Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Winckler, Christoph Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Einfluss von Haltung und Management auf das Tierwohl in der Milchviehhaltung
(2018-10-02)The main objective of this Phd-study was to examine the effect of different housing and management factors on the animal welfare level in dairy cattle. Therefore, 85 conventional dairy cattle farms were assessed using ... -
Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung - Status quo sowie (Weiter-) Entwicklung, Anwendung und Beurteilung eines präventiven Konzeptes zur Herdengesundheitsplanung
(2012-08-09)The prevention of animal health problems is crucial in organic livestock farming: this may be achieved by choosing appropriate animal housing conditions as well as suitable breeds and, offering high quality feedstuffs, ... -
Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung - Status quo sowie (Weiter-) Entwicklung, Anwendung und Beurteilung eines präventiven Konzeptes zur Herdengesundheitsplanung
(2012-08-09)The prevention of animal health problems is crucial in organic livestock farming: this may be achieved by choosing appropriate animal housing conditions as well as suitable breeds and, offering high quality feedstuffs, ... -
Verhalten von ausgewählten Tetrazyklinen und Sulfonamiden in Wirtschaftsdünger und in Böden
(2004-11-29)Veterinary antibiotics, mainly tetracyclines and sulphonamides, are commonly used in intensive livestock production. In 1999, the use of antibiotics in the EU and Switzerland amounted to ...