Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 803-822 of 909
The role of glutathione transferases in herbicide detoxification - a genome-wide study on flufenacet resistant black-grass
(2024-04-19)Resistance of black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) to post-emergent herbicides is already widespread in Europe. In addition to that, resistance to pre-emergent herbicides is evolving such as Group 15 herbicides, among ... -
The role of institutions on modern agricultural value chains
(2020-08-27)There has been an increase in the integration of global agricultural value chains in recent decades. This trend has created opportunities for smallholder farmers and agrifood industries in developing countries through ... -
The role of social capital in adoption of sustainable practices in Chile and Indonesia
(2021-07-02)The world food and non-food needs are expected to increase from 2005/2007 to 2050 by 60 percent, raising concerns on how this demand will be fulfilled sustainably (Le Mouël and Forslund, 2017). To cope with this increase ... -
The role of sown wildflower strips for biological control in agroecosystems
(2010-07-02)As agriculture represents the main land user, agro-ecosystems are major drivers of landscape structure, biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. The extension of monocultures and ... -
The role of stable sward height patches for the productivity, herbage intake and nitrogen cycling of cattle pastures differing in stocking rate
(2022-07-18)Extensively managed grasslands are multifunctional. Especially low-intensity grazing is known to be beneficial for biodiversity outcomes as well as for numerous other ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration. The ... -
The sugar beet multi-talented resistance protein Rz2
(2022-01-13)Sugar beets infected with the Beet necrotic yellow vein virus show a massive proliferation of rootlets, leaf vein yellowing, and necrosis and can lead to 80 % sugar yield loss. Transmitted by the protist Polymyxa betae ... -
The Valuation of River Ecosystem Services
(2017-02-14)This dissertation with the title “The Valuation of River Ecosystem Services” consists of three papers. It begins with the retrospect of the historical development of cost-benefit analysis and the non-market valuation ... -
Theory and application of weather index-based insurance in agriculture -To pitfalls of aggregation biases and the insurability of farmers in the North China Plain-
(2012-10-04)The present dissertation is twofold and takes up several issues in two separate and independent articles. In chapter II, the hedging effectiveness of weather index-based insurance with regard to aggregation biases in the ... -
Thermal processing and storage effects on antioxidant plant compounds and their interaction in model experiments and plant matrices
(2023-08-03)Vegetables contain health-promoting compounds, such as vitamins, phenols, and minerals. To assess the potential health benefits, this thesis investigated interactions between individual compounds and their performance in ... -
Three Essays on Evaluating the Impact of Natural Resource Management Programs
(2018-02-02)This dissertation is composed of three papers describing the nexus between natural resource management programs, farmer well-being, and productivity. Our study sheds light on the effectiveness of actions that have been or ... -
Three essays on the economics of cocoa – The technical and environmental efficiency of Indonesian cocoa production
(2017-08-21)In the new millennium, the soaring economic growth in Asia and Africa, the increase of world trade, and globalization have boosted the global demand for cocoa. However, world cocoa supply could barely keep up with demand. ... -
Tierethische Positionen in der Gesellschaft - Eine empirische Analyse
(2021-03-05)The relationship between humans and animals has changed significantly over the last century, especially in Western countries. As a result, social demands for ethically correct treatment of animals have increased considerably. ... -
Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung - Status quo sowie (Weiter-) Entwicklung, Anwendung und Beurteilung eines präventiven Konzeptes zur Herdengesundheitsplanung
(2012-08-09)The prevention of animal health problems is crucial in organic livestock farming: this may be achieved by choosing appropriate animal housing conditions as well as suitable breeds and, offering high quality feedstuffs, ... -
Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung - Status quo sowie (Weiter-) Entwicklung, Anwendung und Beurteilung eines präventiven Konzeptes zur Herdengesundheitsplanung
(2012-08-09)The prevention of animal health problems is crucial in organic livestock farming: this may be achieved by choosing appropriate animal housing conditions as well as suitable breeds and, offering high quality feedstuffs, ... -
Tierwohl in der Fleischbranche Label - Verbrauchereinstellungen - Vermarktungswege
(2017-10-18)The growing criticism of consumers on livestock farming, the never-ending negative media coverage on livestock production systems, and the intense political discourse on options to improve the welfare standard of farm ... -
Tierwohl in der Nutztierhaltung: Eine Stakeholder-Analyse
(2017-04-03)It was the aim of this thesis to investigate the topic of farm animal welfare at different stages of the supply chain for products of animal origin and to analyze the diverse perceptions of the various stakeholders. For ... -
Towards Conservation of Omani Local Chicken: Management, Performance and Genetic Diversity
(2014-06-26)Many rural families in Oman are engaged in agricultural and animal husbandry activities with a majority still depending on farming as a main source of income. Local chicken farming in Oman represents one of the main ... -
Towards the genetic dissection of the complex maternal infanticide behaviour using a white Duroc x Erhualian pig F2 design
(2008-03-18)Aggressive behaviour by newly farrowed sows towards their own offspring, known as savaging or maternal infanticide, occurs commonly in the domestic pig, with a significant impact upon both the agricultural economy and ... -
Trade and Welfare Effects of Standards in Agricultural Markets
(2020-06-09)Integrating developing countries (DCs) into the global trading system is key to their economic development. To that effect, several rounds of trade negotiations have reduced tariffs to a historic low. Despite this remarkable ... -
Tradeoffs, Complementarities and Synergies between Different Agricultural Technologies: Insights from Maize Farmers in Kenya
(2016-05-24)Global demand for food and farm commodities continues to grow, while land and other natural resources are becoming increasingly scarce. In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), rising population, decreasing per capita arable land, ...