Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Tscharntke, Teja Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 74
Diversity and pest control services of birds and bats in Peruvian agroforestry landscapes of native cacao
(2024-07-31)Commodity production in the tropics represents a threat for nature conservation, but also an opportunity for developing socio-ecologically sustainable agricultural practices. Cacao production in agroforestry systems has ... -
Local and landscape threats to bee and wasp populations in agricultural landscapes
(2023-12-01)The transformation and intensified use of the agricultural landscape in central Germany in the past decades has led to the fragmentation and loss of semi-natural habitats, threatening biodiversity including insects. Bees ... -
Diversified Farming Systems – An evaluation of ecological benefits, economic costs & risks farmers face
(2023-03-17)Biodiversity and associated ecosystem services in cultural landscapes are declining due to increasing agricultural production. Human population growth and changing consumption patterns cause higher demands on agricultural ... -
Biodiversity and ecosystem services in a tropical smallholder landscape in Madagascar
(2023-01-20)The overarching theme of this thesis is how biodiversity and ecosystem services respond to land-use change by smallholder farming in north-eastern Madagascar. The region is a global biodiversity hotspot and a major vanilla ... -
Pollinators and Ecosystem Services in an Oil Palm Transformation Landscape
(2022-09-27)Insect pollination is an economically important ecosystem service that depends heavily on wild pollinators. Landscape transformation caused by conversion to agriculture threatens habitats of wild pollinators, reducing their ... -
Farmland biodiversity and associated ecosystem services across tropical rural- urban landscapes
(2022-07-20)Driven by the unprecedented growth of human populations, cities all over the globe are expanding. Especially Asia and Africa are hotspots of current and future urbanization. As cities grow, they extend in area, sprawling ... -
Butterfly diversity and land manager decision-making in critically endangered South African renosterveld
(2022-07-11)Addressing global biodiversity loss requires understanding complex human-nature relations. This is imperative in global biodiversity hotspots, areas that contain exceptional endemism and have lost significant amounts of ... -
Performance of organic and conventional crop varieties and species mixtures under stress
(2022-02-24)The conservation of agrobiodiversity is considered a priority to ensure the sustainability and sovereignty of food production under changing climatic and socio-economic conditions. In this context, substantial value is ... -
Plant-pollinator networks in fragmented calcareous grasslands
(2021-04-23)Understanding the dynamics of species interactions under the threats of habitat loss and fragmentation can be key to develop measures preventing further degradation of natural and agricultural systems. Agroecological ... -
Coffee Productivity and Water Use in Open vs Shaded Systems along an Altitudinal Gradient at Mt. Elgon, Uganda
(2021-02-05)Coffee is one of the most important agricultural products worldwide. It provides the livelihood of 25 million farmers in tropical countries and of approximately 125 million people along the production chain. Furthermore, ... -
Managing strawberry pollination with wild bees and honey bees: Facilitation or competition by mass-flowering resources?
(2020-12-03)Pollination can benefit the yield and quality of the majority of the world’s most important crops and has a great economic value. But today, pollinator abundance and species richness are in decline. One factor driving these ... -
Cocoa pollination as a potential yield driver under changing management and climate
(2020-08-24)In my doctoral research, I combined a literature review with field experiments to investigate the pollination ecology of cocoa, the third largest export commodity worldwide. The aim of my work was to elucidate the potential ... -
Effects of local and landscape scale factors on ant diversity and biocontrol of the coffee berry borer in Colombia
(2018-08-07)The coffee berry borer –CBB- (Hypothenemus hampei) is the economically most important pest of coffee worldwide. Within the Integrated Pest Management –IPM- strategy for this borer, the biological control component has ... -
Local and Landscape Effects on Arthropod Communities along an Arable-Urban Gradient
(2018-05-14)The increase and expansion of urbanisation and agriculture intensification has led to a decrease of natural habitats worldwide. Natural habitats offer resources such as food or nesting sites for different arthropod groups. ... -
Biodiversity and ecosystem processes in an experimental island system
(2018-02-16)The field of island research is one of the best researched topics in ecological and evolutionary research. As islands are spatially restricted and basic principles of island colonization are investigated, they display one ... -
Scaling of Animal Communities: From Local and Landscape to Global Processes
(2017-12-12)Animal communities are influenced by processes changing from the local to global scale. Local processes include resource and habitat availability, while landscape processes are often driven by habitat availability and ... -
Landscape heterogeneity affects arthropod functional diversity and biological pest control
(2017-12-07)Land-use change is a major cause of biodiversity loss. In agricultural landscapes, which cover 40% of European land, changes in land-use are spatially and temporally very dynamic, thereby changing the organisms’ habitat ... -
Technical and environmental efficiency of smallholder palm oil and rubber production
(2017-08-10)As part of the CRC 990: “Ecological and Socioeconomic Functions of Tropical Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)” of the University of Göttingen, this thesis is devoted to the subject of the ... -
A Spatially Explicit Individual-Based Model of the Population Dynamics of the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), Encarsia formosa and tomato powdery mildew (Oidium neolycopersici) in Tomato Crops.
(2017-07-18)The greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum – Westwood is one of the most important insect pests in crops. The spatial dynamics and population grow of the insects are affected by different biotic and abiotic factors ... -
Intensification of paddy cultivation in relation to changing agrobiodiversity patterns and social-ecological processes in South India
(2016-07-01)Around the globe, natural and agrarian landscapes are subject to agricultural intensification to meet the increasing and changing demands for resources of the growing population. This intensification takes place at two ...