Browsing Philosophische Fakultät by Advisor & Referee "Scholl, Christian PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Die Möbel Philip Speakman Webbs oder Das Verhältnis von Kunst und Arbeit bei Morris & Co.
(2020-10-27)The presented work is dedicated to the creation of the first systematic catalogue of the furniture work of Philip Speakman Webb (1834–1915). Webb was a close companion of William Morris (1834– 1896). With their interior ... -
Visuelle Bekenntnisse. Die bildliche Ausstattung Schaumburger Dorfkirchen und ihre vor- und nachreformatorische Botschaft
(2017-10-25)The efforts to renew the church structures, which began in the early sixteenth century, had serious consequences, for, at the end of the twentieth century, two different confessions emerged. Without question, this religious ... -
Das Zitat in der Architektur am Beispiel der Pantheonrezeption
(2017-03-15)In context with the reception of architecture the German-speaking word ‘Zitat’ (quotation) is often used. As frequently this term is used, as numerous are the meanings, which are given to the word ‘Zitat’ in the texts. ... -
Verhüllung als Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert
(2015-05-06)The present dissertation discusses the phenomenon of “veiling as art form" looking at pieces of art by Man Ray, Maurice Henry, Allan Kaprow, Joseph Beuys, Bruce Nauman, Franz Erhard Walther, Antoni Tapies, Joseph Kosuth, ...