Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Hummel, Jürgen Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Effect of carbohydrate composition of the diet and ruminal fluid passage on microbial transformations in the rumen
(2024-02-09)The aim of this study was to investigate certain effects on the microbial crude protein (MCP) production in the rumen and to investigate mechanisms which could promote the ruminal MCP yield to enhance the MCP supply to the ... -
Assessing the relevance of fluid dilution rate for ruminal metabolism in cattle and sheep
(2023-06-07)Ruminants evolved a forestomach in which plant materials are fermented with the help of ruminal symbiotic microbes. Ruminal microbes use the ingested materials to proliferate, and produce volatile fatty acids which are ... -
Molekulargenetische und proteinanalytische Untersuchungen trächtigkeitsassoziierter Glykoproteine beim Rind
(2022-10-11)The dissertation addresses molecular genetic and protein analytical studies of bo-vine pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (boPAGs) and their practical application as pregnancy markers. Bovine PAGs are expressed by trophoblast ... -
Potential for Sustainable Poultry Production Based on Local Chicken Breeds and Regional Protein Plants
(2022-03-22)During the 20th century, poultry production evolved to a highly specific sector with special chicken lines for egg production on the one hand and meat production on the other. While of broilers both sexes can be used for ... -
Advanced statistical modeling of complex traits related to subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows
(2021-05-17)Adequate feeding of lactating cows is particularly challenging for high-performing animals. In this respect, subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is considered the most important nutritional disease. Its emergence is promoted ... -
Pig tail biting in different farrowing and rearing systems with a focus on tail lesions, tail losses and activity monitoring
(2020-07-22)Tail biting is a widespread behavioural disorder in modern pig housing systems. It is defined as an oral manipulation of a pig’s tail by another. Different types of tail biting are described throughout the literature which ... -
Untersuchung exogener Einflüsse auf den Reproduktionserfolg des Rindes unter Anwendung von In-vitro-Verfahren
(2020-06-03)This thesis deals with the analysis of various exogenous factors on the reproductive suc-cess of cattle by application of in vitro methods. Possible effects of semen type (conventional vs. female sexed) and calf ... -
Identification of molecular-genetic causes for osteogenesis imperfecta, interdigital hyperplasia and ribosomopathies in cattle
(2020-02-06)Musculoskeletal anomalies are a heterogeneous group of fairly common, often with severe clinical symptoms, but mostly fatal disorders in human and animals. By far, complex vertebral malformation (CVM) and Brachyspina are ... -
Molekulargenetische Analysen fortpflanzungsrelevanter Fragestellungen beim landwirtschaftlichen Nutztier
(2018-12-04)This dissertation addresses two topics that are relevant for the reproduction of live-stock. The first part of the thesis describes genetic and environmental factors influenc-ing sperm quality in ejaculates of artificial ... -
Tube-Pellets als Alternative zur konventionellen Kryokonservierung
(2018-07-17)Since the introduction of the genomic selection, insemination centers are function with genomically proofed young bulls at the age of 10 months onwards (MELBAUM et al., 2016). Young bulls have a reduced ejaculate volume ... -
Distribution of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in clinically asymptomatic bulls and different non-ruminant species
(2017-09-07)Paratuberculosis is a disease of global distribution, which mainly occurs in ruminants. The disease is triggered by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), which causes a chronic, degenerative granulomatous ... -
Studies on Chicken Hatchability and Its Relation with Egg Yolk Metabolites
(2017-03-27)Hatchability is an important trait for the chicken industry because of its high impact on chicken output. The embryonic survival ability in fertile eggs is greatly influenced by the offspring genotype and the quality of ... -
Studies on the Ascaridia galli embryonal stages, potential maternal protection and immune response in chicken
(2017-01-19)Regarding to a lack of experimental infection models and different maturation ability of Ascaridia galli egg sources (Worm uteri and faeces) in a first study (Paper 1), A.galli eggs isolated from two different sources ... -
Aufklärung aktueller tierzüchterischer und verbraucherrelevanter Fragestellungen durch molekulargenetische Strategien
(2014-08-26)Claw diseases and disorders are the third leading reason for dairy cows leaving the herds and 90% of lameness cases are due to various claw diseases. As part of the FUGATO-plus GENE-FL project, the genetic causes of ...