Browsing Philosophische Fakultät by Advisor & Referee "Florack, Ruth Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Luise Mejer. Briefe 1778 bis 1786
(2024-10-08)Letters from Luise Justine Mejer (1746-1786) to her friend Charlotte Sophie Henriette Kestner, née Buff (1753-1828) and others. With an introduction and annotations. Supplement to Mejer's extensive correspondence with her ... -
Romane als Sittenlehren - Zum Verhältnis zwischen galantem und empfindsamem Roman
(2020-08-31)Calculation and superficiality versus sensitivity and subjectivity – over the course of the 20th century, the field of literature has constructed this opposition to delineate the relationship between literary gallantry and ... -
Die Literatur und der Kampf um die Weltanschauung
(2019-06-06)This study is dedicated to the interdependence of ideological arguments and literary production in the early 20th century. Its starting point is the hardly proven claim that there is a close connection between literature ... -
Die Verzeitlichung des Lebens und die Emergenz moderner Generationalität bei Freytag, Stifter, Lermontov und Dostoevskij
(2017-03-16)This comparative study takes Reinhart Koselleck's theory of Verzeitlichung (temporalization) as a point of departure for a new perspective on the emergence of modern generationality in the 19th century. Regarding four major ... -
Es ist bloß ein Anstoß von Schwindel.
(2014-05-16)Research on the phenomenon of unconsciousness in German literature of the 18th and early 19th centuries is characterized by a gap. The present study aims to fill this gap, at least partially, by developing a new typology. ... -
Historisches Rauschen. Das geschichtslyrische Werk Thomas Klings
(2012-01-09)When the German poet and essayist Thomas Kling died in April 2005, he was widely regarded as a historian among the poets (Cornelia Jentzsch) whose poetry not only deals with history in ...