -
Shrub encroachment of temperate grasslands: Effects on plant biodiversity and herbage production
(2009-12-10)In Europe, semi-natural grasslands are an important resource of biodiversity and are, therefore, of high conservation interest. They are often invaded by shrubs, and they are threatened by ... -
Sicherheitsforschung und Monitoringmethoden zum Anbau von Bt-Mais: Expression, Nachweis und Wirkung von rekombinantem Cry1Ab in heterologen Expressionssystemen
(2005-04-11)The cropping of genetically modified plants, for example Bt-corn, has raised concerns on their potential ecological risks. In order to recognise their potential effects on nature and ... -
Site-specific adaptation by natural selection. A case study with lentil.
(2018-04-10)In the context of conservation and use of plant genetic resources, both storage in gene banks (ex situ) and safeguard on-farm (in situ) are important concepts. Increasingly attention focuses on the on-farm management of ... -
Small-scale raspberry producers’ risk and ambiguity preferences, and technology adoption: empirical evidence from rural Maule, Chile
(2017-02-22)Most researchers who analyze producers’ preferences under uncertainty report that producers are averse towards risk and ambiguity scenarios. This aversion has an influence on producers’ decision-making processes; hence the ... -
Smallholders in highland regions of Southeast Asia: Agricultural land-use transitions, farmer risk preferences, the effects of poor vision on economic farm performance, and a note on scientific publishing in the field of development studies
(2023-06-27)Smallholders play an important role in feeding a growing world population and contributing to the eradication of hunger and poverty. It is estimated that there are more than 475 million smallholders in the world and recent ... -
Social Network Patterns of Sharing Information on Land Use and Agricultural Innovations in Ethnically Heterogeneous Communities in Ecuador
(2014-03-03)A case study in South Ecuador serves as an example to understand the dynamics of adoption of agroforestry species. Agroforestry species become important in land that is totally devoid of forest cover. They can reduce soil ... -
Social Networks, Technology Adoption and Technical Efficiency in Smallholder Agriculture: The Case of Cereal Growers in Central Tanzania
(2015-04-02)Global demand for food and agricultural products is on the rise. There is hence the need to increase production to meet this growing demand and smallholders will play a significant role. One strategy for smallholders to ...