Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Theuvsen, Ludwig Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 63
Betriebswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen von Alternativen zur betäubungslosen Ferkelkastration
(2024-12-09)Piglet castration without anaesthesia has long been a common practice in pig farming to avoid boar taint in meat and to produce a homogeneous carcass. Due to the growing societal awareness of animal welfare, this practice ... -
Analyse des Liquiditätsmanagements in landwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen am Beispiel von niedersächsischen Milchviehbetrieben
(2023-12-08)Dairy farms are increasingly exposed to volatile prices for both milk and input factors in milk pro- duction. Price fluctuations in the world market are more strongly reflected in the EU internal mar- ket than before due ... -
Intention, Impact and Commitment in Geographical Indication of Origin: The Case of Kintamani Bali Arabica Coffee
(2023-04-25)Market extension and differentiation strategies that specify products based on the geographical indication of origins (GIs) play an important role in countering the impact of neoliberal policy in the agri-food industry. ... -
Ausgewählte Aspekte des Personalmanagements in der Landwirtschaft
(2023-03-31)For centuries, agriculture was the economic sector in which the majority of people worked. Due to industrialisation, structural change and mechanisation, German agriculture has changed considerably in recent decades. This ... -
Autonome Feldroboter in der Landwirtschaft: Akzeptanz und Nutzungsbereitschaft
(2021-12-01)In the course of the fourth industrial revolution currently taking place, (partly) autonomous vehicle concepts are increasingly attracting media attention and thus gaining social and political relevance. This development ... -
Mental Models of Behavior Change: Can Mindfulness and Spirituality support Sustainable Food Consumption ?
(2020-12-02)This dissertation explores the relationship between sustainable food consumerism and mental models. A special focus is placed on the concepts of spirituality and mindfulness as they inform and alter the mental processing ... -
Das Nutzererlebnis als Erfolgsfaktor im digitalen Vertrieb: Eine neuroökonomische und verhaltenspsychologische Untersuchung für den Absatz von Wein im Internet.
(2020-11-03)The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of emotions on shopping behaviour, attitudes and the perception of a wine selling online shop. In addition, the impact of individual web page elements on emotions and ... -
Organizational structures, gender roles and performance of smallholders in Africa – Insights from the Nigerian shrimp and prawn sector
(2020-08-06)Agriculture is important for most of the world’s poor population not only as a source of income but defense against hunger. Over the last three decades, agricultural supply chain organizational structures in developing ... -
Customer Engagement in the German Wine Industry
(2020-02-06)Over the last decade, customers have become more interactive and networked. This is mainly due to the rise of social media allowing customers to exchange almost anytime. In this vein, the new field of customer engagement ... -
An investigation into the achievement of critical mass in digital agricultural startups based on an analysis of German farm management startups
(2019-08-23)According to the report of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, due to population growth, food production must increase by 70% by 2050 to meet rising demand (FAO, 2009). Digital agricultural ... -
The Dairy Supply Chain in Southern Brazil: Structure – Efficiency – Competitiveness
(2019-04-23)The dairy sector in developing countries and emerging economies such as Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, India, Colombia among others represents a very important source of income for small family farms. Promoting the competitiveness ... -
Ernährungsphysiologische Bewertung von Spirulina platensis für den Einsatz in nachhaltig ressourcenschonenden Ernährungskonzepten der Schweine- und Hähnchenmast
(2019-04-16)To date, the traditionally used soybean meal (SBM), with a relatively favorable amino acid composition, serves as the main protein source in the diets of pig and poultry. However, due to the increasing world population, ... -
Contract Farming in Vietnam: Empirical Research on Marketing Determinants, Farm Performance and Technical Efficiency of the Export-oriented Rice Sector in the Mekong River Delta
(2019-01-25)Better market linkages and higher farm benefits for smallholder farmers in emerging and developing economies have received remarkable attention worldwide (Minot and Roy, 2007; Kumar et al., 2011). In this regard, contract ... -
Analysen zur Glyphosatanwendung im Ackerbau – Ertragseffekte, Anwendungsmuster und Bestimmungsfaktoren
(2019-01-24)Glyphosate is the most commonly used active ingredient in pesticides in the world. However, in Germany, as in the rest of the European Union, its use is surrounded by controversy: Should its use continue to be approved? ... -
Internationalization and diversification strategies of companies from emerging economies: the case of fresh fruit export companies from Chile
(2018-12-03)The food and agricultural value chains have experienced constant changes throughout the last decades having important organizational and economic implications that have shaped global markets. Among these changes, a rapid ... -
Wine and innovation - Consumer acceptance of new grape varieties and wine packaging
(2018-12-03)„Wine and Innovation – Consumer Acceptance of New Grape Varieties and Wine Packaging“ Wine has deep roots in the European culture. Therefore, it is not surprising that around 60 percent of the world’s wine production comes ... -
Capacity development of small-scale farmers in developing countries: Analysis of preferences and the role of information and communication technologies
(2018-11-19)Capacity development through agricultural training is a proven approach to enhance the management skills of small-scale farmers in developing countries, aiming to increase their standard of living in the long run. Yet, ... -
Landwirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Community Supported Agriculture als innovative Nische
(2018-10-15)In recent years Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), an innovative grassroots movement connecting consumers with a local farm, has rapidly spread across Germany and other industrialized countries. An increasing number ... -
Agriculture-Nutrition Linkages in the Kenyan Small Farm Sector: The Role of Commercialization, Technology Adoption, and Extension
(2018-05-22)Global hunger, malnutrition, and poverty have declined over the past decades, but a situation of food and nutrition security for all is yet to be achieved, and extreme poverty is still widespread. Around 800 million people ... -
Tierwohl in der Fleischbranche Label - Verbrauchereinstellungen - Vermarktungswege
(2017-10-18)The growing criticism of consumers on livestock farming, the never-ending negative media coverage on livestock production systems, and the intense political discourse on options to improve the welfare standard of farm ...