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Now showing items 1-18 of 18

    • Grenzfälle der Fiktionalität 

      Pahlke, Alexander Florian (2023-02-23)
      We repeatedly encounter fictional texts both within and outside literary studies. However, such texts often do not seem to be purely fictional, but contain borrowings from reality or even (supposedly) non-fictional elements. ...
    • Raumsemantik in deutschsprachigen Liebesromanen des 21. Jahrhunderts 

      Schwaner, Astrid (2022-01-31)
      Narrated spaces in literary texts are a central factor in the construction of reality and can fulfil other literary functions: For example, they can characterise characters, motivate actions or express discourse positions. ...
    • Formen und Verfahren des Seriellen in der Kölnischen Zeitung (1850–1890) 

      Grumbrecht, Fabian (2021-08-30)
      This study focuses on the manifestations of popular seriality in the daily political newspaper Kölnische Zeitung in the light of the paper’s specific medial organizing principles. Arranged according to the decades from ...
    • Romane als Sittenlehren - Zum Verhältnis zwischen galantem und empfindsamem Roman 

      Züll, Stephanie (2020-08-31)
      Calculation and superficiality versus sensitivity and subjectivity – over the course of the 20th century, the field of literature has constructed this opposition to delineate the relationship between literary gallantry and ...
    • Dachmarke Literatur 

      Löher, Carolin (2020-03-09)
      In 1986, the first House of Literature (Literaturhaus) opened in Berlin, a literary mediation actor with a year-round offer and a permanent location. Further foundations followed in other cities – from 2005 also in ...
    • Poetik des autobiografischen Blogs 

      Michelbach, Elisabeth (2020-01-03)
      As poetics of the blog this study combines a theoretical approach (Poetologie) with different showcases of autobiographical writing in blogs (Schreibweisen). Poetologie focuses initially on the medium of the blog, which ...
    • Die Wortkrieger des Web 2.0 

      Ingelmann, Julian (2019-12-19)
      In the age of digitalization, numerous actors take part in the literary field that previously only played a role as a “quiet consumer”. Many of them organize themselves in writing forums, where they publish their texts and ...
    • Die Literatur und der Kampf um die Weltanschauung 

      Heine, Philipp David (2019-06-06)
      This study is dedicated to the interdependence of ideological arguments and literary production in the early 20th century. Its starting point is the hardly proven claim that there is a close connection between literature ...
    • Life after Harry 

      Fitz, Victoria (2018-08-15)
      Do novels like Inkheart, Twilight, Percy Jackson, The Hunger Games, or Ruby Red share specific genre characteristics with Harry Potter? Is there perhaps even a specific genre of post-Potter literature? This thesis discusses ...
    • Zwischen Interaktion und Narration: 

      Matuszkiewicz, Kai (2018-07-20)
      Since the beginning of the Digital Game Studies in the 1980’s, the relationship between interactive and narrative elements of hybrid digital games has been an important issue. Are digital games texts, stories, simulations ...
    • Von der Wirkung zur Wertung 

      Rahmann, Kathrin (2018-06-12)
      The study explores the role and importance of aesthetic literary values in the jury discussions of the Ingeborg-Bachmann-Prize. Aesthetic value is a topic of considerable controversy in contemporary literary theory. The ...
    • Texte für das Theaterspiel von Kindern und Jugendlichen im ‚Dritten Reich‘ 

      Korte, Barbara (2017-05-08)
      The field of stage plays for children and adolescents in National Socialist Germany has been a mostly neglected research topic. This dissertation aims to fill that research gap, at least partially, by introducing and ...
    • Strategien der Desorientierung in der postmodernen Prosa 

      Siwiec, Kamil (2016-06-29)
      The effect of the disorientation develops as result of repetitive attempts of the aestheticization of phenomena, which are in a literary text not representable or hardly representable. It is maintained from there, the ...
    • »Wer konkurriert womit worum?« Ein neues Literaturpreis-Modell 

      Dahnke, Michael (2016-06-14)
      Literary prizes are a phenomenon of twentieth century. Notably, they have become vastly numerous in German speaking area in the course of the last four decades. Extensive research over several years has shown that for ...
    • "Ich dichte in die wüste Zeit" - Ich-Konstruktionen in der Lyrik der deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller_innen Israels 

      Poppe, Judith (2016-02-01)
      This study examines a subject that has been disregarded in literary history, namely Israeli literature written in the German language. Two authors, Jenny Aloni and Netti Boleslav, as well as their poetry, are used as ...
    • Von Bremen in die Anderswelt 

      Bobzin, Henning (2015-06-04)
      This study is the first monograph exclusively covering the oeuvre of the German contemporary author Alban Nikolai Herbst. It centres on his main works – a loose pentalogy starting with Die Verwirrung des Gemüts (1983), ...
    • Trauer in der deutschen Nachkriegslyrik. Zur Emotionsgestaltung bei Günter Eich, Marie Luise Kaschnitz und Nelly Sachs 

      Fenner, Anna Magdalena (2015-03-23)
      The study examines the expression of sadness in the poetry of Günter Eich, Marie Luise Kaschnitz, and Nelly Sachs published between 1945 and 1960. Taking into account that emotions can be represented and expressed on all ...
    • Das Buch im Buch. Untersuchungen zu einem Motiv in der gegenwärtigen literarischen Kommunikation 

      Bayer-Schur, Barbara (2011-12-06)
      The position of the book as key cultural communication medium has been surrendered to electronic and digital media. However, this break with traditional media has been the catalyst for a ...