Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Wicke, Michael Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Predicting the intramuscular fat content in porcine M. longissimus via ultrasound spectral analysis with consideration of structural and compositional traits
(2011-05-10)This study aimed at improving the prediction of intramuscular fat (IMF) in porcine musculus longissimus via spectral analysis of the backscattered ultrasound signal on intact hot carcasses. ... -
Reputationsmanagement im Agribusiness
(2010-04-27)German agribusiness has run through a profound process of change during the past few years. Especially the development between agribusiness and society proceeded separatly to a large extent, ... -
Evaluierung verschiedener haltungstechnischer und prozesstechnischer Einflussfaktoren auf das Futteraufnahmeverhalten und die Wachstumsleisung von abgesetzten Ferkeln
(2009-10-29)The effect of various housing and process-related factors on growth performance and behaviour of weaned piglets was evaluated in the present study. Comparative studies were carried out to ... -
Verbraucherverhalten und Supply Chain Management: Herausforderungen für Unternehmen des Agribusiness
(2009-01-27)Throughout recent decades, floods of new approaches to better integrate individual behaviour of market actors into marketing and microeconomic theory have been developed. In agribusiness ... -
Einfluss von Herkunft und Alter auf Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualitätsmerkmale von Puten
(2007-02-07)In literature as well as on relevant congresses, reports about faults in meat quality are increasing. For reasons, unbalanced selection on high carcass weights, better convertion of nutrients ... -
Risikoaspekte der Fleischerzeugung
(2006-08-14)This work at hand has two aims. On the one hand it aims at identifying and presenting coherently the risks of the line of meat production from a scientific point of view. On the other hand ...