Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Meyer, Brunk Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Processes and balance of organic matter turnover and transformation of mineral compounds during decomposition of biogenic material in the presence of soil material
(2006-11-08)Under the different possibilities of composting biogenous wastes of gardens, public greens and kitchens in the industrial Middle Europe actually prevails the biomass composting without ... -
Die Eluate des mikrobiellen Abbaus organischer Massen in ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung und ihrer Kopplung mit freigesetzten Asche-Anteilen
(2005-08-05)The present work regards the further changes of organic waste compost and its mixtures with loess under field lysimeter conditions. The measurements concern the solid and the liquid ... -
Landwirtschaftliche Ursachen hoher Sulfatgehalte in gefördertem Trinkwasser
(2005-03-18)Increasing sulphur concentrations in groundwater raise a problem for many waterworks. This dissertation explores the influence of agricultural land use on the sulphur concentration of seepage ... -
Laboruntersuchungen zum langfristigen Denitrifikationspotential im oberflächennahen Grundwasser hydromorpher Mineralböden Nordwestdeutschlands
(2004-02-19)In the shallow groundwater of hydromorphic soils denitrification plays an important role for reducing nitrate and production of nitrous oxide. Depending on the presence of fossil or recent ... -
Transport von Wasser, Soluten und Dispersionen in wasserungesättigtem Sand
(2003-12-11)The pattern of water and solute movement in layered sand was investigated in a series of lysimeter experiments in the laboratory. Cuboid glass lysimeters of varying sizes (approximately ... -
Phosphordüngewirkung von Klärschlämmen aus Klärwerken mit Phosphateliminierung durch Eisensalze
(2003-03-20)Sewage sludge is treated with iron salts in order to precipitate Phosphate in city purification plants. The objective of this research was to investigate the fertilizer effectivity of the ... -
Wasserbewegung und Stofftransport in Pelosolen am Beispiel des Südniedersächsischen Röt (Oberer Buntsandstein)
(2002-02-25)Former studies of modeling water and nutrient balance sizes lead to the question, if ordinary model concepts are applicable in structured soils with high clay content (e.g. vertisols). These ...