Browsing Philosophische Fakultät by Advisor & Referee "Habermas, Rebekka Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Exploring Migrant Lives
(2023-08-10)The thesis investigates the mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion for non-elite South Asian migrants in European port cities in the interwar period through the lens of two historic biographies. The focus of the study is ... -
War as Family Affair: The Role of African Women in World War One in German East Africa, 1914-1918
(2023-07-07)This study explores the role of African women during WWI in German East Africa in the period from 1914 to 1918. Historically, like women in other parts of the world, African women have contributed to the war efforts in ... -
Negotiating Women`s Labour: Women Farmers, State, and Society in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, 1885-2000
(2019-01-30)Abstract This research analyses “The negotiations for women farmers’ labour: Women Farmers, State, and Society in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, 1885-2000”. The study aims at researching the interaction of women ... -
(2018-02-28)This doctoral thesis investigates women’s political participation during the revolutions of 1848/49 from a European perspective. The study is based on the notion that the revolutions of 1848/49 marked the emergence of ... -
Loyal and Elegant Subjects of the Sublime State
(2018-02-19)In this study I am scrutinizing the politics of dress and especially the emergence of male bourgeois dress in the late Ottoman Empire and early Turkish Republic. Beginning with the official implementation of new dress ... -
"Strengste Verschwiegenheit auf Manneswort" - Eine Analyse von Heiratsannoncen im Kaiserreich
(2017-12-05)This thesis analyses an ideal fitting to the requirements of a communicative situation, consisting of the requirements of the 19th century marriage market and media dispositive in a restricted and criticized space of ... -
Wissen und Schädel - Wissenstransfer und Sammlungsgenerierung durch Johann Friedrich Blumenbachs Gelehrtenbriefwechsel
(2017-09-26)Johann Friedrich Blumenbach conducted an extensive academic correspondence, which included contacts on a number of different continents. This enabled Blumenbach to obtain knowledge and objects, which influenced and shaped ... -
Sammeln für die Wissenschaft?
(2010-08-25)Plans from 1733 already suggested equipping the University of Göttingen with a natural history collection. Only in 1773, however, did the Georgia Augusta obtain a so called Academic Museum. Its collection contained ... -
Ein Heer ist ein großes gefräßiges Tier
(2002-01-16)The thesis describes every day´s life during the war in Italy from the joining of Spain to the league of Cambrai in 1509 until the end of the war against Florence in 1530. It does not focus ... -
Repräsentationen von Geschichte in südchilenischer Lyrik nach 1973
(2001-10-02)This thesis explores the view of history found in modern Chilean poetry by examining selected works of five Chilean poets. Based on the assumption that since the military overthrow of 1973 ...