Browsing Philosophische Fakultät by Advisor & Referee "Sternberg-el Hotabi, Heike Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Zum Wandel des Priesterbildes im römerzeitlichen Ägypten
(2024-08-07)This dissertation is an interdisciplinary analysis of the traditional priests in Roman Egypt, with a focus on the first centuries, the imperial period. The underlying question is whether the priests as ritual experts ... -
Treatment by Medicine and Magic in Coptic Texts "A Linguistic and Cultural study"
(2022-06-24)This thesis examines the evidence for healing practices in the Post-pharaonic and Early Islamic periods in Egypt. It uses all Coptic medical and magico-medical sources in the IV-XI centuries CE. This thesis investigates ... -
Shenoute, Besa and the Bible
(2022-02-28)This study sees itself as part of the larger field of intertextuality studies and examines, using the latest digital text reuse technology, the reuse of biblical texts in the writings of two Late Antique Christian authors ... -
Arbeitsorganisation, Produktionsverfahren und Werktechnik -
(2005-05-25)Joseph-Étienne Gautier and Gustave Jéquier discovered a cachette of ten seated statues of esostri I (CG 411- CG 420 at Lisht o ecember 21st 1894 find was not subjec historical examination ... -
Untersuchungen zum Schatzhaus im Neuen Reich
(2002-05-03)The book studies architectural, administrative and economic aspects of the so-called treasury, an institution of Ancient Egyptian state economy during the New Kingdom (1500-1000 BCE). The study shows that the institution ...