Browsing Philosophische Fakultät by Advisor & Referee "Paatz, Annette Dr. PD"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Novela chilena, mercado editorial transnacional y configuración del capital cultural en el campo literario del siglo XXI
(2023-07-28)The following doctoral thesis addresses the relationship between the transnational publishing market in Spanish and the development of a national literature, in this case focusing on the Chilean novel narrative of the late ... -
Violencia y representación.
(2021-07-12)The violent onset of the Chilean military dictatorship on September 11, 1973 brought the immediate deployment of state terrorism, censorship and simulation as the main devices to achieve discipline and clean the political ... -
Textualización del cuerpo en la narrativa de Diamela Eltit
(2016-01-20)The research "Textualization of the Body in Diamela Eltit´s Narrative" consists of an analysis of seven novels of the Chilean writer Diamela Eltit (1949*, Santiago de Chile), with a focus on the description of the physical ...