Browsing Philosophische Fakultät by Advisor & Referee "Bendix, Regina Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Gewalt gegen syrische Frauen: Eine Feldstudie über die Lebensverhältnisse der syrischen Frauen im Flüchtlingslager Zaatari in Al-Mafrag, Jordanien
(2024-08-09)This Chapter analyzes the living conditions of female Syrian refugees at the largest camp in this world “Zaatari” from a gender perspective, specifically addressing the violence towards women. This research discusses the ... -
The Politics of Dance and The Poetics of Space: Kurdish Dances in Germany
(2023-05-23)Due to intellectual property rights the abstract of this work is not availabe online. -
Humanitäres Regieren und die Flucht aus Syrien. Ethnographische Untersuchungen zum Migrations- und Grenzregime im Libanon
(2021-01-06)This cumulative dissertation examines current developments in dealing with displacement from Syria and focuses on the role of humanitarianism in the migration and border regime. In doing so, it researches in particular two ... -
Serialität der Romanhefte
(2020-08-07)German dime novels (in German: Romanhefte) are a rare opportunity for scholars of German literature, to study their serial narrative forms and variants. In the past the German research only focused on the didactically and ... -
Die Aushandlung von Zugehörigkeit und Differenz im Geschichtsunterricht
(2020-03-04)The study explores the significance of history for the enculturation and subjectification of the individual into society, and the production of social reality in the context of history lessons in school. Based on a ... -
Listening Out for Sangīt Encounters
(2018-03-02)In this book, I explore frictions over musical details as indicative of a field of tension between musical knowledge and power that is thoroughly intertwined with its academic study. To do justice to this complexity, in ... -
The Sonorous Spectacle
(2018-01-30)The Sonorous Spectacle World Music Performance Practices as Discourse aims to situate contemporary world music performance practice as a sonorous spectacle. It does so in order to shed light on the power relations involved ... -
Ende des neuseeländischen Kinos?
(2016-12-13)New Zealand is a young post-colonial nation that has only been able to emancipate itself from England after a lengthy nation-building process. Even nowadays, New Zealand’s national identity is rather fragile. The process ... -
Wege ins Erwachsenenleben
(2012-09-24)This book contains one of the few long-term studies about young people and their integration into the world of grown-ups and into the economy. A school-class in north-western Switzerland is 2003 in it's last year. The ... -
Gesundheitsselbsthilfe - eine Felduntersuchung am Beispiel Göttingens
(2007-06-01)The political debate on health care during the past decades has increasingly demanded the withdrawal of the state from the health care system and the transfer of responsibility to the individual citizen.The direct ...