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Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Grenzfälle der Fiktionalität 

      Pahlke, Alexander Florian (2023-02-23)
      We repeatedly encounter fictional texts both within and outside literary studies. However, such texts often do not seem to be purely fictional, but contain borrowings from reality or even (supposedly) non-fictional elements. ...
    • Theory of Mind in der Rezeption literarischer Erzähltexte 

      Luther, Stefanie (2018-06-06)
      The term 'Theory of Mind' refers to the ability of healthy adults to attribute different mental attitudes to themselves and others. This dissertation deals with the question of what role this particular area of human ...
    • Zur Ontologie fiktiver Entitäten und ihrer Beschreibung in der Fiktionstheorie und Literaturwissenschaft 

      Bruhns, Adrian (2017-08-02)
      The way we describe fictional entities in different contexts suggests conflicting ontologies. For example, we sometimes explicitly deny the existence of Sherlock Holmes („Holmes doesn’t really exist“), while at other times ...