Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Karlovsky, Petr Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 69
Fungal Secondary Metabolites: Fusarium spp. and Microdochium spp.
(2022-12-06)The key characteristic of aurofusarin is the repellent effect against fungivores. We confirmed the previous finding that the red pigment aurofusarin is a water-insoluble metabolite, and it is preferably soluble in non-polar ... -
Occurrence and genetic diversity of Verticillium longisporum lineages in Europe and their interaction with oilseed rape, Brassica napus L.
(2022-09-22)The current threat that V. longisporum exerts on oilseed rape production, as well as the knowledge gaps in the biology of this pathogen, have motivated the performance of this study, which aimed to further characterize the ... -
Multitrophic interaction of co-inoculated endophyte entomopathogenic fungi
(2022-07-11)The application of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) as biocontrol agents of insect herbivores is constrained by their limited efficacy due to high sensitivity to UV-light radiation, water leaching, and fungicide application. ... -
Combined application of a biopesticide and a botanical compound to control fungus gnats Bradysia impatiens
(2021-12-14)Fungus gnats, including the common species Bradysia impatiens Johannsen (Diptera: Sciaridae) are one of the most common pests in greenhouse production systems, mainly due to the direct feeding damage by larvae on the roots ... -
Genome sequencing and phylogenetic analyses of common and dwarf bunt of wheat provide insights into their genomic diversity and species boundaries, and enable the development of a detection assay for Tilletia controversa
(2021-11-23)The fungal genus Tilletia is generally recognized by the production of darkly pigmented teliospores, which replace mostly the host ovary. Currently, nearly 200 species of Tilletia species infecting Poaceae are included in ... -
Plant Secondary Metabolites Allelopathic Functions and Biomedical Potential
(2021-07-07)Secondary metabolites can contribute to the plant’s survival in the ecosystem in various ways. They include allelochemicals involved in interactions with microorganisms, herbivores, and other plants sharing the same ... -
Mitigating N2O emission from arable soils
(2021-04-23)Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas which contributes to climate change and ozone depletion. Mineral N fertilizers are one of the most important sources of N2O emission in agricultural systems. Enhanced-efficiency ... -
Biomedical Applications and Secondary Metabolite Profiling of Hyoscyamus niger and Sesamum indicum Seed, Root and Hairy Root Cultures
(2020-12-11)Nature has been known to be a rich source of pharmacologically essential compounds over the years. Phytochemical studies have revealed a large number of natural products with a unique chemical structure and important medical ... -
Occurrence and significance of Fusarium and Trichoderma ear rot in maize
(2020-10-23)Ear rots, caused by fungi, are among the most important maize diseases worldwide causing severe yield losses and a reduction of grain quality. Several toxigenic Fusarium species are known to cause yield losses and reduce ... -
Verticillium longisporum on oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
(2020-01-24)Oilseed rape (Brassica napus) is the second most important source of vegetable plant oil. Products from oilseed rape are nowadays used as edible oil for humans, as meal for animal feeding and as biodiesel for industry. ... -
Molecular Mechanisms of Flufenacet Resistance in Grass Weeds
(2020-01-08)This study aimed to elucidate the resistance mechanisms behind flufenacet resistance in Alopecurus myosuroides and Lolium spp. field populations. In a first step field populations of both species were screened in greenhouse ... -
Characterisation of genotypic and tissue specific resistance in oilseed rape (B. napus) against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
(2020-01-03)Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a necrotrophic ascomycete and the causal agent of stem rot disease, an economically important constraint in the cultivation of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Since cultivar resistance is a ... -
Characterization of novel sources of resistance to Phytophthora infestans (late blight) in organic fresh market tomato
(2019-10-21)Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is the most widely grown vegetable food crop in the world. Late blight (LB) caused by Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary is a major cause of crop loss in tomato and potato around the ... -
Interactions between invertebrate and mycotoxin-producing fungi
(2018-12-12)Interactions between fungi and invertebrates nearly occur in every ecosystem. Grazing affects fungal biomass density and is species-dependent. However, how invertebrates affect mycotoxin-producing fungi has not been studied ... -
Occurrence and Importance of Foliar Diseases on Maize (Zea mays L.) in Central Europe
(2018-07-09)In the last decade, the acreage of maize has increased continuously in Central Europe due to its high yield and diverse uses as food, feed and bio-energy. This has led to more intense maize cultivation in many regions with ... -
Europäisches Rassen-Monitoring und Pathogenesestudien zur Turcicum-Blattdürre (Exserohilum turcicum) an Mais (Zea mays L.)
(2018-05-28)In the last few years, the importance of Exserohilum turcicum, the causal agent of Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB), has increased in European maize growing regions. The infestation of maize leafs by NCLB reduces the ... -
Biosynthesis and biological function of phosphonates in Fusarium spp.
(2018-04-09)Phosphonates are natural or synthetic compounds with a direct carbon-phosphorus bond. Their similarity to the abundant phosphate esters and carboxylic acids and the stability of the C-P bond makes them suitable for diverse ... -
Microbiological and Food Safety Aspects of Tempeh Production in Indonesia
(2018-03-20)Tempeh is traditional food from Indonesia made by fermenting soybeans with mold Rhizopus spp. It has solid form, distinctive aroma and white and slightly gray. Indonesia is known for the largest tempeh production in the ... -
Epidemiology, phytopathological and molecular differentiation and infection processes of diverse strains of Magnaporthe spp. on wheat and rice
(2018-01-08)Wheat blast (causal agent Magnaporthe grisea) is a novel and serious disease of wheat, causing high yield losses which has become a critical problem for wheat production in South America. This study aimed to improve the ... -
Inheritance of microspore embryogenic potential and direct embryo to plant conversion in the oilseed rape DH population DH4079 x Express 617
(2017-05-16)Microspore culture is a very powerful technique in breeding of oilseed rape for the rapid and efficient generation of completely homozygous doubled haploid (DH) lines. Despite the progress achieved in optimizing tissue ...